Relationship Reading for Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon


Subject: Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon

Performed: November 9, 2018

Original Post Date: November 24, 2018

Spread: Relationships and Connections, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 2 hours

Details: The Relationships & Connections reading is designed to showcase the romantic, platonic, or familial relationship between two people and put their connection into perspective by presenting what is gained and from the relationship as well as the highest potential of it.


I ended up channeling pretty hardcore before I really even fully initiated the reading. I don’t know what the deal was, everything just kind of hit all at once and I tried to write it down as best I could. I don’t know if this bit will make a lot of sense, but I’ll transcribe exactly what I have and then try to explain it a bit more.

  • Earth energy — not energy, something more literal. 4 lines, third line down, bright red, communication.

I was seeing a lot of symbols for Earth, like grass, soil, and roots. Then everything kind of settled on this very clear image of the base of a tree where some of the roots were visible on the surface. I was thinking it was Earth energy mingling between their cores, but I wasn’t actually feeling anything with it, it was just an image. Then when I locked in on it not being energy, but being something more literal, something that is between them in the physical reality or consciously, I was kind of dropped into the soil under the tree.

Under the tree, it was dark, obviously, but I could see these four sets of lines, they look like very thin wires or strings pulled horizontally past the roots of the tree. The third line down from the surface was bright red and glowing, kind of like one of those lasers in those action movies where people have to crawl around them for the sake of whatever the fuck.

It was an energy line, something extended and used as a port between two people, but I had never seen an energy line displayed like that before or within that kind of imagery. Usually, I see it a bit more blatant, and energy lines will specifically be extending out from the core and connecting directly to the other person’s core. That’s not what I was seeing here. It was a line of there’s but I wasn’t seeing either end, I was seeing the middle point under this tree.

  • Jin —> Namjoon, hidden, under the surface. It’s about work.

So, it’s communication, an exchange of energy that is under the surface. The fact that it was glowing red settled me on Jin as being the main user of that line specifically, which puts him as a foundational line under this tree. Work kept coming up in visuals, Namjoon with his head down. That’s something I get for him a lot when he is working on something or when all of his energy is being directed towards something. I see him with his head down and in a kind of tight posture, arms and legs pressed together.

Jin is talking to him about work, it’s happening secretly, in private, and it’s something that is providing a foundation to Namjoon’s seemingly stable foundation. The other three lines there suggest there are other people, in the group or not, that do something similar, however, it looks like he’s not engaged as much with them as often. The lines are there, but they’re dim, which points to them not being used.

  • Hidden, Scorpio, underground Water. “Find the roots”, “I’m helping you”

This was more energy based as that “foundation” of the lines under the tree can be seen as the Water for the roots. Jin is sending “water” for the sake of progression and movement, encouragement, upliftment of some kind. It’s an energy boost.

I was seeing a path being taken to get there to that specific line and it was literally like I was riding those lines that Jin can actually see — not literally see with his eyes, but he can conceptualize it in a way where he can use it on an intellectual and logical level — between Namjoon and whatever he was or is working on. I talked about it in Jin’s Elemental Alignment Reading how he can see the lines between people in connection to Jimin being able to see the people themselves.

To explain it a bit more blatantly, it was like sitting on Jin’s head while he runs through this dark tunnel and he just kept saying, “find the roots” over and over again. Like, he was going to find an opening to the roots of the tree. When he got there he was bringing that spark, that Fire energy, something to stimulate the tree, which would be Namjoon. That Fire doesn’t look too pleasant to the tree, especially if it’s already dehydrated and feeling unstable. That’s when I heard that, “I’m trying to help you.” That phrase was actually a lot clearer than the previous one. It was very slow and steady too, but clear.

Basically, it looked like Jin was stimulating the soil and then the Water would just get to the roots. I don’t know how to explain it exactly. He could be projecting the energy through his energy center, which would funnel Fire, but he could use that as a port for Water energy, healing, guidance, whatever. That’s all unconscious though, but on a conscious level, it’s still very deliberate and tactful.

  • NOTE: [November 24th, 2018] Hi, I did this reading like two weeks ago and literally yesterday I did a reading for Jin that explained this a bit more. This energy is being channeled through the connection they share via the Soul Body, however, the energy is being emitted from his heart chakra, which is why it’s coming off as soil and water. It’s that “mother earth” energy, which also explains that healing and guidance thing that’s happening.)

  • he sees something, the imbalance of projection, core, stabilize energy. — the shift, he sees what’s coming, struggle with what is coming, acting as a guide — help him settle and finish what is there.

    • NOTE: [11/24] This makes sense to me now as well. It will be explained way more when Jin’s reading for December comes out, but he actually is acting as a Guide in the sense that he is bringing in high vibration frequencies, literal light to people around him right now. He’s basically a conduit and that’s why this was happening, lol. It’s still happening and I imagine it’s happening for everyone, but Jin was probably more focused on Namjoon as he is the head of the Soul Body and needs to stay in check now.)

Still very confused of what this means exactly. I don’t think “the shift” is referring to THE SHIFT, but some kind of mental or emotional shift that’s coming to Namjoon. (11/24: It is the shift, both internal and external.He has awareness of it somehow. That could be on a soul level, which is why this stimulation is hidden, it’s under the surface because he’s heading towards something.

If that’s the case, that inner shift could be something that could put him in an upset place or throw him off consciously, so Jin’s energy center is already preemptively stabilizing Namjoon’s energy center so that it will vibrate through to the conscious mind by the time that shift hits him. That may be why I couldn’t see the beginning or end of those lines, they weren’t connecting through consciousness, but the consciousness was the port on both ends. 

  • NOTE: [11/24] correct, past me. Good job.)

A bit complicated, but this makes it seem like there will be some kind of inner shift with Namjoon and since Jin’s energy center can see the lines coming and going from people, he’s already preparing Namjoon for it so that there’s no chance of him ~accidentally~ disconnecting from the Source energy or throwing off the Soul Body in any way. This, of course, is being implemented through conscious conversation and projected frequency.


I didn’t really want to spend time on any more of the pre-reading, so I just requested the most basic and condensed visual of what all that shit up above is, and this is what I got. Namjoon is down below as the 3 of Pentacles. The three people are representative of the three layers of consciousness, which are about to be, or already are being influenced by the tangled energy of the 5 of Wands.

Above that, over and ahead of that tangled energy Jin is coming to the rescue as the Knight of Wands, bringing about that shift with the Wheel of Fortune. It’s like he’s a construction worker clearing out and paving a road for the chaotic energy to move through on so that it doesn’t just go all over the place. You could almost look at it as him leading that energy through that line that he’s prepared so that it doesn’t overwhelm Namjoon’s energy center.

Still confusing, lol.

The Reading:


Energetic Contributions To The Relationship:
Jin: Nine of Wands (rev.) | Namjoon: 2 of Cups (rev.)

This is a really interesting combination here because it literally goes right along with what I saw and heard with the whole Jin running to find the roots and then Namjoon, or the tree, being freaked out about the Fire.

The Nine of Wand reversed in this deck is all about bringing clarity and awareness to fears and paranoia that you are bringing onto yourself. The aspect of illumination here with the Wands and also with Jin’s Sagittarius energy, and the energy line using Fire to funnel, is all kind of pointing to the potential of Jin being aware that Namjoon is creating his own worries and stress in places where he doesn’t need to, and Jin bringing light to that scares Namjoon in a sense. It’s like he’s getting pulled in two because he has these aspects of Water mixing with Fire, light coming in from the Sun and the Moon, darkness bringing wonder and fear all at once.

Namjoon’s reversed Two of Cups literally points to distrust in a relationship, not seeing eye-to-eye on something. These are the energies they are presenting in the relationship, it reflects their exact energy lines under that image of the tree. It is a mix of Water and Fire, Jin is the one sending it out while Namjoon very hesitantly receives it. This aspect of Water and Fire is also replicated in the rest of the spread.


How They See The Relationship:
Jin: Queen of Wands | Namjoon: Nine of Cups

These aren’t reflecting how they see the relationship, it’s reflecting how they both see each other. It’s interesting because it shows that they are reflecting each other. Their conscious understanding of the relationship is based on the back and forth exchange of their energy lines.

On Jin’s side, he’s seeing aspects of himself, parts that he relates to in Namjoon which are his stability, determination, high levels of analytical intuition that allows him to navigate his progression, all while remaining receptive and in touch with the Divine Feminine energy that keeps him level-headed and willing to learn and expand. With Namjoon he’s seeing that ability to manifest, stay stable in the face of turmoil, hold the ground while everything else starts breaking down around all of them. He’s seeing someone who can guarantee something for himself and everyone around him.

Again, they are seeing parts of themselves in each other, and that is how they see their relationship. They see a mirror, their “other half” on a conscious level, which allows them to not really mesh well, but to positively bounce ideas off of each other and present views from either side that allows them to support and destroy aspects of each other based on their own experiences and self-understanding.


Current State of The Relationship: Strength

Don’t really need an explanation for that, I’m sure.

They hold each other up and it’s not always in a direct, sit down and talk, kind of way. It’s a guarantee on both sides that Namjoon as the leader and Jin as the oldest have their roles and duties within the group both in term of work and in personal connections. They rely on each other to be the “silent support,” or the foundations for the collective aspect that is between them.

Out of everyone, Jin is the only other person that would be able to relate to the pressure of feeling like it’s all on him to take care of the people around him. As the oldest, Jin has that pressure on a personal, non-work level, and Namjoon has it the other way around. Opposite ends, supporting the group, and through the support of the group, they stabilize and support each other.

They lend strength both ways, but there is a ring thing going on with it visually. It’s like Jin stabilizes Namjoon from behind while Namjoon holds up the rest of the group. That solid foundation for the group as presented to the world leads to less turmoil and stress within the group, which is what Jin relies on for his own stability in balance. So it really does ripple through one end to the other.


Highest Potential: Page of Wands

Again this shows a mix of Water and Fire energy presented through the Page of Wands. I was seeing this as some kind of initiation, or a promise of some kind where there is something put forward that they partake in. This literally looked like they were starting a business together or forming their own label, or something. That could just be symbolic and implying that the balance of Water and Fire will implement the balance of Air and Earth energies between them as well, which will lead to the act towards manifestation. Not manifesting itself, but the step towards starting something.

The highest potential is the awareness and the utilization of their blended energy. The foundations that they are able to keep for others and each other, they can lay down and build it up to something very big and something that could just be constantly expanding. Right now this is already in play, but it’s being done in restriction, directed towards only one thing. If they were more conscious of this connection and were able to balance and direct that energy they would experience incredible success with whatever it is that they choose to do with that gift.

That’s all I have for this one, thank you so much for reading!