Energy Check for Louis Tomlinson

December 28, 2018

Good evening ! Thank you so much for all the posts this month for BTS :) Would you consider doing a mini reading for Louis Tomlinson (of 1D), in particular his career at the moment?
— throwsherbet @ Tumblr

With the Death card being immediately followed by The Sun, it’s like there’s some sort of finalization happening with something. I had two different visuals for that. One was like something very jagged being crushed into something very smooth, and then the other was someone peeling a banana before cutting it up and serving it to someone. Like, things are being destroyed for the sake of presentation… which can be good or bad, because the sun isn’t really there as an exclusively happy card. It’s more like a spotlight. Things are being killed off so they can look good, or he can look good to the public.

This is being done for the sake of easy progression, easy recognition through the Chariot, and of course, public acceptance with the 6 of Wands.

That’s what’s happening right now, but in spite of the dark undertones with it, it seems like it would lead him to success as it’s pretty much a process of being “perfected.”