Energy Check For Matsui Jurina

October 25, 2018

Could you do a check-in on Matsui Jurina?
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

 I wasn’t familiar with her so I had to google her but I wasn’t seeing anything specific like usually, people ask for check-ins when there’s like drama or something happening, but nothing popped up on the initial search. I pulled some cards to see what the concern was for a lot of people and the 6 of Swords with the Wheel of Fortune came out. So, the concern is around her leaving or stepping away from something. I assume there’s a potential of her leaving the group or concern around her being kicked out. The Wheel of Fortune here suggests that people (the fans and the general public) aren’t really sure what’s going on, but they’re seeing a change happen very clearly.

For her she has a lot of positive cards, all kind of pointing to her kind of becoming more self-involved (in a good way), taking care of herself and her mental well-being. There’s a lot of energy here around her wanting to be more emotionally stable and have a clear path for herself where she knows that she can be sure that her passion is put ahead of others wants and needs. A lot of creative energy as well, so she could just be working on a solo project or something and it looks like she’s leaving the group or the company, or she could actually be leaving in order to pursue solo business. The Page of Swords at the very end implies that she’s thought this through and she’s putting something into action, but it’s still in the beginning stages, which may be why people are seeing the combo of the 6 of Swords and the Wheel of Fortune.

Other than that, everything seems okay internally, just a bit of self-assessment and getting things situated for a new chapter of some sort.