The Elemental Alignment of Kim Seokjin


Subject: Kim Seokjin, born December 4, 1992 — Sagittarius

Performed: June 16, 2018

Original Post Date: June 17, 2018

Video Version Uploaded: July 24, 2020

Spread: Elemental Alignment, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck Used: The Wild Unknown: Animal Spirit by Kim Krans

Time: 1 hour

Details: The Elemental Alignment reading is designed to showcase an individual's energetic alignment and balance with the elements, then compare it to that of that of the Higher Self's alignments.


*The video version includes cleaner narration and “2020 Notes” to elaborate and clarify points made in the original reading in 2018.

Initial Impression (pre-reading):  

His energy is tightly concentrated into his own being - While I was beginning to meditate on Jin’s energy I kept getting yanked around to the other members. It wasn’t so much of a “Hey, look over here, pay attention to this”, it wasn’t like his projected energy was trying to avoid connection, it was actually showcasing the connection between Jin and the other members. It actually took me a while to get into the reading because of this and then it ended up going pretty quickly once I pulled the core energy card. Basically, the energy was bouncing around to the other members’ energies by these lines that were connecting them. It was like, “Okay, Jin connects to this person like this, this person connects to this person, this person balances this person like this, these two oppose each other, these two mirror each other, bla bla bla.” It was actually really fucking annoying because it happened like three times in a row until I was just like, “fuck it, give me the core energy,” and then it was very easy to tap in directly to the teeny tiny little ball of projected energy that Jin shares with us.

  • Also, what this means is that Jin’s connection to the members acts as more of a portal for everyone. I don’t know how else to explain it, but he really is like a pillar for them, he acts as a stabilizer, probably more than Jimin. More straightforward than Jimin would be acting as negotiator. Also, I think he reads into them a lot, that might have been why those tracks were so clear between energies, that’s how he’s able to act as a pillar. Like, he knows how they connect to each other so he knows how to tie things up when they come undone. Whether or not that is a fully conscious or unconscious thing, I don’t know for sure, but it was well established and ingrained, starting with Jin and ending on Jimin.

Jin embodies the image of a Sagittarius - Personally, I’ve never personally known a Sagittarius sun sign, but when it comes to meditating on signs for the sake of personal readings or weekly readings with other people I always have trouble tapping in. For me, Sagittarians have always been somewhat… antisocial? But like in an energetic sense. Sagittarians are very sociable people most of the time, but their energy is almost always turned inward rather than projected, only tiny pieces are shared outside of the body. Think of the Archer, right? Archery itself is a solitary sport, it’s one person holding the bow, aiming, and hitting the target. That image there is a Sag in my head, but with a heavy emphasis on tunnel vision forming around the end of the arrow and the target itself. Very focused on personal goals, very focused on getting what they want (usually wealth and recognition) but on their own terms. It’s almost exactly the opposite of Capricorn, kind of like Caps older, slightly more level headed and more satisfied-with-life older brother… but also the younger brother who takes life too seriously because he hasn’t fully experienced it and doesn’t quite know it’s all bullshit yet… you know what I mean?

Basically, Jin stays in his lane on an energetic level, and yes, this can make people literally miss him, as in, not see him there, forget him even. It comes down to the energy projection, especially in entertainment — you know, who’s trying to be seen, who’s doing the most, who’s playing up everything to get attention, who’s making waves with the most friends, who’s latter climbing?? All that shit. (btw, Caps are always the ones doing the most, lol)

This can come with a lot of surprises though, right? Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean the Sags aren’t out here doing their shit. It’s all behind the scenes and under wraps, but then all of the sudden it’s like, “Oh, by the way, Jin graduated. Oh, by the way, Jin got his Ph.D. Oh, by the way, Jin is a surgeon now. Oh, by the way, Jin owns the hospital! Oh, by the way, Jin built a weather machine and is now using it to claim his rightful place as overlord of planet Earth.” You know what I mean? Them Sags be coming out of nowhere with some crazy success stories specifically because they stay in their lane and keep a steady hand on that bow and arrow before they shoot.

However!! Because Sagittarians can be very energetically reclusive, their sudden outbursts of projection get them noticed even more — such as Jin’s hilarious angry outburst at the members, and his dad jokes are what has kind of put him on people’s minds, it’s why he’s “the funny one” now rather than “the boring one”. I mean, we all saw that shift happen. This was a conscious decision on his part to project for recognition, which is something that is needed in his career path. Very smart. (Of course, that does not negate the whole “just wanting to make people laugh because laughing makes him happy — that would be why he associates humor with positive recognition, that’s why he chose it to be ~his thing~. Bit of psychology in there too.)

But yeah, Jin’s a fucking Sagittarius, mind, body, and soul.

He’s a pillar because he’s stable - Once I actually tapped into the tiny bit of energy that he projects I saw a lot of browns and light beige. For me that’s stability. You know, it’s wood and trees and roots and shit, but it’s also my Gram’s house and all her furniture. It’s comfort and “no worries”. There was an image of Jin waking up in the morning and just… being awake? Like no need to fight to stay asleep because he doesn’t want to face the day, no stress that’s overbearing, he’s just content within himself. Very, very grounded energy. That “content within himself” also vibes with self-awareness as well. Like any of the other members, anyone in general, he’s got worries and stresses and shit, but he knows how to handle them, very… almost in the realm of dark Gemini where they can’t understand why person A saying a mean thing to person B could scar person B for life. It’s not quite that extreme, but it’s like he directs that mentality towards himself. He doesn’t let shit get to him because it doesn’t serve him or the members to do so. He’s setting an example with that.

Jins EA .png

The Reading:

(Big picture impression)

So, right off the bat, I was happy to see the Scorpion card pop out as his core energy because it reflects what I was picking up with that Sag energy — small, not noticeable, but always ready to strike, very calculating, can definitely shock people. Plus, the image itself stuck out to me as a confirmation because of the fire on the Scorpion’s stinger. You know, that’s that concentrated energy, that small spark that we actually get to see before the sting (the funny outbursts).

Overall, I was actually somewhat surprised that all elements are present in this spread, and most of the placements are actually balanced. Again, his energy is very stable and very grounded. The only piece out of balance is his Elemental Fire alignment and that’s more so due to some sort of external influence that he has no control over.

Honestly, for the big picture spread, there isn’t a lot to say until you get to the individual cards and get into the details, and that in itself is very JIN.


Current State of Core Energy: Scorpion - Fire

Scorpions don’t play dead, they prepare to strike.

Like I said before, the scorpion reflects Jin very well in terms of Jin reflecting a fucking Sagittarius. Small, unnoticeable, but there’s a lot of concentrated energy there, and it’s all very tightly wound into his core.

He’s fueling himself in a way. I had this… “movie” play in my head while I was trying to discern whether or not this core energy state is a choice or if it’s just how he is, and if it is just how he is, why? Basically, yeah, it’s just how he is. Obviously, I don’t know a lot about his family, but it was stemming from his upbringing being relatively stable. I’m assuming his family was stable financially, not necessarily rich, but stable. There’s was a lot of balance around him in general like his parents were good parents. They acted both as caregiver and friend, but not to the extreme of either end. Jin was just a very comfortable person growing up, feels very unbothered.

Like, he could get bullied in school and he could cry about it, but that’s all it would be. He would let himself cry to release it and then move on. Again, very grounded, very self-aware, very stable and content within himself. However, for everyone in general, having stability for too long can actually be pretty boring, it can feel stagnant. It’s why people cling to certain things about the past even though those certain things and situations could have been very bad for them at that time — it’s not because they enjoy them, but because they felt alive while experiencing them.

Basically, Jin fuels himself intellectually. He likes to learn shit and implement it, plan for shit. I don’t know how to explain it, but like, he’s always building something in his head (the weather machine >,>). This is another reason why he has his energy is pointed inward. A lot of what’s out there doesn’t interest him, and in turn, can reflect that on other people who would then not find any interest in him. He’s kind of beyond it, very over it, and that’s why he is able to be so confident, that’s why he’s so successful. He literally just doesn’t give a fuck about what people think about him. He stays in his lane, steadies his hand and fires the arrow.

Also, definitely need to point out the obvious, he’s very protective. He might be more likely to stand in front of someone he loves who’s about to get shot, rather than run out there swinging and trying to get the gun from someone (Namjoon would pull that kind of shit with his type of protective nature). Again, he’s very stable and very in control of his emotions, he wouldn’t pop off and start yelling when he’s actually mad. He’s more like that friend that would see you getting fucked with and just grab you by your shoulder and turn you away and walk with you while glaring over their shoulder. You know? It’s that vibe.

So yeah, this reclusive nature does not mean he is at all antisocial in the literal sense, nor is he cold towards anyone, he just has his favorite people. He’ll project and let loose with people he likes continuously rather than small outbursts for the sake of recognition. He’s not going to expend too much energy within his persona to please people he doesn’t give a shit about. And he is definitely protective of himself, his energy, and his mental space. Like, he might love you to death but if you’re being a shit, and your shit is getting on his shit, lol, bitch bye. He’ll show you the door and invite you back when you’re back on his level.

ALSO!! Because he is aiming at the target, aiming at success, and his job literally does require him to be noticed by people, he does go the extra mile to play the funny man. But like I said before, it is part of him that he is sharing with us, it’s not an act or anything shady like that, he does genuinely want to make people laugh and all that, but he also wants recognition. He doesn’t want to feel not successful in his career path. And you might be thinking, “Well if he knew he didn’t have the personality, why did he pursue this career?”

Keep in mind he was originally staging up to be an actor and a model… you don’t really need a personality for a picture, and your personality is irrelevant when it comes to playing someone else. The only thing he needed then was his level head, his quick wit, and essence of stability. Basically, people in the industry, higher-ups, and employers would find him charming. All this extra fluff that he has to put on for the sake of the show within KPOP and BTS and the music industry, all of that was not expected, so, as we know, it took him a while to find his footing and his representation within the group.


Elemental Water Alignment: Snake - Earth

He proceeds appropriately.

So we have a balanced earth aligning with elemental water. Right away I got another wave of, “self-aware, in control” His emotional state is well balanced and grounded. He doesn’t lash out in a way that is unnecessary or unproductive. He is balanced and centered, he processes his own emotions very well, and with that, he is very good at processing other people's’ emotions for them. Like if someone is having a meltdown, he can listen to them and literally process their emotions for them and then give them a more grounded perspective on the situation and calm them down. I think that’s where the “being able to tie the lines back up” thing comes in. This is extremely useful for group dynamics.

I feel like he really does get this stability from his family. It’s his home life and his way of communicating. I’m sure his parents are either both exactly the same way, very focused on creating stability and a “sure thing”. Like, he is grounded, and I’m for sure going to make that note a lot because fucking hell, just everywhere on the internal plain, he is balanced and just stable and good.


Much like the Scorpion, a snake can surprise you as well. The expressive emotions flow through that projected energy, the tiny little bit that we get, so if you really pay attention, you might notice that we don’t actually know a lot about Jin’s internal struggles, his personal issues past the usual stress from work or general anxiety around performing and making it big, something he shares with the members. So, no different than the projected outburst he lets off for honor's sake, his emotions can be expressed the same way. Basically, something really big would have to come along for him to really publicly process his emotions, such as crying on stage or getting legitimately angry at someone. Just know that those moments where we have seen him cry on stage, those are from a place of the purest form of joy, and in a way, it is his purest expression of gratitude to share parts of himself, something that he considered to be high value.


Elemental Fire Alignment: Butterfly - Air (REVERSED)

There is nothing but potential.

Now, this is the part that interested me the most. We have a reversed air card in place of his alignment with elemental fire. Of course, no matter what air and fire are best friends, they mix well together, but this is off. And it’s very interesting because the butterfly is about the most ~elemental fire~ out of all the air animals in the deck specifically because it deals with transformation.

“Things are not coming to fruition” is the first thing I wrote down for this card in my notebook. There’s a lot of frustration here because it’s just stagnant energy. Think of the butterfly being in its cocoon, ready to pop out and show the world its nice wings that it worked so hard on, but for some reason, the cocoon won’t open up. It won’t budge at all, so it’s just like wiggling around in there, getting all annoyed and tense.

Now, think about the air aspect here. Air is intellect, ideas, and communication. For Jin, The Energetic Recluse, this means his ideas, his own plans, his own desires are the butterfly, and the Air just isn’t reaching a flame. (Air fuels fire, ideas, and plans fuel the action to manifest those accomplishments)

I think we all know that Jin is frustrated there with what he is and is not able to do within his own career. Acting and modeling were his thing, it’s what he went to school for, and he hasn’t been given the opportunity to really use that even in BTS events where acting is required (banana man, anyone?) There are other things though, other hobbies and things that would require branching out a lot further than just doing a few covers or appearing on a drama.

No matter where this energy is coming from directly, he does feel very stifled. If we go back to the image of the archer of Sagittarius, it’s like the archer did all the training, got his bow and arrow, aimed it, steadied it, and then was told not to move a single inch. So he’s just stuck in this weird position, very tensed up, like legit filled with potential energy, and not really being allowed to shoot the arrow, not being allowed to pursue those particular interests or goals.

This could be a restriction of management, but it could also just be a time restraint thing, either way, it’s definitely not self-imposed. It is not his choice to be in this position, it is not his choice to be put on hold. It’s almost like there’s worry there too when it comes to time like he feels like that little flame will snuff itself out before he’s able to charge it with that air energy — he’s afraid he’ll be too old to pursue his passions by the time BTS is done.

Keep in mind that Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, so you know, this restriction and inability to fuel that flame is detrimental on a soul-urge level.


Elemental Earth Alignment: Starfish - Water

Comfort, comfort, comfort.

In terms of the physical plain, he is more in tune with physical comforts and luxuries. Again, I don’t know how he grew up but he is very used to just being able to relax and not worry too much about money and things like that, he kind of expects it, but he has no problem working for it and maintaining it on his own. I’m sure when BTS was starting out and they were grinding through that trainee life he was miserable (but also, didn’t he get an allowance from his parents to buy everyone food and cook?? Didn’t he say that once?)

So, in a physical sense, we can see this. We all know he likes baggy clothes, he likes good food, he does focus on money, but he doesn’t seem to spend it so lucratively. He also likes spreading the comfort with such things as cooking for the other members, making sure everyone is well taken care of, checking in with them, playing with them if that’s what they need. He’s definitely the kind of person who will always give the people he loves exactly what they need, whether what they need is a good whack on the head or a 1000 fluffy pillows and a hot chocolate.

Physical comforts and luxuries are how Jin grounds. It’s very like… Taurus-y kind of energy actually. If he’s ever in a place of stress or if someone else is in a place of stress he will bring that shit back down to earth with food or some sort of physical care.

This is another good balance here.


Elemental Air Alignment: Dragon - Spirit

Well shit, look at that.

Obviously, there’s a lot pent up here in his air alignment, his intellect, his mental space. Like I said with the butterfly, air fuels the fire and this here, this DRAGON is what’s actually inside the cocoon, this is what’s trapped. This is what he feels like is being stifled by something he has no control over. But at the same time, there’s a double message here.

This is an elemental spirit card. This card lines up with the Solar Plexus, the core, the true essence of being, the self without the persona.  It’s like Jin is aware that it is a DRAGON size energy that is being stifled, but he’s not fully aware of the fact that the dragon is stifling itself, and it is stifling itself for a good reason.

This is a karmic lesson.

You’ll see in a minute once we get down to the Higher Self state of alignment, but this stagnancy with these personal goals, these aspirations towards solo careers and solo status gain are not what he’s meant to do. He’s actually meant to learn to move past that, it’s a challenge for him.

He is meant to be successful, he was meant to be in BTS, and he is meant to function both socially and energetically within a group.

It’s kind of hard to explain this, it’s more within a sensing nature, it’s not really my business? Like, this is his karmic mix so I can’t really get in there to look at it any deeper than seeing that the fact that his being kept from solo recognition is actually supposed to be happening.

BUT I would like to point out that he does have room to grow musically and he does have the opportunity to pursue those passions of his, however, they will not be in a separate light from BTS because he is meant to be learning how to put down roots energetically within a group.

Yes, this is frustrating for him, just as much as it is frustrating for you to watch him be ignored or dismissed or looked over in favor of another member, but there’s purpose in that for him on a soul level. The fact that most people started paying more attention to him when he started being open with his humor, started giving those outbursts to make people laugh is no mistake. That was a lesson for him. That’s how he can help heal people on a larger scale.


Higher Self Core Alignment: Dolphin - Water

He’s here for the greater good.

When fully aligned, or when he is aligned with his higher self, he is a healer. Extremely intelligent, like I said, an observer who can mend people and relationships. This is actually kind of trippy because if that’s the case, then this really is some sort of karmic nonsense that he’s meant to learn from.

Dolphins are extremely social creatures in the animal kingdom, they even seek out other species to bond with, including humans. Energetically or spiritually speaking, they are the opposite of what Jin’s core is now.

I think he was supposed to be part of a group rather than have a solo career, just being a model or just being an actor. If we actually analyze this a bit deeper, what comes naturally to him is that Dragon energy, that core based intellect, the will and self-serving pursuit. Basically, right now, his energy is turned inward and his soul is thrashing about for personal, solo, Fire-based action and achievement. With the Dolphin, he would actually have his energy constantly projected, externally-focused, and his whole core would be put towards the group, towards the pod, the sense of joyful and stable progression occurring alongside others. It would be a transition between a Fire core and a Water core... quite a difficult transition indeed, but one that can definitely be done by a Sagittarius. He may even find more solo recognition through this state of being where he is in-flow with the group on all levels, rather than actually trying to obtain solo recognition.

The inward-turned energy, that very blatant Sagittarius core, was intentional and put in place for his soul growth. His purpose is to be a healer and is to connect with people physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. He has that sense from that stimulated Solar Plexus as well as a stimulated Third-Eye-based observation of the lines between the cores or energetic fields of other people, because he is specifically meant to help heal bonds between people and bring people together.

And that is definitely a focus for him. His knowing is in those lines between concentrated energy. He’s a healer with a karmic shit storm of learning to expend that energy, be of service to others entirely, to be a healer entirely.

It’s very interesting and is another fucking surprise. Honestly, I didn’t even fully grasp that until I started typing this shit up, lol.

It’s kind of intense like he is on a soul journey with this shit right now, but the fact that he is with people (the other members) that were, like, borderline designed for each other is insane. I really want to map those energy lines so you can see what I mean, it’s literally like they’re tied together. There’s a set of fucking twin flames in the mix for fuck’s sake, I mean, come on.


...fucking Sagittarians…

Now, I’m really not fucking around when I say I was getting bounced around between energies in the beginning, and now that I know the whole karmic lesson thing it makes sense, but fuck me, it was annoying as hell. It was way harder to connect with Jin than it was to connect with Jimin’s energy, but once you do it’s just surprises left and right.

Overall, I think it was actually a pretty stellar read. I’m really curious to know who else in BTS is going to get spirit cards in their alignments because that’s some high vibe shit. Like, Namjoon didn’t even get a spirit card and he’s literally completely connected to his higher self.

But yeah, good read. A bit messy here and there, very confusing. I had a headache for maybe an hour or so after I closed out because trying to focus on one thing with this was really difficult. Still enjoyed it though, it’s always interesting to see what comes up for people whom I only know through projected personas.

I think that Jin has quite a road ahead of him internally speaking. I think he will have some breaks here and there when it comes to confidence or sort of being defeated by his lack of progress with what it is that he wants to do, but I think he is very slowly but surely moving into the realm of understanding what he needs to do. I feel like his guides are trying really hard to push him into understanding, but he’s not someone who is open to those messages coming in, so… But yeah, karmic lessons, very cool, very important, but also very annoying and hard to deal with at times.

Thank you for reading. It was a bit of a ramble fest and I think I was still channeling through some of this so it might sound just as messy as I feel, lol, but I hope you enjoyed this edition of the celebrity readings nonetheless.