Energy Check-Up for Min Yoongi

glad you’re back!! I was wondering if you could do a quick reading on Yoongi, since it was his birthday and all, only if you’re up for it of course xx
— Anonymous @

His energy was not very open for this reading, there wasn’t any open door really but I did make a connection through the space that was found through his December reading. Nothing really special happened there, I wasn’t really welcome and I got pushed out pretty quickly. Physically there was a bit of tension in the neck and I was seeing visuals of energy moving down the spine starting at the base of the skull rather than the crown area. Other than that there wasn’t much of anything.

With the cards there it’s mostly referring to surrounding energy, all of which is pointing to stabilization starting to occur, so I imagine that might be why I was pushed out. I’ve explained before that I try not to do anything that interferes with the current state of integration and soul progression, and I just sort of pushed it a bit too far here. Either way, that’s the big thing here. He’s stabilizing and it seems like he is breaking off from the group which is a good thing on a soul level.

Again, that is influencing energy so it’s not quite in the core yet, which means it’s nowhere near manifesting on the conscious level just yet, but it will be. There might still be a bit of resistance to it which could have been that tension in the neck with the energy moving through the spine, like the energy is coming in whether he’s ready for it or not but he’s still kind of pushing it off to the very last second. I would assume he’s still waiting for the others to get to where he is, but I’m not sure.

Other than that, the only thing that came out for him on a conscious level in terms of projection was the Strength card, so I imagine he’s doing just fine. From what I can tell, he has actually been doing well on a conscious level, it’s just that on an unconscious level he’s still resisting separation even though he’s technically already separated.