How do Jimin and Sungwoon connect?

Not sure if you have done this already but... reading for Jimin and Sungwoon please 🙏❤
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

They mix really well on an emotional level, both contributing really open and honest energy. A lot of their relationship seems to be based around emotional understanding and expression, as well as stress relief and reassurance.

It’s interesting because their energy mixes into The Devil, which was really centered on that emotional release where they literally… let their demons out (?) with each other. They let themselves speak about deeper things that are really, really messing with them. Jimin actually does that with a lot of his friends outside of BTS, which is interesting.

Obviously, that puts The Devil in a very positive light as it is more a focus on the release of those chains rather than the typical notion of keeping themselves locked into negative behaviors and mindsets.

And then of course, on both sides, they are seeing the relationship very positively. Jimin is more focused on the fun and playful aspects, the more relaxed vibe and energy he gets from the relationship. It’s literally like playtime with the 10 of Cups and The Sun. Then on Sungwoon’s side, he’s really getting a lot of energy from Jimin as the 8 of Wands is flying into the Queen of Wands through The Moon. I think Sungwoon literally takes on Jimin’s energy after he takes his turn releasing those “demons” through their interactions.

Seems like a great friendship, one I imagine they both really appreciate and need in their lives.