Energy Check-Up for Jeon Jungkook

I’m really happy to see Jungkook expressing himself in this new way. I was wondering if this is something he is intentionally doing to //individualize// himself? I know you’ve mentioned he’s struggled w trying to show his mature side, so I hope he isn’t too affected by the rumors and drama going on and doesn’t feel pressure to conform to ppl’s “concept”of him.
— anonymous @ tumblr
What’s going on with JK that it just seems that the universe is against him. Like the media making a big deal about minor things like his car accident that he caused, but it was really minor. But the media is still talking about it, and the whole dating thing. It’s like he’s the one being scandalized for really small things. Any insights you can offer to this?
— anonymous @ tumblr
hi there! i was wondering if you could do a reading on jk. more specifically, it seems he is finally doing the things he likes, the things he WANTS, all w/the long hair and “tattoos” and piercings. is he happy? i know that a lot of rly judgemental ppl dont want to do these things and go as far as to call him mean things but how does he feel personally abt all this? is he slowly letting us see more into his reality? his true self?
— anonymous @ tumblr
Hi, could you please do a reading on Jungkook? Recently he changed not just physically but mentally and it’s hard to understand him because he’s a closed book and seem like a whole different person. Maybe he went through some difficult times during break or he said to himself i don’t care anymore i’m gonna do the real me. I just really care about him and hope he’s okay now. Thank you in advance!
— anonymous @ tumblr

This has to do with the shift in maturity and mindset brought on by the integration process and the process of separation. I’ve talked about it a million times. Just look at any of his readings, including his relationship readings that I’ve done and you’ll find a bunch of stuff about it. Bla bla bla.

So, this made me really, really happy because, in terms of how these processes manifest consciously or superficially, Kook has really interested me because he would be such a drastic shift, or at least it would be very noticeable, and it was. I’m really happy that all of that came to a peak while he was on vacation and when he really had time and freedom to actually, very intentionally, let go of some of those restrictions and guidelines that he holds himself to, or that others hold him to, in order to explore himself a little more. It really opened a lot of things up for him mentally, I’m sure.

The first set out was the King of Pentacles and the Knight of Swords, which definitely shows this very independent and driven energy towards personal fulfillment, which is what I’ve been talking about with all of them in terms of what would happen when they were separated on a soul level. The focus is put on personal soul fulfillment and that becomes the main driving force. 

There’s actually a lot of focus here on mentality, perspective, thought process, things like that with the Knight of Swords and the Page of Swords being present as these points of a fresh outlook and perspective. The reversed Hierophant there is literally an intentional separation from and resistance to any kind of “traditional” expectation or ruling placed over him by outside forces, which mostly has to do with the general public and the audience. He’s learning to think for himself and in turn, act for himself, do things that make him happy without being concerned about what a bunch of strangers will think. 

This is where The Magician comes in. With that independent thought process separate from the external rule and directed towards the fulfillment of the King of Pentacles, he can better direct and formulate manifestations not just physically but energetically or etherically. Basically, he’s getting in touch with his soul more, and in that time where he was left to kind of do as he pleased with himself, a lot of blocks or blinders were knocked off and he’s able to see where certain things or mindsets are holding him back — this actually plays into the reading I just did for all seven of them where Kook’s current conscious state of outlook was reflected in the 8 of Swords where he is able to see different blocks within himself and he’s trying to pull them out. You can read that here.

Obviously, this process is not complete, it’s not a switch that can be flipped and suddenly he’s different, so don’t consider anything permanent or unmoving. Also, the fact that some people are so “worried” and “concerned” about him, or were worried and concerned while he was just kind of living his life is massively part of the problem.

And in terms of the scandals and issues, not a big deal. It’s an aspect of balance through the challenge. His whole thing is about being judged by people and here he is after this pretty big shift being put in a position where he is judged and criticized quite openly… it’s like a test. I feel like one of the biggest lessons for him in this was that this got stirred up into something more, or why it became more controversial than needed, was specifically because fans tried to downplay it, like, lol at ARMY for doing what every other fandom does. Like I was honestly a little shocked that so many people were so quick to pull that kind of nonsense with someone from BTS because I would have assumed with how quick everyone is to criticize how other fandoms react to their idols doing illegal shit, something this small and relatively insignificant would have been taken a bit more maturely, but nah. Can’t have that. Hypocrisy is the vibe here. 

But like I said, there’s a lesson in that for Kook, lol. Which would be the opinions and perspectives of his audience are feeble and mean nothing, therefore he doesn’t need to concern himself with it on such a deep level, especially when it concerns him and his actions. 

Love that for him.