Energy Check-Up for Namjoon and Taehyung

Vmon have been really close lately showing affection outwardly, which is unusual for them. In that recent airport video where tae got out of the car ad waited for Joon, then hugged him like he hasn’t seen him in days, Tae saying he likes RM on twitter, and all the other vmon moments that seem really excessive for them. Last time they were like this, 4’o clock was produced. I was wondering if they’re just working together to produce another masterpiece,
— Anonymous @ BMP Website

Right off the bat, it does seem like they are or were working on something together, but then the whole integration thing swooped in as the main focus. That may be because I was focusing on their energy line rather than just the general projected energy, but it does still seem to be a big factor in their exchange right now. Just the same as it is with Hoseok and Taehyung on an internal level, Taehyung may be getting more stimulation from Namjoon on a conscious level.

I’m kind of over the whole only getting information about the integration process thing, and I’m sure pretty much everyone that follows this blog for BTS is over it too, so I’ll keep it simple.

Basically, there’s a lot of energy towards a slow-moving project which has been put in place externally, or on a soul level, like internally guided to help Taehyung cut off the conscious level logic and focus in on emotional analysis. It’s the exact same thing that Hoseok is doing for him, but here it’s directed at the conscious state, so he’s getting squeezed from both ends. I don’t remember clearly, but I think that exact image, like with the squeezing, came out in his and Hoseok’s relationship reading as well.

This is being targeted at that internal mess that Taehyung has in his core, as represented by the reversed Temperance card that is projecting into the 5 of Wands. They’re clearing it up, getting things cleaned out. Literally, when I asked if this was mainly for Taehyung’s integration, the Ace of Cups and The Star shot out and damn near punched a hole in my desk, so that’s a strong yes. It’s bringing in Water energy, of course, which is what Taehyung needs, bla bla bla, said it all before, lol.

So, yes, they’re probably working on something together, or Taehyung has been more involved in the production.