How do Namjoon and Jimin connect?

October 27, 2018

Hello Bluemoonpunch ! Could you tell us more about the relationship between Namjoon and Jimin please, on an everyday level ? In a non-shipping way, I’m not into this at all. Thank you :D Have a nice day !!!!
— Anonymous @ Tumblr
HTC - Namjoon and Jimin.png

This bummed me out just a little bit, but it would seem that Namjoon and Jimin relate a lot through their personal struggles and stress that stems from issues with self-perception and the general pressure that comes with being watched constantly by the worlds around them. The 10 of Wands was the first card to come out, but it came out with seven other cards alongside it, each one being a specific point of stress, anxiety, fear, or tension that they share common ground on. I didn’t want to include them because some of the issues seemed a bit more personal, so we can just look at that all as being summarized within the 10 of Wands.

In terms of how they see each other, Namjoon perceives Jimin as a mirror to his own emotions, which makes sense with that aspect of carrying similar struggles, as well as the general power of reflection that Jimin has as a Libra, meaning this can be subconscious, conscious, and energetic from core projection. However, there is a much bigger focus on emotions with the 2 of Cups, mainly because this is the conscious level perception. Namjoon perceives this mirrored aspect between himself and Jimin because he’s literally seen it, most likely though conversations as well as observation and just simply knowing Jimin. 

On the other end, Jimin sees Namjoon as a leading point of stability with the Ace of Pentacles. It’s almost like Jimin can find his personal validation just by talking to Namjoon, as in, he doesn’t need to outright seek validation of affirmation from Namjoon, just talking to him settles him down. Again, that may just be through the matter of reflection where observing the display of his own thoughts and feelings in another person provides him with that same sense of validation, and therefore stability, without having to actually dig for it. Within this connection, it seems like Jimin can get out of his head a bit by talking to Namjoon, and the comradery within the experience validates his own feelings, lets him know that it’s okay to be upset, or tired, or angry rather than seeing those feelings as personal shortcomings that lead to mental and physical setbacks with his work and performance. As I was seeing it, the Ace of Pentacles, offered to Jimin by Namjoon, is this reinforcement telling him that what he feels is not weak or childish, but something that shows strength and resilience overall. 

Somewhere at this beautifully perfect point, somewhere within their energetic projection and layers of consciousness, not quite at the soul level, Namjoon and Jimin merge, and their entire resonance with each other just syncs up so well. That point there is where I got The Chariot and The Lovers. It’s nearly at the soul, but it’s like it’s right on the edge of it, and something about it being right on the edge makes it look like this bright white light where anything can just happen and it would be absolutely incredible. This is in a matter of creation as well as a transformation on a personal level. This can relate to more superficial things as well in terms of their work, creating “otherworldly” music together, or something that would seem revolutionary in some way. It would stick out basically if anything came from between them in that space of the bright white light.

The more I linger on that energy with The Chariot and The Lovers, it really settles physically. Like, that light could make someone’s mouth water or it could make their skin feel like it’s full of static. I really want to say Lie came from that space, but it’s really so annoying because I can see it so clearly, but I can’t see where it’s stemming from. It’s kind of just floating between them I guess.