How do BTS and Steve Aoki see each other?

don’t know if you’ve ever done this reading but if not can you do one with how the boys view steve aoki and vice versa?
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

They have a really strong connection in terms of energy, they really just flow together really nicely. Creatively speaking, I think there’s more of a connection between Steve and a few of the members rather than all of them together, but overall they mesh really, really nice.

On Steve’s side, you have him seeing BTS as The Star and the 7 of Pentacles. He’s recognizing their status, their talent, and their accomplishments, and is very much putting that right up next to their hard work. He’s not putting one over the other. He’s glorifying them while also seeing them as humble people that have really worked their way up to the top and earned that status.

The willingness to work and to perfect things may be something he’s focusing on as well. It may be something that he recognizes from his own process. I’m not too familiar with a lot of his work, or how he works behind the scenes, but there’s that kind of vibe where he dumps his soul out on the table and then sits there molding it into something that is pleasing for other people to consume. There’s a lot of openness and freedom to it, followed up with a lot of pride and a sense of purpose and meaning. It’s similar to how Namjoon works, so that may be where he’s seeing a lot of connection in terms of creative process.

Then on BTS’ side, there are a few different views of Steve, of course, as there are multiple members who would connect differently. With The Chariot, you have some of them really seeing him as this very dedicated and eager person, almost like a lightning bolt kind of energy. It’s that Sagittarius vibe that I get with The Chariot where there’s a lot of high-frequency Fire energy being directed at a specific target. He seems very “decorated” to them. Just as Steve is, they are recognizing his accomplishments and are really putting a lot of visual context to it.

It’s like when they first met him the ones that are seeing him as The Chariot may have taken a bit more notice of his clothes if he was wearing designer. Or if they went to his house (they did, didn’t they?) they took note of how nice his things were. There’s a lot of admiration and respect coming from the focus on what Steve was able to obtain for himself through his work. It’s very inspiring for them, they’re kind of looking at him as a little more than a very cool and very successful older brother.

Then, in a similar fashion, you have some of them, or maybe just one of them, who is seeing all of that accomplishment and dedication, but is much more focused on the creative aspects of it. The Chariots are focusing on the physical work, the day-to-day grind of producing and networking and performing, while the 9 of Cups is very focused on the actual process. It’s the ability to display his work, his creativity, his style, his soul on some level and have people enjoy it that this person is focusing on. They find it very admirable and inspirational that he’s been able to become so famous and stay so authentic to who he is with his style and his work.

Then there’s the Ace of Wands, which feels a bit more collective, like if you were to ask all of them they might vibe with the Ace of Wands, but only some of them are really in that headspace. This is actually a focus on what Steve did for them in terms of kind of bringing BTS into the more mainstream media with the remix and promotion and whatever else. I know people really love to argue about that shit, but straight up, objectively speaking, Steve Aoki did, in fact, introduce BTS to a shit ton of people that would have never touched anything labeled KPop before he did the remix of Mic Drop.

There’s recognition of that spark, that literal boost of energy that he gave them with the Ace of Wands. Like I said, only some of them are fully seeing that, but all of them would acknowledge it if someone asked them.

Usually, for these kinds of readings, I don’t pull cards for how their energy actually mixes, but two cards came out and landed in the center and that’s exactly what I got.

The Wheel of Fortune and The High Priestess together are really vibing with a fated connection that was literally meant to happen in order to boost them up, to give them that transition of the Wheel of Fortune through an equal exchange. Promo4Promo, basically. They both got some good shit out of it.

Actually, I think I wrote something once, maybe in a mini-reading or something, about how their work with Steve was fated for that exact reason. So, that shit is there very strongly. They really do work well together, and both sides get a lot of benefits from the connection while also just genuinely enjoying each other as people. I absolutely expect to see more collabs from them in the future.