Jimin and Jungkook Connection Update (2023)

Can you please do a complete reading on Jimin and Jungkook (Jikook from BTS) relationship. There seem be a shift in their relationship since they went solo. Specially Jimin. He is stronger then before. And also Jungkook , it seems as if he wants to take on the world. He actually is on top of the world cos he is an amazing singer and an amazing performer but i am afraid for jikook. I hope he does not forget about jimin or leave him behind in all this. Their company is also only focusing on jugkook and not on Jimin. I want you to also check if Jimin is being treated ok by his own company and if he is happy. I dont want to say too much. I just want them happy and together.
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

Original Post: November 14, 2023

I did a split reading here looking at the two of them individually with their connection focused on in the center. Starting off on the left, it looks like Kook is fully in his Taylor Swift era because he got a bunch of the same cards she did, including the combination of Discovery and Control, and they're reflecting a lot of the same energy.

At the top on his side, he has Time To Go, which is really just this massive explosion of movement for him, something he's been waiting for. He's been waiting for this kind of freedom and he's not going to let it go very easily. This is reflected in the Knight of Swords, that sense of having a mission, being so dedicated to his own expression, and almost carrying it like a weapon now. He feels a bit untouchable, a lot of confidence is in that Knight, especially when the energy has been amplified with the Ace of Swords.

At the bottom, the combination of Control (Jupiter in Capricorn) and Discovery (Mercury in Sagittarius), creates a boom in publicity, communication, and image or persona, a new identity of sorts being brought to the surface. It feels like it's going both ways though, like he's discovering the world just as much as the world is and has been discovering him through his solo work.

On Jimin's side, it's a little strange because I can't remember ever feeling his energy like this before. It's very toned down and quite, slow-moving, but in a way that seems intentional. At the top, he has Message In A Bottle, which with the image of this card affirms that sense of stillness in his energy while also giving this sense of something being trapped inside. Compared to Kook, it's like Jimin has something to say but has decided not to and instead has toned down for some reason.

The combination of The Lovers and the 5 of Pentacles is very interesting as The Lovers can suggest personal alignment being achieved, a sense of oneness with the self or with the world around you, while the 5 of Pentacles refers to both spiritual and monetary poverty. It gives me this sense that he knows there's a "message in the bottle," he has a message, something to express, but no one is paying attention or it's been cast aside. The spotlight is inside the church in the image, Jimin would be one of the people outside in the snow. But again, it feels intentional, almost like he's accepted it with understanding but would change it if he could.

This is further elaborated on with the last cards which are Patience and Protection. It came through as Jimin being very patient and understanding of this situation, of having to limit his expression, because it has been slated as being for his own protection. This could have something to do with the company or it could just be more of a social concern of his own.

In the center, their connection is quite limited as shown with Between Worlds. They are quite literally operating at two different ends of a spectrum, but they are very close together at the same time. Serendipity behind Between Worlds feels like they're around each other all the time, but it's now only in certain moments where they actually connect and create a bridge between those two worlds.

They have the reversed Knight of Wands with the Queen of Wands and this also feels so strange for them, not in a bad way, just in a "I've never seen this for them before" kind of way, lol. The Knight of Wands being reversed comes off as if they are no longer making an effort to actually connect with each other. In my head, I'm seeing it as two people, once upon a time, literally forming their schedules around being able to see each other, making that a priority, and now it's simply not. It wasn't decided on necessarily, it just sort of naturally morphed into the Queen of Wands.

The difference between the energies, the intentions of these cards is very striking in this context. The Knight of Wands, again, is on a mission, it's charged up for the intention of meeting each other. But then, the Queen feels like she's at work, she's in her throne, she's performing her duties, but she's looking off to the side like, "I'm not looking for you, but if I see you, of course I have to say hello." The division in this energy could also be reflecting the two of them, with Koon being the Knight of Wands no longer clinging to Jimin and Jimin being the Queen of Wands no longer looking to care for and nurture Kook as he has in the past.

The Devil card followed the Knight and Queen. The Devil is an inverse of The Lovers, showing separation and misalignment within the self that causes a lack of self-awareness and personal responsibility. It's a card of self-sabotage, but here it feels like self-enforced separation between the two people in the image. The chains around their necks keep a certain amount of distance between them in spite of the fact that they are next to each other and talking.

Below that, they have Impulsiveness (Mars in Aries) and Criticism (Mars in Virgo). Opposite ends again, showing this split dynamic they have now with Kook (or the Knight of Wands/Swords) being reflected in Impulsive and Jimin (or the Queen of Wands/The Lovers) being reflected in Criticism. It feels like it's giving reason to the separation in The Devil. Kook is too impulsive and Jimin is at risk of criticism within their connection, and this might be what Jimin is being protected from and why he has so much patience for it. He's not just thinking about himself he may also be concerned about that criticism getting to Kook as well.

Either way, there's still so much energy between them and it's all made up of Fire, so I'm sure they're still great friends, still major supporters of each other, but there definitely is more distance between them on some level for reasons that aren't extremely clear but seem to mostly been voluntary and for their own protection or comfort.