What happened between Jay Park and JYP?

October 4, 2018

will you solve one of the biggest mysteries in kpop - what happened between jay park and jyp? lol
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

I didn’t know if you meant JYP the person or the company as a whole, so I just went with the person. Lol, this is kind of funny to me. Jay Park is Temperance, JYP is the King of Cups. Both of which felt like very strong energies and I was like, okay, they’re both very set in their ways, they both have their ideas (which would extend to how the company is run and how things work behind the scenes with him) so they butt heads and just don’t settle on the same frequency. The energy between them is just that with the reversed Queen of Swords.

Basically, for whatever reason, both of them can be a bit more temperamental when they work together. They both have ideas and ways that they want to do it, Jay Park seems more stubborn about how he wants to do things while JYP seems more set in his ways out of a belief that he already knows better and knows the right way to do things. Literally, it just seems like they were missing each other a lot like they weren’t seeing eye-to-eye on anything, neither of them wanted to listen to each other but still wanted to the other to listen to them. With that, both of them felt disrespected and just didn’t want to work together or be in that space.

Honestly, this seems pretty chill BUT that’s only because I was tapping Jay Park and his current energy is within Temperance so his own perception of the situation entirely could be more settled, like he’s moved past it so it’s not lingering in his mind as this huge awful thing, it’s just sort of a thing.

But yeah, the last two cards are what made me laugh because Jay Park would be The Fool galavanting around living his best life, while JYP (the person or the company) is sitting there trying to call him but Jay Park isn’t picking up, lol.

Now, in all realness, when I focus on JYP’s (the person) energy it does actually suit the King of Cups in the sense that he does actually care about the people that work under him, and he is kind of this “fatherly” sort of dude, however, that “father” vibe can get out of hand and he can sometimes go back and forth between holding too much authority over people and completely abandoning groups for months at a time while he works on personal stuff or other groups. Like, he tries to be good to everyone, and he thinks he is all the way through, but there are these little bubbles where his kindness and his business side don’t mix well and you get that reversed Queen of Swords vibe.