How do strangers see Namjoon?

can you do a strangers reading for Namjoon?
— anonymous @ tumblr

I thought this one was really interesting because the first impression shown here isn’t actually the first impression, it’s the impression that follows conversation, or one that specifically follows Namjoon actually speaking. It has absolutely no focus on physicality or facial expression, it is purely based on him verbally communicating.

The first card out was The High Priestess, a high mediator, or in Namjoon’s case, a translator. Obviously, that pertains to him literally translating in interviews, but it also goes into him “translating” or explaining the meaning behind the concepts of songs and videos. It’s hard to explain it because it was coming across as a visual representation, but it seemed like it’s about “translating” aspects of the intuition to aspects of the intellect, and the intellect to intuition. He translates what can be felt into what can be understood and what can be understood into what can be felt. It’s so interesting to me because this is a very ~high vibe~ kind of thing and the fact that this is being presented as a first impression that anyone can have of him really makes his position and role in the soul body appear much more prevalent in his conscious way of being.

Temperance came out as well furthering this aspect of balance, like a peacekeeper that provides stability and balance through his words. That can really cover a lot of things as it can pertain to him literally mediating arguments to him helping people on an individual level to balance and understand themselves on a deeper level through his words, his songs, and his explanations of them. 

Between The High Priestess and Temperance is the 8 of Swords which stuck out to me quite a lot. Both the Priestess and Temperance are majors, they carry the higher aspect of the mediator, but the 8 of Swords is a minor and it reflects more of the conscious level embodiment of this. It’s the obligation factor, that feeling of being tied up in that situation having no other choice but to be the one to “translate” and explain and balance. I feel like, because this card is trapped between these two powerhouse energies, it would be hard to actually notice this on a first impression. There would have to be an active observation of him to see the body reflect the position of the person in the 8 of Swords — stiff, head slightly turned down, hands clasped. 

To explain further, it’s like he can either be one or the other, the Priestess or Temperance, speaking to the collective or speaking to the individual (both of which can be done by talking to groups of people, doesn’t actually have to be one-on-one, such as an interview versus a livestream), but when he’s in a situation where he has to do both at the same time, such as interviews where he’s trying to translate what he and the other guys are thinking (intellect) but also what they are feeling or the feeling/intention behind a song or album (intuition), the two higher aspects close in on him and it creates that sensation of the 8 of Swords. He can come off tense, overly-focused, and rigid in both speech and posture.

To clarify this and make sure I wasn’t missing something, I pulled to see what he’s doing or what he’s projecting in order for people to see this in him, and the Ace of Swords came out and landed sideways just as you see it in the image. Swords are associated with Air, the intellect, thought process, and of course, communication. The first impression of Namjoon isn’t actually formed until they hear him speak — he doesn’t have to be speaking about anything specific, literally just saying “hello” seems to be enough to trigger this kind of awareness that makes people see him as a mediator.

To take this further I wanted to see what people are seeing of him before he speaks, like if they were to just look at him without knowing him what pops into their head. With that, I got the 2 of Cups and The Moon, which pretty much says that when he is not talking, they want to talk to him. They see him as The Moon (which is connected to The High Priestess, btw), this hidden aspect, something mysterious but attractive enough to make them want to offer up a conversation, offer a cup within the 2 of Cups in order to make an equal and balanced connection. The 2 of Cups here is connected to the two cups that Temperance balances by pouring the water back and forth between them. It’s like there’s a sense within people when they look at Namjoon that tells them that he can somehow balance them out or heal them in some way just by talking to them or communicating in some way. 

So, again, very important to take note of the fact that the first impression is NOT formed until after people hear him speak or read his words. Until then, there is literally just a desire to hear him speak or to read his words. Which, as I said, goes along with his position and role in the soul body, as well as his individual soul purpose in this lifetime. Very cool.