The Elemental Alignment of Kim Taehyung (P2)


Subject: Kim Taehyung, born December 30, 1995 — Capricorn

Performed: September 18, 2018

Original Post Date: September 19, 2018

Video Version Uploaded: August 13, 2020

Spread: Elemental Alignment, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Wild Unknown: Animal Spirit by Kim Krans and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 2 hours

Details: The Elemental Alignment reading is designed to showcase an individual's energetic alignment and balance with the elements, then compare it to that of that of the Higher Self's alignments.


*The video version includes cleaner narration and “2020 Notes” to elaborate and clarify points made in the original reading in 2018.

Read Part 1: The Elemental Alignment of Kim Taehyung (P1)


This reading needed to be redone not because it was performed while they were under low-vibe influence, but because it was a very odd experience with the original reading that I later realized was a bit off simply because I was seeing things as being off.

Taehyung, both consciously and unconsciously, and all the way through to his energy center, has the ability to make you see exactly what you want to see, not what he wants you to see. He almost acts as a mirror and he can reflect anything you need him to and I think that the general state of his being comes from his place in the Soul Body and how his energy center functions. It’s a great balancing energy that stems from Jin’s energy center and Kook’s energy center that sits on either side of Taehyung’s. It’s more about the frequency output of the Soul Body, which he and Kook rule over, but it’s a bit more clear to me now that Taehyung handles the mental perception while Kook handles the physical.

This is all well and good, but as we know, the energy center, the core, the soul, the spirit, the projected energy, the unconscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind are all separate things and often act independently of the others and balance really relies on the conscious mind consciously aligning with everything else. For Taehyung there’s a bit of “bloop” in the stability between how his core energy connects to his sub and unconscious mind through the Spirit. His core energy is fully “enrobed” in the energy center, but it’s broken apart just as I was seeing it with the whole 700 faces thing.

The 700 faces thing is not a makeup of his core, it’s actually a product of the somewhat negative connection between his subconscious and unconscious mind with his spirit. I’ve made a post explaining the layers of energy and how they influence each other, so if you would like to read that real quick it’s right here.

Basically, Taehyung has some issues with self-perception that stem from relatively simple things that really don’t register that often in the conscious mind, but have been amplified by the core energy and its need to reflect what other people see in him. There’s a conflict there between this unconscious need to fit everyone’s perception while there is a more conscious effort to be an individual and be stable within himself and his own understanding of himself. The need to find creative outlets, as I mentioned in his previous reading, comes from this need to connect with his “real self” but he’s not even aware that there is a difference between who he portrays and who he is internally within his core.

The reason for that is that his core consciousness, like his “soul”... I’m mean it’s not really his soul, it’s part of his core, but it’s not the whole core… very difficult to explain — anyway, his core consciousness is trying to reconnect and reestablish balance within Taehyung’s core, but it can’t really do that because it’s all shriveled up and shoved in a closet, or at least that’s how I was seeing it. This part of Taehyung is the “real” Taehyung in a sense, it’s where his emotional center is and only when he is deeply upset does it actually come out, but even then his expression is relatively contained and the core doesn’t get to see the light of day.

The reason this piece of his core is even hidden away in the first place has to do with a “polluted” spirit that is being influenced by subconscious knowledge of his physical appearance. To me, something like this doesn’t seem very serious, and I suppose it isn’t because it’s not a huge issue that he deals with or that cripples him the way his core state would make it seem, but it does impact him. It comes from some of the stuff that I removed from the original reading so it would be a bit difficult to explain where exactly it stems from, but whatever right, people will get pissed about it no matter what because god forbid anyone ever assume that a human being is flawed in some way, lol.

So, this little piece of his core energy is hidden away, lost, paranoid, and very discouraged when it comes to being seen by people — this manifests in a more controlled expression which can sometimes come off as constantly acting or playing a character, exaggerated expressions, or seeming to drop emotions very quickly and replace them with others. Like I said in the last reading, this actually makes him a great actor in general, just being able to turn on and off his own feelings and portray his “faces” so vividly that it can seem like he just has a natural born talent.


Just to kind of get an image of his energy, to really see where things are laid out for that small piece of the core rather than the overpowering piece, I pulled some cards to sort of lay things out.


The 5 of Swords and the Ace of Wands just shows how the more domineering side of the core is projecting over the fragmented part of the core.


The reversed Six of Cups shows why that little piece of the core, which rules over all of his Water energy, was broken off and hidden away. It falls down into the 9 of Wands and the 5 of Cups which holds true to the current state of this one piece of his core. This is where that piece is hidden, it’s kind of underneath those energies. The fact that this happened was more so bloomed from people not liking his personality in the beginning (conscious level) and it quite literally, in a sense, traumatized him because of how his perception of himself works stemming from the 6 of Cups, and it caused him to repress that emotional, creative, expressive nature where he is 100% himself and not so controlled.

If you are not able to see how much he actually controls and calculates his expression whether it be on an emotional front or with his artwork, then you really are not paying attention and have no concept of people past their projected personas… or you have an image in your head of him and your perception is being fueled by one of the many faces he has, which means you probably have a view of him that differs greatly from many other people, not just me.

So, he was actually pretty stable within himself because he just kind of grew out of the issues with his sense of self-worth, but it all came rushing back when he was put out there for the world to see. He was actually rather confident with himself and it feels like he took it as an opportunity to “turn up the volume” on his more creative and “out there” personality because he was expecting to stand out and have so many more people to relate to him and find him funny or interesting. But what happened is that people were laughing at him rather than with him, that is why he expressed that he doesn’t like to be called “alien” or “4D” or whatever else, it actually cuts him deep down, because he was trying to put his personality over his appearance, but when he did he was “seen” in a negative light which, as I mentioned, brought all of that insecurity and put more importance on his appearance as well as how his personality is seen by other people. 

That does not mean he is emotionally dead or that he operates like a robot, it means that he tends to “run through his script” before really projecting anything, and that is more subconscious. Literally, I was hearing a countdown happening before he speaks and that’s kind of the vibe there, he’s planning his actions so that he can fit the mold.


This here leads to The Chariot, The Moon, and Strength to be reversed energies within this piece of his core. The reversed Chariot is really that sudden stop in his expression, where a dam was built up around that water and it now has to be strained and filtered shot glass by shot glass before it can be filtered again through the spirit, then again through the different layers of the mind, and finally it is then expressed in a manner that he is most comfortable with on a conscious level.

The Moon reversed is showing how this state of his core and his subconscious mind kind of toss the ball back and forth, both kind of depleting each other and validating those insecurities over and over again, while on a conscious level Taehyung is not really aware that this is happening, but he feels the imbalance and the disconnect within himself for which he tries to compensate with his creative exploration in art. Strength being reversed is just that depletion within that part of the core, why it is so frail and shriveled looking, hidden away and drying up from the lack of Water stimulation within the core.

The Sun.jpg

The core is then projected through the Sun card and usually, the Sun card is seen as one of the most positive cards in the deck, but here it really wasn't it settling like that. The reason for that is because I couldn’t see the child on the card, the one enjoying the freedom happiness, basking in the sunlight and the sunflowers, as Taehyung. Instead, I was seeing Taehyung as the Sun in the image, with the blank and neutral expression, while we as the audience are the child in the image.

We as the audience only find joy and satisfaction in this sunshine projection, this hologram of a person that we want to focus on because it’s much easier to idolize someone if we are under the assumption that they are idols and not human beings with flaws and insecurities. If we see them as being human, we see them as being equal to us, in which case resentment can actually occur within some people as they start to project their own insecurities onto them by suddenly hating the fact that another human being is successful and talented. It’s like seeing someone famous as being equal to you, only stands to point out how unequal you actually are on a social level. There’s an awareness of that and a fear in that. From there you get the angry people who rush to the defense of their idols when such an awful insult such as having emotions or being human is suggested on their behalf because that Sun image is being stripped away and, of course, it helps them feel like they matter in some way to the idolized Sun by coming to their defense. Kind of like brainwashed cult followers with no perception of anything past what they are spoon fed... amazing.

The projected sunlight that the child on the card is basking in isn’t even appreciated, it’s just something that’s there and as far as the child knows, it’s always been there, it’s always going to be there, because whenever the Sun is gone the child doesn’t even notice because that is when they go to sleep. They pay no mind to the moments in which the Sun is not there because all they actually care about is the Sun and the Sun’s light, nothing else. 

To assume Taehyung, or any of the members, have no flaws or insecurities that affect them deeply and to assume that what they show you is all there is to be seen, is no different than assuming that the Sun never sets.

The Reading


Current State of Core Energy:
Peacock — Air | Hyena — Fire

I mean…

If you’ve read Jimin’s reading then you know how I feel about the Peacock card, and the Hyena card is really no different. The Peacock card always comes up when there is a conscious effort to mask something within yourself. This came up for Jimin in his core as well, and the Hyena would be one that I would also associate with him. Actually, Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung have that same sort of “mask” vibe, but they have different levels of it as well as different areas that they wish to hide.

The Peacock is the projected energy of the more domineering part of Taehyung’s core, which would be the one I was mostly feeling in Part 1 of this reading. It’s the part that projects all of the different faces and allows the other part of the core to hide out. It’s a bit difficult even now to really tell if the more domineering part is actually forcing that energy down, or if it’s supposed to be protecting it. Either way, this side of him is the one putting on the show.

The Hyena is always a weird card for me because it has a kinda-sorta positive description, not really though, but it’s always carrying such a low-vibe when I get it in readings. I always get drawn to the moon in the image and no different than the Peacock does it show that something is being hidden. I think I got this card for Jimin when I did his reading, like while I was shuffling, but I didn’t put it down specifically because I thought it was “too on the nose” with the whole light sun/dark sun thing.

The image on this card is how I see the more domineering side of Taehyung’s core, standing over and in front of the shriveled part which is represented by the half moon in the background. It’s got this sneer on its face and it looks evil as fuck, but like… it’s kind of there for protection, kind of there to help out, and it’s only appearing evil to those that want it to, like me with my fear of Capricorns, lol.

So, you can see the more “productive” side of the dominant core where it’s there to project the faces and keep up appearances with the Peacock, but then the more “sinister” side where it’s there to stand guard and hide the more Water fueled part of the core that is hidden away.

The mixture of Air and Fire is quite interesting as well considering that the most prominent color I saw in the core with the first reading was Red. It’s like the “work” of the dominant core fuels the fire energy that is used to sort of keep everything on lock. Again, it’s out of protection, but that Fire is drying of the Water energy and that’s why that fragment appears to be shriveled up and small, it’s dehydrated.


Elemental Water Alignment: Gazelle - Fire

And here we see that his Elemental Water is being filled with Fire. I was getting this more as a need to do rather than feel.

I talked about this in the last reading, how he will try to do what other people do in order to feel a connection. He doesn’t explore much with his art, instead, he copies classical drawings and paintings and his photography style is paying homage to his favorite photographer. It’s that structure thing where he wants it to look good, so he does what he knows other people already find appealing rather than trying something more outside of the box. I still think he needs to take up painting, like abstract work so that he can have that freedom to create something that can never really look good or bad, it can just simply be.

This alignment shows that there is a lot of stimulation within that part of the core. (The shriveled part of the core is directly connected to the Water alignment). Just as before, this part of the core is trying to connect, trying to branch out, and it’s coming up in Taehyung’s subconscious and conscious mind as a need to experience a connection with himself and with other people. Like, he’s really, really trying and he’s doing it like he’s connecting just like he wants to, but he can’t feel it because his receptive nature, the Water alignment, the part of his core that is shriveled is not in the game with him.

Again, this doesn’t make him emotionally dead or incapable of experiencing love or showing love in any way, it’s simply this feeling that something is missing and he can see that other people around him have what he is missing, but he still doesn’t know what it is, because that intuitive nature that would allow him to figure that out and look within himself is not there. Like, he has no Water energy that can actively be used by him in the core. So, he’s going to keep trying to find things to connect with, different mediums of art and expression, and he’s going to try more and more to connect with people on a deeper level and he’ll be able to do it, but he won’t feel it.

This is also going to be amplified as with the ascension process the receptive nature of people will rise, and for people like Taehyung who carry no Water or have blocked or stunted Water energy in their core it can be quite a maddening experience as you would know there’s something missing but never really be able to figure it out unless someone else pointed it out for you. There could be a sense, potentially, for these people that they are being left behind as the people around them progress on a soul level and expand consciously while they could be doing the exact same thing, but would not feel the ascension taking place.

Honestly, he just needs to have a deep chat with Yoongi and he’ll be good, lol.


Elemental Fire Alignment: Panther — Fire

Again, it’s very difficult to tell if the dominant part of the core is actually helping or not — I mean, it’s not a good thing because it’s repressing part of the core, but it has “good intentions” I guess? This here is where the dominant part of the core actually sits. It’s in the Fire alignment which is another receptive energy, but obviously, this is where energy is projected outward more than brought in. This vibes with the Hyena and it’s just so scary to me, but it’s not hurting anything, I think. It’s just like… overprotective?? I guess??

No, really though, this is a state of purging, which is a necessary thing in the ascension process (which is why the shriveled bit is trying so hard to get out now) but this is like… it’s like the dominant part of the core is trying to purge out the shriveled bit entirely. Like, it’s loading up the core with Fire and Earth energy and is trying to completely get rid of that tiny bit of Water energy that is still there.

OR!! Or it’s more like it’s trying to turn the Water alignment into another Fire alignment like it wants that part of the core to project itself too, but only in the way in which the Sun projects itself, with Fire and heat, the hologram that satisfies others. The Water element is personally gratifying, while the Fire element is for the gratification of other people. Like, it’s trying to burn off any of the “personality” that is in there as it’s already been decided within the spirit and the subconscious mind that the main person that is Taehyung is not well liked. Very fucking complicated.

It’s a pretty gnarly internal situation that is manifesting on the conscious level as this need to simply connect and branch out and express himself more clearly to the people around him. He’s seeking out deeper connections with people, trying to really show love and feel love for his friends and his family which, again, he already does but he thinks he’s not feeling it enough.


Elemental Earth Alignment:
Nightingale — Air | Crocodile — Water (Rev)

The Earth alignment is where we can see stability, connection the physical space, as well as self-awareness. This right here is literally the “instability” within his ability to feel coming from the two sides of the core. The Nightingale, the fearless singer who speaks and expresses itself freely, its up against the reversed crocodile where emotion and expression are cold and repressed. It’s going back and forth, teetering back and forth between the two where he wants to let a lot out and be free, but then there’s that subconscious bit that puts fear there and it's like, “nah, you don't want to do that.”

And that Water energy being reversed still shows a lack of Water energy in general. Like, I don’t know where his Water energy is because the shriveled part of the core is completely dry, but it’s still showing as being the receptive and “Water bound” part, so I’m like?? Where’s the Water?? Unless that shriveled part of the core has its own core where the Water is??


Elemental Air Alignment: Hummingbird — Air

Now, see, this is where his conscious mind is at. This is where his active thought process and communication is coming from. It’s very positive and very not at all seeming to be connected fully or aware of any of the mess in the core. This card is very, very positive, and very happy. This card comes with the keywords, “positive, enthusiastic, spiritually resourceful, smart, curious, loves to learn” and that’s literally Taehyung. That’s who he is and where most people would recognize that energy.

This is being directed towards that very clear interest in expressing and getting other people to express with him. I think I talked about it in his last reading or maybe a different reading about how he was matching Yoongi’s energy, or he was trying to mirror Yoongi in a way specifically because he wanted to “get on his level” to try and connect. It’s where that “mirror” thing comes in again, he knows how to use that to his advantage to actually help him make genuine connections with people. This is kind of where the Hummingbird is too in terms of communication, it like hovers at eye-level with anyone it wants to speak with.

This is also a card of creativity and exploration, which lends to his artistry and him trying his hand at many different forms of art, both taking inspiration from some people and then putting his own spin on it. I mean, just like in his last reading we can see the disconnect between the conscious mind and literally everything else. Of course, he is still influenced by everything just like everyone else in the world is, but his awareness of it is not quite there and I imagine he might have difficulty doing some self-processing. Like, sitting down and just being within the self could be difficult for him, but that can actually be done through projection as well like WITH ABSTRACT PAINTING where he can put something out on a canvas or paper with no real guidelines, no image in mind, and just feel something into the painting and, from there, physically see what his subconscious has put out there for him to see.

Painting and drawing things in an abstract manner is a great way for people who are not very receptive to channel through the subconscious mind.


Higher Self Core State: Tiger — Fire

This is dope as hell.

Okay, so the Higher Self, which would be within the energy center in the Soul Body is currently trying to shove this energy into the core to replace the Peacock and the Hyena. Do you know what this fucking card is???? It’s lunar force, it’s Water and Fire mixed, it’s balanced reception and projection. Like, how fucking perfect is that??

Literally, this is just balanced all the way around, it’s feminine energy, receptive energy, and WATER energy all coming in and just like clearing things out and letting everything settle so that the shriveled bit won’t be so shriveled anymore, but the projected Fire will still be there to, you know, project.

This energy is very balanced and very confident and sure of itself, which is really what he needs on a core level. I don’t think he’s really going to have time, or even a way at all really, to work through the root cause of this imbalance, but I think with the ascension process this is going to be a forced balance, like it’s just going to occur, a bit of Divine Intervention there. I think I talked about that in the OT7 2018/2019 Outlook reading, about how forced balance could occur, but that was for all of them and that was when the Soul Body was still being fucked with so, who knows.

Overall, most of Taehyung’s imbalances stem from spirit pollution that came from the subconscious mind and fragmented the core so that the receptive and emotional side, that could have already been brittle, broke off and was locked away. This response from the core to do this comes from the influence of the energy center and its position in the Soul Body as its main focus is the mental perception of the spectator. For Taehyung, his connection and alignment with all of the layers of his own personal Soul Body is very not at all strong or clear, but they still affect him on each level and manifest in ways that can have him contradicting himself or simply being confused by himself, confused about what he wants and what he feels he is missing.

This isn’t a huge deal though, most of the imbalance is purely in the core and it has nothing to do with low-vibe influence, it is simply how he is on that level. Consciously, he struggles with it, but not in a way where he is experiencing breakdowns or showing any real instability. It’s just some “I need to find myself” kind of vibes there on that level that most people in their 20′s experience.

He’ll level out at some point, but I think the process would speed up a bit if he would do some ABSTRACT PAINTING PLEASE I’VE BEEN SEEING THAT FOR HIM FOR MONTHS NOW OMG.

Okay, bye.