Blue Moon Punch

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How do the members of BTS see Hoseok?

October 25, 2018

video version available - february 21, 2021

*The video version includes cleaner narration and “2020 Notes” to elaborate and clarify points made in the original reading in 2018.

Lord have mercy… is anyone surprised that Hoseok’s layout looks like this?? I’m not… I think he was the first EA reading that I did that came out with multiple cards for the placements so, I suppose this is to be expected.

There’s a lot of polarities here in his energy that he projects into the group. You have that Sun energy which is all the HOPE! kind of stuff, and then you have the 4 of Swords which is that very mellow and soft, relaxing energy where he’s quiet and he’s just sat there thinking. Literally when I flipped the cards over (they came out together face down) I saw the Sun first and was like, lol yeah no shit, and then I flipped over the 4 of Swords and heard “get to bed, everyone!” and that’s that kind of filter thing that he has going for the group. 

It’s this protection that he has around the group energetically that sorta kinda filters what comes in, but also filters what goes out. It’s a little difficult to explain, but for sure, these are both parts of him. The HOPE! things isn’t an act or anything, however, he will put it on like an act even when he’s not actually feeling that SUPER DUPER AQUARIUS ENERGY MAGA FORCE GO kind of thing, and is instead vibing on the lo-fi zoning out stoned and looking at the stars kind of feel. Both of which are dope as hell, lol.

With all of that polarity energy just sort of being there in him (along with those “personal retrogrades” that I talked about in his EA readings) it gets reflected by the perception of him in the group.

Namjoon - The Magician

Namjoon is the only one in the group to have gotten one card for how he sees Hoseok and what’s interesting is that this card carries polarity, but it shows balances within that polarity. The Magician is someone who has the ability to balance, control, and direct energy in order to manifest desires into the physical reality.

The way he is able to do that is through conscious awareness and application of the all four elements (as represented by the presence of the cups, swords, wands, and pentacles on the card) along with the understanding of “as above, so below. as within, so without.” It shows awareness of all aspects within the self as well as aspects outside and beyond what he is able to see in front of him. The physical and the metaphysical, the logical and emotional, the natural and the supernatural. That’s literally some Aquarius shit, lol.

So, the fact that Namjoon has only one card here means that he’s very aware that that polarity within Hoseok is all one thing, it’s all him, and it’s all something that allows him to succeed and progress, it’s something that contributes to his talent. Which makes a lot of sense considering how Namjoon analyzes himself and sees his own faults, shortcomings, and negative emotions as being something that he can process and use to connect, express, and teach his view. 

I imagine since they are the same age they do have that slightly closer bond so that combined with his own observational skill, he may see this very clearly in Hoseok and accept it as being him as a whole and not him split down the middle.

Yoongi - The High Priestess + Ace of Swords

Good ol’ Pisces Man Min Yoongi sees that energy in Hoseok that is both intuitive and intellectual, emotional and logical. This is one of the clearest representations in polarity next to Taehyung’s, but this one is more connected to the mind and how Yoongi sees Hoseok’s thought process work out. So, first off that High Priestess is associated with Pisces and the Ace of Swords can be attributed to Aquarius. When you combine them they have the same energy as Aquarius entirely with that forward-thinking and future-seeing kind of weird-ass vibe that doesn’t make a lot of sense to a lot of people, lol. 

The High Priestess herself is a polarity card as she sits as the gatekeeper between the physical and the non-physical, the conscious and the unconscious, the spiritual and the non-spiritual. The Ace of Swords is the exact opposite. It’s direct and clear thinking, focused on one thing and nothing else. What you see is what you believe and that’s what you’re heading towards.

So, there are these two modes there that kind of reflect that loose and vibrant energy of The Sun through the High Priestess, and then the more toned down and focused energy of the Ace of Swords through the aspects of the 4 of Swords. The thing is though, he’s kind of glorifying or favoring the aspects of the High Priestess and that’s most likely because that is where he understands them to connect, it’s through that Pisces energy (Hoseok carries a lot of Pisces energy, I think he’s cusping on Pisces or something maybe?). 

I was also seeing this image as well of them in the studio, but Yoongi is like sitting behind Hoseok and just watching him work and it’s like his hands are moving really quickly and it was this feeling of, “Oh, he just knows exactly what he needs to do.” Like, I think Yoongi sees Hoseok’s intuition come through with how he creates music, it’s like second nature and he feels through the sounds. That’s why his music sounds so out there and weird, he’s literally channeling his own “out there” and “weird” energy. He’s just feeling it and then doing it, which… I guess would line up with the Ace of Swords too in the sense that he channels that directly and sticks with that vibe.

So, Yoongi sees that process with creativity going straight towards creation, which is rad.

Jimin - 4 of Wands + The Moon 

So, the Libra in the group is reflecting Hoseok almost exactly with the representation of a Luminary (The Moon) opposing the Sun and the 4 of Wands opposing the 4 of Swords. Literally, it’s the exact opposite thing and I’ve explained this before but none of them can bullshit Jimin because he can literally read people so easily, but it’s done on an individual basis, so it’s not super obvious and he’s not super obvious about it either. 

It’s hard to explain yet again, but don’t worry, this doesn’t mean anything bad. What this means is that he sees Hoseok’s HOPE! energy projection thing as being something he may use more often than not to kind of mask his more low-down feelings, but also it can be something that he is doing for work like it’s his brand, you know. So, again, it’s not fake, but he’s also not running on 100 all the time.

It’s like Jimin sees Hoseok doing the HOPE! thing, but in his mind, he’s seeing more of what we, as spectators, would see when he’s pulling the 4 of Swords, that mellow and even kind of flow. And then when Hoseok is projecting that 4 of Swords, Jimin is seeing the 4 of Wands which is like building something up and it’s more active than the 4 of Swords. So this is more directed towards his mental state.

Okay, I’m going to try and make this clear because I feel like I’m not at all, lol. It’s like he’s seeing what’s hidden with the Moon. Like, Hoseok does the HOPE! thing and then Jimin QUESTIONS whether or not it’s real and it’s a focus of his and a worry of his that Hoseok could be hiding more heavy or upsetting within himself but he can’t be too sure about it. So, it’s like Hoseok’s Sun projection is always the same, but the reason for the projection can all be very different. 

The Moon insinuates mystery and confusion, so it’s like, Jimin’s not always so sure about that. HOWEVER! With the 4 of Sword and the 4 of Wands, it’s like he knows that when Hoseok is quiet and openly being “low” or has the HOPE! thing turned off, it means he’s focused on something, he’s working on something, he’s thinking about something, he’s not hiding anything. So, I think Jimin likes seeing that side of Hoseok more than the HOPE! part of him. Not like he hates it or anything, it’s just that he can be sure he’s okay if he is in that calmer state.

Jin - Judgement + The Fool

Again, we have that polarity here that goes from the more jovial and expressive nature to a more serious and kind of dry vibe. The difference here with this is that The Fool feels more projected while the Judgement seems more internalized. So, it’s like Jin sees Hoseok as this very free and open person on the outside, but he and his analytical I-can-read-you-like-a-fortune-cookie kind of thing he sees a lot of Hoseok’s self-imposed pressure and restriction that goes along with it.

In terms of the image I was seeing Jin standing in front of Hoseok and Hoseok was holding up a big piece of cardboard that had a crudely painted image of The Fool on it and it was covering his face, but Jin could also SOMEHOW see Hoseok’s back, like from behind the board. Then there on his back, like in his skin was the trumpet from the Judgement card. It’s like Jin can see the difference between what Hoseok projects and what he has going on internally towards himself.

I’ve mentioned this 1000 times now, lol, but Jin isn’t really an empath technically, it’s more like he’s literally just able to read people based on body language, their voice, their posture, what they’re wearing, how they move when they walk. It’s all very superficial, but his actual perception of all of that information that he gets is very intuitive… so like an empath but not.

Taehyung - Wheel of Fortune + Death

I thought this was interesting because it’s like Yoongi’s set where you have these cards that are in direct opposition to each other, but they have common links. 

So, before anyone freaks out, Death isn’t really a bad card it just signifies change, like Death + Rebirth, one door closing, and another door opening, that kind of thing. Both of these cards signify change and beginnings and ends. Specifically, when it is upright, the Wheel of Fortune is more in the realms of beginnings, creation, good luck, positive karma, positive manifestation, all of which oppose the more surface-level energies of Death. 

So, you have creation and destruction, that are linked together through the simple transition from one to the other, but that transition is missing here. You just have the opposite ends of the spectrum. It’s Taehyung’s perception of Hoseok’s action that goes along with Yoongi’s perception of Hoseok’s thought process behind the action. The thought process, what Yoongi sees, is what is missing in Taehyung’s perception, and vice versa.

I heard, “You change but I don’t know how you change” and I don’t know if that’s literally what Taehyung has in his mind around Hoseok or if that was just a clarification about this “missing piece” here. Either way, these are both major cards so it’s like it really sticks out to Taehyung how big the shifts are for Hoseok and how he can go from having nothing, or a blank piece of paper rather, to suddenly having a mixtape with so much depth and movement to it, and such fine details that expand overall to the senses. Obviously, it takes time, but for Taehyung it seems like it happens overnight and out of nowhere.

I’ve talked about it before in Taehyung’s EA readings, and maybe in other posts as well that he has difficulty expressing himself creatively, like 100% on his own, and with that he also has a hard time getting how other people do express themselves and create things out of nothing. That’s why he tends to recreate other artists’ work, he’s trying to, consciously or subconsciously, figure out what steps they took, what that transition from nothing to something, something to nothing actually was. I think he’s doing that here with Hoseok and it’s coming through very clearly specifically because those transitions with Hoseok can be very, very big.

Kook - Page of Swords + Temperance

As always, Kook has a bright eye on this and it’s kind of no different than everyone else’s in terms of showcasing the polarity of Hoseok, however, it’s like he’s looking at it more “polite”… like it feels a bit forced that both of these cards are positive, but it’s not like it’s wrong or a lie or anything like that. 

Basically, it’s like Temperance is just that, it’s pure balance and clarity, while the Page of Swords is the opposite. It’s meant to be the opposite showing this feeling of being lost and confused, but it’s being represented here by something that can mean the same thing, but it’s more in line with the lack of clarity and confusion that comes from a fresh start and an open road. So, like the energy is lost and confused, but the image is that of kind of this vast open space where you can’t quite focus enough on one point long enough to get yourself moving in one direction.

In a way, you could, perhaps, look at this as the Page being Kook and the sword being Hoseok, relating back to the Ace of Swords. From a smaller space, or a younger, “little brother” frame of mind it can come off like Kook is seeing Hoseok operate with this very intense and sharp focus within this very wide-open space full of distractions, and he’s just trying to figure out how he does it, trying to emulate him maybe. The actual confusion could be coming from Kook as he views the Page of Swords itself. Either way, it’s still this very polite and considerate perspective like, “I don’t understand how you do this, it makes no sense to me at all, but it’s amazing.”

Also, there’s no one specific area here that he’s focusing on either. It’s like he’s just sort of summing Hoseok up into either this “beginning stage” with the visionary and the limitless vibe of the Page of Swords and then seeing the end result as always being “just right” in everything he does through Temperance.