How do BTS and TXT see each other?

how do bts and txt see each other?
— anonymous @ tumblr
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As expected, they both have very high views of each other and BTS has a very abstract, internalized view of TXT which is really interesting.

First off, with TXT, they collectively see BTS as the Ace of Cups, as this source of grand inspiration and fulfillment. They are a huge part of what kind of fuels the progression of TXT especially as the 2 of Wands was shown as developing from the Ace of Cups and is what they also project outward towards BTS. In a weird way, I was seeing the 2 of Wands as this promise or commitment to doing everything they can follow in their footsteps, kind of setting their map up to follow in their footsteps.

It’s interesting because the 2 of Wands in this deck features a world map on it to go along with the theme of planning things out, planning trips and exploration, and BTS is actually projecting The World card along with The Lovers towards TXT. As I was seeing this, it’s like The World is that pathway, those open doors, that BTS has already gone through and The Lovers is an aspect of higher guidance and inspiration, which would directly be what fills the Ace of Cups on TXT’s side. It comes off more abstract and less consciously influences compared to TXT because both The World and The Lovers are laid out like a higher path that is being led by Guides or higher external influences. 

The most conscious aspect on BTS’ side is the reversed 6 of Cups which has to do with letting go of the past and kind of detaching from certain frames of reference. Basically, it’s like, on a conscious level, BTS are trying to inspire TXT or guide them, but they want them to have their own path, their own system, and manner of growth. They want them to be organic in their progression, so the aspect of them giving TXT the world and then TXT making a map out of it is kind of that one point of tension or confusion between the 2 of Wands and the reversed 6 of Cups. 

Other than that, it’s a very positive connection, it feels very familiar in the sense that there are some solid emotional connections, however, it does feel a bit more in the realm of mentors and students rather than close personal friends.