How do i get started reading tarot?

Always, always, always start with a Rider-Waite deck as it allows you to become more familiar with the symbolism and helps you engage on an intellectual level before diving into the more intuitive aspects of it. It’s a great way to merge the conscious and subconscious aspects of reading. This video here is fantastic for those that are brand new to it and want some information on reading tarot and developing your intuition.

What is the difference between Guides and Spirit Guides?

Depending on where you look, they can be considered the same thing, but for me, they are very different.

Guide - A being/energy that is “assigned” to handle your progression as a soul, and is put in charge of making sure you get your shit done. Most likely if you have at least 1 “Guide” you’ve signed on to do something very important in this lifetime that affects the progression and evolution of a high number of souls here.

Spirit Guide - A more important Soul Mate that was with you in a past life, but is not meant to incarnate in the current time frame. This usually happens when the individual who becomes the Spirit Guide managed to progress more in the previous lifetime while the individual who reincarnates still has things to work on. Most likely the Spirit Guide’s next incarnation is dependent on a time frame where they and the incarnate are in the same density together - sometimes this happens just because they were good friends and they want to be able to hang out again, it’s not always dramatic, lol. They just make sure you learn what you need to. People who have Spirit Guides are usually “students” — they’re here to learn and focus on their own soul progression, however, that does not negate soul purpose or fulfillment.

Do you think tarot readings on youtube are reliable?

Absolutely. When it comes to videos and general collective readings, I’d say if it resonates, then you were meant to find it and there’s a message in there for your somewhere. If it doesn’t then either that person or that video specifically just wasn’t for you.

As with anything, never try to force yourself to line up with what someone is saying. It’s never a black and white situations, and it’s never going to perfectly match you and your life 100% if it’s a general reading.

I personally like to watch weekly and monthly readings for my Sun and Risings Signs and I have a list of people that I lean towards based on soul group connection, similar energetic imprinting, and simply their personality. Some I watch more than others, but they are what I recommend to people to at least check out and see how they feel.


What decks do you recommend?

I’ve made a post here with all the decks that I have and how I use them.

can only “gifted” people read tarot?

Yes and no. Personally, I think anyone can read tarot for themselves, however, I think certain levels of awareness and skill within an individual’s conscious and unconscious abilities needs to be honed and explored deeply before they can give clear and beneficial readings for other people.

What is the difference between energy tapping and reading energy signatures?

If you were to consider a person to be like the Earth, then “tapping” would be like drilling a pipe straight down into the ground in order to find water, oil, magma, whatever to analyze and use. It gives you a better idea of the the “ingredients” in the soil, what shifts the land, what nurtures or destroys the habitats in that area.

Reading a signature would be more like pressing your hands to the Earth’s soil to feel the dewy grass, the soft and firm patches, just getting a feel for the very surface of something, the residue of what is underneath mixed with the superficial.

A “signature” is like an energetic fingerprint. If you’re into Ghost Adventures or anything like that, then I’m sure you’ve heard of a “residual haunting” — that’s all it is. Kind of like a scar in time, no different than finding a fossil etched into some rocks.

Recommendations for Education and expanding awareness

What does insert word here* mean?

I have a list of some of the terms I use here.