Energy Check-Up for Yoongi and Taehyung

hi! i’ve seen that both Tae and Yoongi seem better than they used to, could you perhaps do a follow up reading on their current relationship now? thks!!<3
— Anonymous @ BMP Website

What a surprise, more integration stuff. I’m sure you all are just so excited to read this one too.

Bit of a spoiler alert I guess, but this layout literally lines up with an integration map/stimulation diagram/balancing whateverthefuck thing that I got when I did Hoseok and Taehyung’s relationship reading (which will be up next week or the week after as I have like 7 readings ready to go up whenever). It’s showing how Yoongi, the main energy dude, the internal stimulation to Namjoon’s external stimulation, is being blocked from delivering that nice charged up water energy to Taehyung. Literally, that’s Yoongi as The Star, the goal is Temperance in the core, 9 of Cups within the level of consciousness, and then there’s The Devil, Ace of Wands, and the 5 of Pentacles slicing right through those connections.

Taehyung’s core energy, his Capricorn imprinting (The Devil), his Fire imprinting and overload within the spirit (Ace of Wands), which broke his core in half and left that receptive side all shriveled and sad (5 of Pentacles) is putting him at a lower frequency so he’s not a match for Yoongi, which means he can’t actually get anything in there. SOOOOOOOO, as you’ll see in Hoseok and Taehyung’s relationship reading, which you won’t even have to read now, so I wasted my time writing all of that stuff up, Hoseok is doing his whole planetary filtration system thing in the soul body.

That’s him within his core with the Knight of Pentacles, The Magician being that energetic control and direction, which is literally being sent straight into Temperance, which is exactly what was there with Namjoon and Taehyung’s energy update as well, so… yeah.

Yoongi and Taehyung are fine, they’re good, they’re the same as always, but Taehyung is going to be getting closer, or seemingly closer from the perspective of outside people who don’t actually know how close these people actually are, because he’s getting pushed towards people of higher frequencies. He’s getting closer to Namjoon and Yoongi, definitely Hoseok because they, on an energetic level, and conscious in Namjoon’s case, are breaking that closet door down and getting his broken core under control.

It’s all a thing.