What happened when Jessica left SNSD?

October 20, 2018

Hey... could you do a reading of what happened with jessica and sm/snsd in the moment she left? Ksjs i know this is old but im pretty new to kpop so im lost with everything :(( ofc i dont want you to reveal anything personal or some bs (as you have never do) just like how happened and what was affected by it? Jsjs
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

I had to google her because I’m not too familiar with the group or that particular issue and I saw on her Wikipedia page that she was asked to leave the group in 2014 because she was starting a business. I still pulled some cards on this because I thought it seemed interesting.

The first set on top is the energy signature that was around that entire situation and literally it’s all about money. It’s an issue of balance and perception of balance and loyalty between her business and the group. It’s interesting because this is showing two views of the situation and they are reversed here only because they are conflicting with each other. Basically, Jessica was within the 10 of Pentacles just trying to build something up for herself and it was something she planned on grouping into a lot of other things including her work with SNSD. I’d go as far to say she was going to include SNSD in her business somehow. It said on her wiki page that it’s a fashion brand, so maybe something like an SNSD line of clothes or something where the other girls all contributes designs or something like that. Some sort of collaboration there with that could have happened.

BUT in spite of that, other people were seeing her as the Knight of Pentacles, going solo with this one project in mind, getting ready to take off as soon as she got the chance. Really, some of the girls and the company thought that, at that point, she was just using them for promotional reasons and once she got to a certain level with her company she was just going to split. So, not only for personal reasons but also business reasons, the company started suggesting that that is what she was going to do. It’s almost like this idea was planted in the other girls’ heads. Like, the company got paranoid about it and then tried to get the other girls to convince her to completely shut down her business or some shit, and when she didn’t they took that as confirmation that she was like… plotting against them or something??

In terms of where everyone was standing when that decision was made for her to leave, she was extremely distraught. That Ace of Cups gave me such a nasty pressure in my chest, like full-on, that ripped her heart out. It’s like that feeling when you get a call from someone and you say hello and they don’t speak right away and just something about that tiny bit of silence makes your stomach drop — that’s what that felt like. It was like she almost braced herself for it even though she had absolutely no idea that would happen, and it was like the rug got pulled out from under her.

And that’s also how the group felt as well. The reversed Wheel of Fortune has a lot of mixed feelings. Some girls were really believing that Jessica was out to use them so, they were like seething in this mindset of “karma being served,” and then there were other girls who were devastated by it, and then there were some who were really concerned about the negative response the public could have for the group and for Jessica. It was really mixed around, but for sure, it threw things off for a while, no one knew what was going to happen next or how they were going to proceed. This makes me think that this was a very quick decision made by the company like it was a surprise to everyone.

And finally, the company’s stance on this was that of Judgement, so that does kind of fit that “quick decision” being made. Like a judge in a court, about as fast as a judge can slam their little hammer thing on the bench, that’s how fast that choice was made to sentence Jessica to exile from the group. And there really is this “high and mighty” kind of feeling to it, like they genuinely believed that she was trying to go against them with this company of hers and they thought they “stopped her in her tracks.” Like, it just seems really, really stupid to me honestly, lol. It was like they just didn’t want her in the group because they thought she was going to use the group for exposure and then leave. It was completely fear-based on the company’s part. It doesn’t make sense to me at all.