Energy Check-Up for Kim SoHyun

I just want to know if kim so hyun is happy and enjoying life. Please take care of yourself. Thank you for what you are doing. Tarot reading in principle does not go hand in hand with my religious beliefs but your readings and interpretations of things in general, calm’s me down. So once again thank you.
— anonymous @

Her core energy is focused on the Knight of Swords, so there a lot of mental stimulation resulting in action, which I assume could be to do with work as acting is very mentally oriented, but this could also be a build-up to stress or just a lot going on in general that has her moving around a lot. Overall, the energy surrounding her is The World and The Lovers, very positive and nurturing energy watching over her as she, on a soul level, tends to her garden in the 7 of Pentacles. She’s just living her life, doing her work, and that in itself seems to be keeping her very happy. Busy, but very happy.