Relationship Reading for Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung


Subject: Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung

Performed: June 21, 2019

Original Post Date: August 30, 2019

Spread: Relationships and Connections by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Linestrider Deck and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 2 hours

Details: The Relationships & Connections reading is designed to showcase the romantic, platonic, or familial relationship between two people and put their connection into perspective by presenting what is gained and from the relationship as well as the highest potential of it.


As with anything that involves Taehyung’s energy this reading was difficult to get a hold of right off the bat. Not in the sense that it was hard to connect with, but it was hard to see what was actually going on, I was kind of being dragged around in circles. While I was shuffling and just trying to get in the zone, trying to get a feel for their energies, The Magician popped out FOUR TIMES on its own and every time I saw Aquarius in my head. I didn’t really know what to do with that because I never thought of Aquarius as being significant energy for either of them before.

I was getting a bunch of nonsense about Taehyung’s Aquarius being boosted by Namjoon’s Air energy, but specifically not related to Namjoon’s energy in Aquarius. I had the Ace and 3 of Swords, which was playing in my head like the first air sign and the 3rd air sign, which would be Gemini and Aquarius, but Namjoon’s energy wasn’t displaying a specific air sign like Taehyung was with that Magician coming out a million times with a giant Aquarius symbol slapping me in the face every time. And neither of them were really displaying anything big with Gemini either so I was like, okay then, MERCURY, which made sense since there was conscious level communication on Namjoon’s side affecting Taehyung’s Aquarius.

Obviously, I really wanted to check their charts, but I didn’t want to do it especially right at the beginning because last time I broke and did that for a reading I got rooted in the imprinted energy and it was just kind of distracted reading, not very easy for me to work with.

So, boom pow, called in the all mighty and all powerful #GoodFriend Beth to do my dirty work and check their charts for me.

What she found was (and I did look into it as well when I was done with the reading, lol) that Taehyung does have one planet in Aquarius, which is Venus and there’s a whole thing which I’ve talked about before with him being able to come out of that split-core-upset-hiding-away thing he has going on through art and creative expression, specifically abstract painting which I’ve gone on about like ten times. That can definitely be something with Venus in Aquarius, but also, straight up, could be something in love or personal connections. As it’s come up a lot in the relationship readings that involve Taehyung, he seems to have a difficult time really situating himself mentally into a connection even though things are pretty top-notch all around. Namjoon could be helping him with that kind of thing as the influence is more through Air and communication.

Namjoon also has his Mercury in Libra, which just so fucking happens to trine Taehyung’s Venus in Aquarius so that’s what I was seeing where his Air energy (both Mercury and Libra) are boosting Taehyung’s Aquarius energy. Very curious to know what houses they play into as well, but of course, need accurate birth times for such things. 

It’s all very dramatic and it has to do with that map or diagram that I made in Hoseok and Taehyung’s relationship reading that shows how the integration process is being altered and filtered for Taehyung’s sake between all of them. It’s part of Namjoon’s job to implement the conscious level shifts through verbal communication, while Yoongi implements the unconscious or energetic shifts, and Hoseok acts as the filter or buffer between those two and the rest of the body. So, Namjoon having a direct conscious connection that is influencing a subconscious or emotionally driven aspect of Taehyung is part of the integration process, which I assume is why it really, really, REALLY needed to be put in a reading.

The actual process of the energy transfer and conscious level shift is laid out in the energy reading as well, but I’ll keep it short since I honestly can not keep things straight when it comes to Taehyung’s energy, lol.


So, things start off up there with The Hermit (Namjoon) and The Magician (Taehyung, specifically receptive through Aquarius). Then the Ace of Swords and the 3 of Swords bridge across between the two. There’s this visual in my head of The Hermit walking over to The Magician, who is distracted or still attached to the 5 of Cups, which is already being pulled away by the integration process, grabbing his hand and walking him down towards Judgement. Judgment is the integration process here, as the whole thing, that’s what this card is referencing in this layout.

From Judgement, that is where the 5 of Cups actually starts, it’s the aspect of Taehyung that is being wiped out from all these little cubby holes where he’s ripped it apart and stashed it away. It’s literally like it’s being picked up, all of the blocks, especially the unconscious blocks projected by his broken core energy, through the 10 of Wands, which is then “dropped” or released through a matter of transmutation in the 8 of Wands, where it falls into The Star and the Ace of Wands.

The Star actually is Aquarius’ card, and the Ace of Wands is handing over a completely fresh start in that area based on the conscious level shift, kind of like he’s getting a grip on his core energy in one solid form. It’s coming off like Taehyung is getting stuck in certain cycles with every layer or area of his core and layers of consciousness that he works to clear on a soul level through the process. Again, the map thing that I made with Hoseok and Taehyung’s reading shows how there is a whole thing in place specifically to help Taehyung who has some inner troubles that make it more difficult for him to actually be receptive to the higher vibrations.

So, sorry that, yet again, the energy readings for the relationships in BTS keep going back to the integration and the soul body stuff. I know people are sick of hearing about, as am I most days,  but I’m sure there’s a reason that these things still have to be put into the readings when they come up.

The Reading:


Energetic Contributions:

Namjoon: 3 of Wands (rev.) | Page of Wands

Taehyung: 8 of Cups (rev.) | 2 of Pentacles

Interesting combinations there.

With Namjoon’s reversed 3 of Wands and Taehyung’s reversed 8 of Cups there is focus on the path forward which can reflect a lot of different layers of connection, but there really is such a significant emphasis on this being a conscious level shift between them with verbal communication.

Basically, the 3 of Wands reversed is like having a good idea of what you want to do and where you want to go, but not really being able to get there. It’s about facing roadblocks and having someone or something just stop you in your tracks. The 8 of Cups reversed is nearly the exact same thing except where the 3 of Wands knows where they are going and gets stopped by something outside of them, the 8 of Cups is unclear of where to go and, out of fear, stops themselves.

With how those two energies mirror each other between them, it’s like Namjoon is stepping back from his own path, his own progression, in order to help Taehyung. Actually, it’s literally that visual I had of The Hermit going over to The Magician (who was stuck in the 5 of Cups, very close to the 8 of Cups), taking his hand, and waking him the rest of the way. So, it’s not so literal to where it’s like Taehyung is blocking Namjoon’s path, it’s just that Namjoon is choosing to invest conscious energy in Taehyung because, on a lot of different levels, Taehyung is stuck in a lot of different ways and they really don’t have a whole lot of time to move through this process.

The second set is an interesting mix which plays off of the first one. Namjoon’s Page of Wands is what he gives to Taehyung in order to move him forward and the 2 of Pentacles is how Taehyung is actually implementing it. Because the “goal” is to get Taehyung to grab onto the Ace of Wands, it’s like Namjoon, as the Page of Wands, is helping him through something based on his own experience which, again, is delivered through verbal communication. 

Something in the description for this card caught my eye, literally the second line, which was, “Listen to your unconscious mind, follow your creative urges. With persistence, strength, and balance, your vision can become defining work.”

This was significant for a couple of different reasons. I literally got pulled to that line in the description and I heard it in Namjoon’s voice like this is something that he could say to someone. If you think about the actual issues with Taehyung, this is exactly what would need to be said, and explained, and guided through for him. The other thing that stood out here was the “defining work” which goes along with the legacy of Aquarius, especially (like scarily on point) with Taehyung’s Venus in Aquarius. And just going back to potential relationships or dealing with his personal connections being the matter at hand, one of the most important things, which I covered in some mini-readings before, to Taehyung is family. His idea of legacy is mostly within the realm of his own family, his own relationships, whereas work and money are more in line with satisfaction and comfort within the moment. Everything just really clicked with that one line for the Page of Wands.

Because there was such a clear message with the definitive meaning of that card in this deck, I checked the 2 of Pentacles in the book as well, but nothing jumped out, it was just very standard, it is what it is. The part of the line about persistence, strength, and balance from the Page of Wands sums up the 2 of Pentacles, so it’s literally like Namjoon said some shit with his Libra (ruled by Venus btw) in Mercury, which was then implemented in a very conscious effort to balance and prioritize the Venus in Aquarius.

It’s very direct, very conscious, like straight up verbally communicating about things that pertain to this kind of stuff with expression and feeling stuck on a deep and personal level. I wouldn’t be surprised if Taehyung was feeling that pressure, or starting to feel that pressure that I talked about in some of the December 2018 readings that had to do with the urge to shift and the integration process coming through on a conscious level. It could have literally bubbled up on its own or have been triggered by certain events or connections and then caused him to reassess himself and ask Namjoon for help, or Namjoon noticed something was up and just offered his time and energy to help him out. It’s like a crossfire of unconscious soul communication and energy transfer mixing with conscious level pressure to move on and grow out of certain mindsets.


How They See Each Other:

Namjoon: The Sun

Taehyung: Wheel of Fortune (rev.) | The Hermit

So, in traditional Taehyung fashion he’s doing that thing that has come through with pretty much every relationship reading that I’ve done for him where he’s focusing more on the “burden” or “imbalance” that he thinks he brings to the relationship even though there’s no such thing with any connection that he has.

With the Wheel of Fortune in reverse, he’s seeing that reversed 8 of Cups as being way more dramatic and way more of a bother to Namjoon than it actually is. Going back to that visual, what’s actually happening is that The Hermit (in the energy reading) is holding The Magician’s hand and walking him along the path, but here with how Taehyung is seeing it, The Hermit is dragging the reversed Wheel of Fortune, a giant boulder, or literal dead weight, something that doesn’t have any hope. It’s like Taehyung is looking at Namjoon as this higher up person who is wasting his time by trying to help him.

Literally, he does this with everyone. There’s always something that comes up where he thinks he’s like a bad influence, a distraction, a nuisance to everyone else even though they literally see him as like an absolute peach. This is rooted in some of that deeper, hidden away nonsense and it’s being worked on, but like, shit still hurts omg.

And not surprisingly at all, Namjoon sees Taehyung as The Sun. The fucking SUN, the grand symbol of joy and happiness, a childlike sense of wonder and freedom, booming with potential. That’s how Namjoon sees Taehyung, yet Taehyung is holding onto the idea that Namjoon is seeing him as dead weight.


Current State of The Relationship: The Magician

Highest Potential: The Chariot

I wanted to put these two together since they’re both pretty straightforward. The Magician is in reference to the state of transition that Taehyung is in. That is where most of the energy between them is directed, and it seems like it’s really playing on Namjoon’s mind specifically since he is really projecting through verbal communication.

As I mentioned, the integration process is moving them towards a point of synchronicity where they will then split up and act independently as separate souls entirely. Part of that not knowing where to go, or feeling pressure to start thinking of things past the present moment has to do with them needing to align with their individual paths. The Chariot is that individualized path, the path towards the individual purpose. Once they are past that point and work of The Magician with Taehyung, Namjoon can return to moving towards his path while Taehyung will be able to do the same.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of levels to Taehyung’s core energy issues and there are a lot of points where he is being directly influenced and guided by the others on a soul level, so it’s not really coming across as something that will just happen overnight. It’s a slower process that we may not even see the results of as an audience since a lot of his potentials are based outside of the spotlight.

All very interesting.

That’s all I have for that one, thanks for reading.