How do the members of MAMAMOO see Hwasa?

How the members of MAMAMOO see Hwasa
— anonymous @

Within the group, Hwasa contributes the energy of the 6 of Cups which I was seeing as this big bubble that surrounds the group. Her energy is a major factor in how the group functions as well as how the group is perceived, and from what I know of her and the group, she is a huge aspect of a more progressive outlook in terms of how the group is portrayed.

With the 6 of Cups, the aspect of variety or choices being available is in Hwasa as this very open-minded and encouraging perspective. Everything is a potential and everything is considered through her. Any ideas or designs that the other members have are looked at in high regard by her but she’s still straightforward and honest about all of the options laid out, pointing out the best among the suggested and showcasing how and why they are the best and how they can actually be put into motion. 

Basically, her Leo energy puts her at the forefront of creative processing as well as the centerpiece of the group’s image. She draws the most attention, she’s aware of it, and she just knows how to really sell an image, sell an idea, and run with it especially if it goes against the standard. She’s very innovative like that and has a talent for seeing the highest potentials of any and all ideas, making her a great support system within the group’s creative process and the best person to give the final word between the group and the company.

Solar: Wheel of Fortune

All of the other girls view Hwasa through the lens of Major Arcana, meaning they see her influence over the group as being part of the very foundations of their dynamic. Each of them has a different perception of it, but overall, the focus is on the creative process. Solar here sees Hwasa as the Wheel of Fortune, able to transform a situation, an idea, an image, a song, into something more than what it as to begin with. Solar sees Hwasa as having a talent for taking things to the next level and expanding them into territories that they might not be able to reach without her.

Moonbyul: Judgement

Out of everyone, Moonbyul’s perspective is the most negative, and it’s not even really negative at all. There’s a strong sense of influence between the two of them like they operate within the same level in the group, and because of that, they can have ideas that are similar but differ in how they are to be executed. As I was seeing it, it’s basically a bump between a Leo and a Capricorn where one is leading the creative process while the other is leading the actual execution of it, but because both can want to be in charge there can be a need to very consciously choose to balance and take in both sides at once. Judgment here is like Moonbyul seeing Hwasa as the angel that makes the judgment call. Rather than seeing her as someone who can consider all ideas and find the best of them, Moonbyul sees Hwasa as a chopping block and there can be some competitive feelings around that. Again, this isn’t negative, this is just a Capricorn who carries Fire energy not being in charge, when they work together they can really put a solid system in place with clear foresight and clean execution.

Wheein: The Fool

This one is a lot more playful than the others, but it’s still in the same realm of seeing Hwasa as a visionary and the one that kind of leads the creative process and the image. With The Fool, it’s almost like Wheein doesn’t fully understand how she does it or how the process works, she just knows that these ideas, these images, and whatever else just seem to burst forward. She can see the initiation of it, she can understand the spark of inspiration, but how Hwasa, on a mental level, actually fleshes everything out and does so quickly is an odd thing to fully grasp. Also, unlike the other two who focus on specific actions or contributions, Hwasa has for the group, Wheein is focusing on Hwasa as a person. She sees her as The Fool overall, as a starting point, as the very first spark that sets things into motion, that leads them, and the action of the Wheel of Fortune and Judgment are held within The Fool’s character.