Energy Check-Up for ATEEZ

Can you please do a reading on ateez. I have a feeling they are destined for greatness like bts. They are really good rookies. Thank you! Hope you rest well
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

Well, first off, since they’ve only recently debuted, let’s not already try and compare them to BTS or anyone else really. Let’s look at them as their own thing with their own style and own destiny because, you know, that’s how life works.

They do seem to have a lot of good stuff coming to them, but it’s literally coming from the position of The Hermit and Temperance. It’s a place of solace as well as introspection, everything is very centered. Basically, there’s some kind of “turn over” where they may (or may not) shift into a more unique space where they literally aren’t trying to be like other groups, they’re not trying to match up to other people… which I imagine would be difficult if they are already being compared to one of the biggest groups to ever exist…

But right now, they are in the space of the Page of Pentacles, which is expected since they’re so fresh out. Just like the Page, they are presenting their work, a small body of work, and are getting ready to really plant that in the soil and watch it grow.

With that comes the 7 of Wands which will transition them over to the Page of Wands. Pretty much it’s like they’re going to do a shit ton of work and really damn near ruin themselves only to level up by one point or something. The transition from one Page to the next isn’t that significant here, but there’s so much effort and energy in the 7 of Wands that you would assume they’d level up to the King of Wands or something.

Now, if you notice in the 7 of Wands, the man is standing on a ledge and is batting away other people, other Wands, who are trying to take his place. That’s what they will be doing. They are battling people who have the same exact weapons for the same exact spot… such as trying to live up to the standards of fans who want them to be the next BTS or the next Big Bang or whatever the fuck else. It’s going to be difficult and it’s not going to pay off much because… you know… BTS and Big Bang aren’t dead, they’re very much alive and very much relevant.

That, at some point, is going to lead to that potential turnover with The Hermit and Temperance where something really off the wall, or seemingly off the wall, will put them in a much higher position.

You’re absolutely right that they are meant to do well, however, there are a lot of “social” obstacles for them when it comes to expectations and the pay off of their work. Rather than already trying to compare them, it would be best to support and encourage what makes them stand out. That’s how groups become the BIGGEST GROUPS… they stand out, they’re unique. Let them be unique, encourage them to be unique.