What happened to Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin in Fort Worth?

September 30, 2018

Recently I was fortunate to go to one of BTS’ concerts in Fort Worth, notably for Saturday. At the beginning of the concert, they seemed off; Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin especially. Taehyung at one point seemed like he was crying. I was wondering if you could check up on those three and/or the whole group? Thank you! 💜
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

Hmm… seems weird. It wasn’t very clear what was up, but it was stemming from Jimin’s energy with the 9 of Swords laying over Justice (Libra’s card, reflects Jimin’s core energy, so maybe a “dark sun” moment?) but it was bleeding out over to Taehyung’s energy around this time which is in the 7 of Cups. But then Jimin’s projected energy around this time was in the 4 of Wands and The Devil, so…

What it felt like was that there was some sort of shit between them or someone saw something and tried to say something and it got awkward or there was some sort of argument that wasn’t really an argument, it was just something that Taehyung said, but Jimin didn’t acknowledge it but he still like… had it in his head. Basically, Jimin (Justice = Libra) was bleeding into Taehyung and making him confused or upset about something, and Taehyun was doing the same as The Devil (Capricorn) sits in the mind of the 4 of Wands where everything is totes okay and everything is fun and happy.

Then Jin is over there like… being aware of it but encouraging them with that Namjoon like Virgo shit to just kind of chill out and keep shit stable???? I don’t know. Jin’s in it mentally, like he was aware of the issues, but he wasn’t putting his emotions in it and he was telling them not to as well.

But really, it doesn’t seem like a huge thing, it wasn’t a blow out argument, it was just that someone saw something then said something, and then JIMIN didn’t say anything and then it was weird and Jin was like, “Lol, stop it.” and then everything was okay?

So, yeah? I guess that’s it? It hasn’t spread out though like it’s not affecting them now in any way. It was probably just a bit of stress overload or something?