How do Hwasa and Namjoon connect?

Hello ! I don’t know if you saw my message but I was wondering about Hwasa (MAMAMOO) and Namjoon (BTS) potential friendship. To me it seems like they were able to break down barriers and (still) thrive in the face of adversity (being criticized for not “fitting” Korean beauty standards or being too bold in the case of Hwasa).
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

Omg, I used to really, really want them to collaborate with each other because in my mind they were the two people that stood out the most in the K-pop world as not really sticking to the standards and all that. I still really want them to do something together but at the same time, I feel like such things would be too powerful and the Universe would just collapse.

So, with the reading there doesn’t seem to be a lot of focus or energy towards each other on either side. Usually, with other groups there’s always some kind of focus towards BTS because of how big they are, but just on an individual basis, there isn’t anything here. It’s kind of cool because what they project towards each other is pretty much just what they see, so it’s like they know of each other, maybe they met a couple of times or something, and those first impressions are what they are projecting onto each other. And in a way, they do actually see each other in a similar light based on how they stand out.

Namjoon is projecting the 7 of Cups and is seeing her as The Hanged Man. He’s recognizing in her a shift in perspective, as in she’s offering something different to people to consider, a different idea. This could literally relate to her physical appearance as well as presenting differences in physical appearance as positive things. There’s a lot of feminine energy there as well, so he might be focused on that with her as well, so like seeing her as a role model for girls and shifting their perspective based on how she speaks and what she displays.

Then Hwasa is projecting the reversed 10 of Pentacles and is seeing Namjoon as the 4 of Pentacles. It’s really cool because with the reversed 10 of Pentacles she’s literally projecting this idea that he (and probably the rest of the group) broke the mold and completely changed the idea of “peak success” in their industry while also completely throwing off tradition (like cookie-cutter kpop stuff) and representing the industry in a new way entirely. Then with the 4 of Pentacles, she’s singling him out as an independent form from everything else. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like she’s seeing some kind of authenticity that was always there and hasn’t changed, which is presenting as something unique. Like, she’s not seeing him as a character or as someone who could ~change~ because of success. She’s recognizing a lot of honesty in him and she sees it as something he is putting out there for people to learn from.

Their energies mix a lot through confidence and integrity, which isn’t surprising at all.