The Ancestral Influence of Kim Taehyung


Subject: Kim Taehyung, born December 30, 1995 — Capricorn

Performed: November 22, 2018

Original Post Date: December 7, 2018

Spread: Ancestral influence, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: Celtic Tree Oracle by Sharlyn Hidalgo and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Details: The Ancestral Influence reading is designed to show the accumulated karma, blessings, and general influences of an individual’s soul and blood connections.


*This reading is featured as part of the December BTS Overload special and was chosen through voting.


Good lord, right off the bat with this one there was this crazy high-vibe energy swooping the fuck in as soon as I made my intentions with this reading clear. Without a doubt, as you will see in this reading, Taehyung has so much support from his ancestors, which honestly I’ll just be referring to as his Guardians, because that what they are, lol. There is energy constantly being lent to him, there is a lot of “help” being given by the Guardians to his Guides, so… he’s pretty much had a red carpet rolled out for him in terms of things just working out for him, being in the right place at the right time, having a lot of “luck” here and there.

There was this image of money, like a lot of money, and I heard more than one voice all at once say, “he earned it.” I actually had that happen in a recent reading I did through my shop where I was speaking to someone’s ancestors and they were explaining to me that they were helping them through life, making sure they had a clear path every time they shifted over specifically because they struggled so much in a lifetime in which those ancestors were still alive. They witnessed that struggle and then waited for them to reincarnate in a lifetime where they would be able to have more influence, and they would pretty much make sure they got what they wanted this time around. That’s what this feels like.

So, they are ensuring money, success, and stability for him, so like… even if he wasn’t bound by the soul to have met the guys and all of that, he would have been extremely successful and probably famous for something else. With that level of energy they are constantly building up this momentum behind him, so they’re not really getting in his way or picking him up and putting him down where he needs to be, he has all the freedom in the world, but that momentum sort of opens these doors for him, and he just knows on a soul level, through the Higher Self that that is where he needs to go. It’s all very balanced, but he’s very protected in terms of his quality of life.

There is also influence over his relationships, and I was seeing him being handed a map, and it was sort of a “point A, to point B, to point C” kind of thing which made me think that they like… drop hints, I guess, about where he needs to go and how to do certain things that he wants to do with his life. It’s all very focused on external things though, not a huge amount of focus internally. Some, but not a lot.


This all just kind of runs with what I was saying in terms of him having things laid out for him in a way, almost like parents leaving Easter eggs in really obvious places for their kids to find.

The Empress is that fertile soil where literally anything that he wants to plant is guaranteed to grow. He is guaranteed success, all he has to do is ask for it or start moving towards something and it’s been planted. With that the Emperor is him, it’s his ability to command the space and really work a room. It’s like, no matter where he goes, he’s stable and confident specifically because there’s this sense that the ground he’s walking on is literally his. It’s not like an asshole thing, it's more of a comfortable and assured thing.

That all falls down into the glorious combination of The World, Strength, and the Page of Wands, which really reflects what I was seeing with the momentum being built up behind him while he still has the freedom to choose which direction he wants to go with it. Very, very nice.

With the set on the left it gets a little glum, but still very positive as the Queen of Pentacles is this show of him being able to find stability when things such as loss or upsets occur within in his life. He has things and people that are able to ground him and help him through that. Visually, I was seeing the Queen of Pentacles as holding a bowl rather than the Pentacles and there was this tube running through his spine then out of her stomach. Kind of graphic, but it was like cleansing the grief and the stress from the 5 of Cups and the 9 of Wands.

I honestly think it’s something to counterbalance that very dry and hot core energy that he has which upon first glance would have most people assuming that he’s emotionally dead, which he isn’t. Out of every emotion that he can express, grief and stress are the ones that flow the most specifically because they would be the ones most difficult for that core energy to process. So, it’s like his Guardians are lending him Water energy in those moments to help him process those feelings so that they don’t get stuck in there where it’s hot and dry.

This is why he has no problem crying in front of people and why he’s not good at hiding stress or fatigue, it’s coming out whether he wants it to or not.

The Reading:


For this reading there is never really a set spread, it’s just three pulls for specific messages that help bring awareness to the individual about the influence that their ancestors have on them through guidance, blessing, and karmic hand-me-downs. To make this a bit more interesting for the blog I focused in on more specific areas for each pull. Just wanted to point that out in case anyone went to get this reading for themselves from my shop and discovered it to be a bit different, lol.


22. Oir Spindle

Like I mentioned, they don’t really interfere or push him in any certain direction or do anything that knocks him away from what his Guides and Higher Self are trying to get him to do. What they do is more like clearing the paths that he chooses and making sure that the direction he has chosen to go won’t bring him any unnecessary harm or misfortune. You could almost look at them as energetic bodyguards, that are just there to intimidate people, not really get their hands dirty.

He really has so much freedom in this lifetime to do what he wants and that’s why a lot of his more fortunate moments seem to happen by accident or by luck. He’s pretty much running wild, doing his thing, and then everyone is like, “okay, time for this now,” and jump through hoops to get that something to land in front of him as an opportunity or something interesting that they know he’ll pick up.

The way they do this is interesting though. It looks like they, his Guides or Higher Self, take advantage of the fact that his Guardians have kind of conditioned him for the more luxurious and success-oriented things in life, so all they have to do, all of them together, is put him in a position where choosing the right path will get him more of what he wants specifically.

So, again there’s this balance where he’s going through these steps and kind of bouncing around through all of these external and internal energies, all of which are putting him in places that make him more and more successful, recognizable, and rich. This instills a drive within him as well to the point where he doesn’t need to be guided all the time, he just chooses on his own the path that takes him another step higher.

It’s actually really mixed up and tangled looking with how they all influence him, but it all kind of comes together as this tapestry that he can just kind of wear like a cape and fly to wherever, whenever he wants.


5. Nuin Ash | 7. Duir Oak

Okay, this is actually really fucking cool because this has to do with the Soul Body and how Taeyung’s energy center is reflected in his personality as well as his perception of things around him. Nuin Ash has to do with the macrocosm and the microcosm, or “as above, so below”, and Duir Oak has to do with sexuality and projected energy… bitch, that’s his energy center.

Taehyung’s energy center in the Soul Body is in the place of the Sacral Chakra which is like the center of sexual energy, both in the literal sense but also in the creative sense. Along with Kook, he rules over the projected energy of the Soul Body and that is why he and Kook tend to be the ones most people look at first or are more likely to gravitate towards when it comes to the more superficial aspects of them.

BASICALLY, his Guardians are ensuring that this energy is able to reverberate through him both for his benefit with success, but also because it grounds him. This is where he gets his inner stability from. It’s like this very thin line that never gets broken that runs all the way from the energy center through to the conscious mind. I don’t really know how that would play into his core energy, but I’m wondering now if that has anything to do with the fact that there are two solid Taehyung’s in his core… like… one’s the core and one is a fragment of the energy center… and because that energy is mostly based in Fire, that’s what caused the imbalance? Maybe? I don’t fucking know, lol.

Either way, this is that creative drive as well. In a way you could say that this is what made him appealing to the people that scouted him at that audition (he wasn’t even there to audition >.> interesting) and then that creative side is what secured him in that place as he was able to fulfill that creative mold as a performer. That’s actually really cool, lol.


13. Ngetal Reed

This is that momentum again, just something that is always built up behind him and is at his disposal whenever he needs it. It’s almost like Sagittarius energy with how it points to this very focused and potent burst of energy that Taehyung himself can direct on his own.

It’s like this card here really just puts a blanket over everything and sums it up and just shows that they’re behind him, they’re fueling him, and they’re making sure nothing can trip him up while he’s moving.

I heard someone shout, “RAGING!” in reference to how much they’re actually putting into him like there are a lot of people watching him and looking out for him. It’s almost like there are people literally just contributing to see how far he can actually get without having a big upset, but it is mostly out of support and guaranteeing him the life that he tried to have before in terms of quality and luxury, as well as stability.

Towards the end of this reading I did try to focus in on some of the karmic things that got passed down to him and I got a few things that were mostly, in my opinion, more personal so I can’t go into a lot of detail about it, but I can definitely say that they are helping him with that too. It has to do with the Queen of Pentacles and how that cleansing thing works, letting things pass through him, and allowing himself to process things as they come but not allowing him to focus and get stuck in any negative mindsets towards those things.

So, basically, he’s golden, lol.

That’s all I have for this one, thanks for reading!
