03/16 - 03/22

This Week’s Astro:

  • March 16: Mercury re-enters Pisces, Mars conjuncts Pallas in Capricorn

  • March 19: Pisces Sun sextiles Capricorn Saturn

  • March 20: Mars Conjuncts Saturn in Capricorn, Sun enters Aries

  • March 22: Pisces Mercury sextiles Uranus in Taurus, Taurus Venus sextiles Neptune in Pisces, Saturn enters Aquarius

This week is a bit different as I was guided to focus on three specific days in particular (March 20, March 22, and May 5) in order to explain specific collective influences present among transits and aspects. In order to keep my brain from exploding, I’m going to separate these things into sections.

Things that will be discussed:

  • “The Council” — Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter

  • Sun + Neptune + Chiron

  • North Node + Chiron + Uranus

  • Mercury back in Pisces

  • Gemini North Node in May

  • Influence of the asteroids (March 16th — “first contact”)

The Council

I think I’ve mentioned this before in a weekly reading involving Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter acting as a “council” within the cosmic influences currently as Saturn leads a collective reform through its place in Capricorn. These constant conjunctions between these three planets have created a port of observation, a place of planning for this crucial reform based on aspects of Saturn, Capricorn, and the 10th House being abused and broken within the human collective. Needless to say, Saturn is pissed.

Throughout the other sections, I’ll explain the actual issues that are being observed, but just know that right now, Saturn has spent time observing and judging, as he does, how people are connecting and influencing each other, how they are progressing, and how people in power have caused an incredible amount of damage to the collective as well as the individual progression of people within that collective. There is a focus on “areas of Saturn, Capricorn, and 10th House” which have to do with politicians and people in places of power choosing to lie and act in a manner that causes the collective to “harm itself” through panic, confusion, and a surge of self-serving actions.

Saturn, for most of the week, will be at 29° of Capricorn and right behind it is Pluto (Death), and behind that is Jupiter (Rebirth). Starting out the week, Mars will be following closely behind in an even distribution with Pluto at 24°, Jupiter at 22°, and Mars at 20°. Basically, you have Saturn starting to lead his council of Death, Rebirth, and Personal Will towards Aquarius, towards the higher mind of the collective awareness and collective experience. With Mars, I was hearing, “let there be light.” As it passes over these influences it will carry a wake-up call.

Mars will conjunct Jupiter on the 20th at 22° as the Sun is at 0° of Aries where the two hold a loose sextile. I’ll explain the significance of this further when I discuss the Sun, Neptune, and Chiron, but just know that this creates extreme stimulation to the collective awareness prior to Saturn actually moving into Aquarius. It’s kind of like someone forcing someone else’s eyes open wider and wider to prepare for the large and extremely detailed image they’re about to show them. For people on a personal level, this can potentially create a lot more panic and anxiety as this could relate to more news coverage or miscommunication, a lot of Fire energy in that mix.

As I mentioned, Saturn is pissed off with certain things, and his transition into Aquarius is a point of major release for him. As I was seeing it, he’s been taking notes while in Capricorn, planning things out, and more and more tension has built up and he’s just getting ready to link arms with Pluto and literally THROW himself into Aquarius. That stagnant state at 29° all week feels so incredibly tense because of this. Some people might feel that as “being in the eye of the storm.” Even though Pluto will be in Capricorn for longer, that “linking arms” that Saturn is doing is carrying Pluto’s influence with him in order to begin initiating a reform that will last throughout his time in Aquarius.

Up until March 31st, Saturn will be the only planetary influence in Aquarius, sitting at 0°, then Mars, who has crossed paths with both Jupiter and Pluto (and Pallas) hits that 0° of Aquarius as well. At the time when Mars and Saturn are conjunct at 0° of Aquarius, Pluto and Jupiter will be conjunct at 24° of Capricorn. Both of these points will be trining Venus at 27° of Taurus and squaring Uranus at 5° of Taurus which is in a sextile with the Moon and the NN, both conjunct at 2° of Cancer. I imagine this will be an interesting time with a lot of movement. 

Sun + Neptune + Chiron

Around the beginning of March, the Sun in Pisces started to approach Neptune who’s been sitting in the middle of Pisces for a while. The Sun in Pisces brings about a time when people usually want to sleep and quiet down, isolate themselves, but with the influence of Neptune, this massive fog, it kind of presents a situation where people are being forced to isolate and hide themselves. 

It affects people in two main ways, individually and collectively. Individually, the Sun is the identity, the chosen projected persona, it’s what we choose to show people and what we unconsciously project through, so with the Sun moving into Neptune’s fog, we feel the need to stay inside, cover up, hide. Collectively, the Sun is illumination, it’s awareness and focus. Wherever the Sun is, is where the collective awareness is and is where the focus is meant to be. With the Sun moving through Neptune’s fog, there is mass confusion, panic, lying, and a sense of suffocation or being forced into certain situations where you have no individual control. 

March 8th is when the Sun was fully conjunct with Neptune, and the build-up of that mass hysteria coincides with Mercury’s retrograde between Pisces and Aquarius which brought a lot of that Pisces fog into the collective experience and clearly made a big dent in the collective ability to communicate and exchange helpful information for quite a while. 

By the 16th, the Sun will be at 26° with Neptune still at 18°. I’m putting this conjunction at a 10° difference because of how strong the fog of Neptune can be within the realm of Pisces, so for the most part, the Sun is still influenced just the same. However, as it moves towards Aries and away from Neptune, the fog becomes thinner and the collective light of the Sun starts to shine through. In the distance, at 5° of Aries, Chiron starts to come into view.

Up until this point, Chiron, or our view of Chiron was obscured. The ability to see our own detriments on a personal level as well as the collective detriments were not visible and therefore could not be handled properly. This seems to be what Saturn is most pissed off about, the fact that this was even possible. The fog was always present, the system for such a situation to cause hysteria was present, but the way people collectively and individually chose to play it out was created through a lack of personal power and a reliance on people who should not be in positions to make decisions for the collective. The panic didn’t need to happen, and it could have been caused in many different ways, but it didn’t and does not have to go the way that it is going.

Chiron + North Node + Uranus (444)

Chiron, right now, as it is and has been hidden by the fog of Neptune in Pisces, is a space of “self-harm.” In an effort to take care of the self on an individual level, people are heading out in massive groups in order to stockpile necessities as if it’s the end of the world. They’re trying to help themselves but by doing that they are putting themselves at risk of getting sick by being out in crowded, public places in order to wipe the shelves of their grocery stores. Because people are doing this, people in certain places who are not panicking quite so intensely are now low on food and necessities for themselves as places, even online, start to run low on products or start to raise the prices to ridiculous amounts. 

Self-serving actions in this system on an individual level are causing wounds within the collective experience, but these self-serving actions are a result of panic and confusion stemming from a lack of honesty and clear information from people in power, as well as a lack of trust between the people and their governments.

Chiron is squaring the North Node in Cancer, which sits at 4°. The North Node in Cancer calls for the quiet mother who is holding her baby rather than the loud, spontaneous, over-dramatic teenager that encapsulates the energy of an unrestrained Cancer. It calls for care and awareness of other people even when you can’t communicate with them, or see them face to face. Unfortunately, collectively, we’re more centered in the South Node of Capricorn where there is more narcissism, self-centeredness, aggressive and immediate action. We are acting in the detriment of Capricorn which is dominantly influenced and perpetuated by the abuse of power within global politics. No one can trust anyone, so why would anyone quiet down and try to listen and understand? This panic is towards the need to survive. No one believes another person will take care of them, therefore they will not care for another, and therefore they will buy all the pasta, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper and leave nothing behind. There is no sense of community among strangers in this situation unless they are in an actual quarantine situation. Only when things are at their worst do you see the good of the North Node… interesting, isn’t it?

The North Node, however, is sextiling Uranus in Taurus which has been sitting at 4° through all of this. Uranus rules Aquarius and is that port to the higher awareness, the collective experience. At 4° of Taurus, the sign of personal comforts and luxuries, the needs and wants of the individual, it presents a question to the collective of “are we comfortable? Are we taken care of? Are we safe?” Along with the North Node in Cancer, these questions will become more communal, more “among the people.” This will also be perpetuated by Mercury as it moves back into Pisces and sextiles Uranus. It brings about the actual discussion of the situation, and hopefully, that sextile to the North Node will bring about an opportunity to actually listen and try to understand, as well as actual clear information about what to do and how this actually happened.

Chiron, Uranus, and the North Node are all at 4°, bring about this sense of building new foundations through these connections. It is bringing about questions to, again, force the eyes open to the picture Saturn is about to show, as well as bringing people to be more open to changing the system in which they live now.

On March 22, when Saturn is in Aquarius, Mercury will be trining the North Node at exactly 4° in Pisces and creating an exact sextile to Uranus. Again, that is the big picture, the discussion, the urge to push forward and initiate change. Mars and Pluto are at their exact conjunction at 24° with Jupiter there at 23°.

Mercury Re-entering Pisces / Gemini North Node in May

On the 16th, Mercury re-enters Pisces after its retrograde into Aquarius and starts to bring in that logical mind that’s a bit better equipped now to traverse Pisces for a bit more of a clearer perspective. Before, Mercury was embracing the fog on a personal level, but its connection now to Uranus as it comes from Aquarius brings a collective analysis of the situation as it progresses. Hopefully, this contributes to less panic for those that are already struggling with it, however, considering the stimulation of Mars, it’s hard to really say how this could play out. Mercury’s energy feels more like a flavor here rather than a solid structure.

I did, however, see it being related to the Gemini North Node, which just so happened to be what is occurring on May 5th, one of the specific dates I was guided to look at. Mars is well into Aquarius at this point and Mercury is conjunct the Sun exactly at 15° in Taurus, near to Uranus who now sits at 7°. 

The last time the North Node was in Gemini was around the time of 9/11 when the terrorism contributed to mass reforms towards travel and communication. More specifically, at the time of 9/11, the North Node was still in Cancer, the actual event occurred while the North Node was in Cancer, and Saturn was in Gemini preparing the reform of communication and travel while opposing Chiron, and Pluto in Sagittarius. Neptune and Uranus were in Aquarius at this time while the Sun was in Virgo, putting the collective focus on obligatory systems, work, physical well-being, and “what needs to be done.”

I would assume this relates to the current situation as the main event has occurred while the North Node is in Cancer and the reform will happen while the North Node is in Gemini, while Saturn is in Aquarius, this time reforming the collective experience and collective awareness on a mass scale. These kinds of reforms are directly connected to Aquarius in general as they are a part of a social and political, sometimes technological or medical advancement and evolution that change the way things work permanently. They become a legacy that can’t be undone and pushes the collective forward. 

Overall, this seems like a very big situation, a very strong shift, something very physical, very noticeable within politics and science that would be “broadcast” to the collective as Saturn throws out those notes and pictures to the collective awareness. This could spark a “global investigation,” something I was seeing play out as the UN initiating an investigation of biological warfare on China not because it was a malicious act, but because this virus was spread through an accidental breach from a lab where the virus was created. I’m not saying this would happen, but something like this could happen and sight more panic and confusion, putting up the assumption that China tried to kill the world or something when really it was an accidental leak and it just spread quite rapidly, much faster than they knew possible and in that time tried to contain it quietly.

Either way, Saturn is initiating a reform and a wake-up call to abuse of power as well as how that abuse of power influences the collective towards “self-harm” that shouldn’t really be happening, but has been made possible through a lack of personal will and awareness and over-reliance on those external powers in politics and law.

Influence of the Asteroids

In earlier Weekly Readings, I mentioned that one of the fun things Mars will be doing this year as he makes his way back to his (currently unregulated) kingdom of Aries is meeting up with these strong feminine archetypes of the Asteroids. Specifically, Pallas, Ceres, and Lilith. As he crosses over them he learns something from each of them, receives a tool that will contribute to his own personal reform of Aries, the 1st House, and himself as ruling energy of willpower and passion within the individual. 

On March 16th, “first contact” is made within this current system as Mars conjuncts Pallas at 20° of Capricorn. Pallas is the only asteroid sitting among “The Council” of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. At this time, Ceres is at 17° of Aquarius, and Lilith is at 5° of Aries, conjunct Chiron. 

Pallas, like many of the Asteroids, is a warrior known for her leadership, intelligence, creativity, and most relevant to the system, her ability to strategize. I was seeing this as being connected to Fire and Air, between focused thought and direct action, which Mars will use as he moves over his conjunctions with “The Council” and moves ahead of them into Aquarius. There is a balancing or merging of Masculine and Feminine energies, some kind of activation that I was hearing would bring “an initial shock” in some way, causing people to want to strategize or plan moving forward. 

Around May 24th is when Mars will meet Ceres at 7° of Pisces and around August 7th, Mars will meet Lilith in Aries at 21°. 

This is set up to be a time of great change and awakening in many different ways on many different levels. Do your best to move with the changes and to not act purely out of fear. Do your best to encourage others to do the same, do your best to make sure that only clear and accurate information is spread around, but also pay attention to what is being said by officials. 

I understand that this is a very scary situation, a very lonely situation, literally, but how we choose to respond as individuals will affect how this continues to play out collectively. Out of everything, you are in complete and total control of how you choose to respond and what information you choose to consume and pass on. Personal responsibility, as well as our responsibilities as part of a global community, are something to be extremely mindful of now.

Thank you if you read this far and I’m sorry there’s not a regular card reading, it just didn't feel appropriate to include with what I was being guided to look at and share right now. I do hope everyone is doing well, staying safe, and finding at least one reason to smile every day. If anything, that would be my personal bit of advice. Get you some laughs and smiles in every day, spread some laughs and smiles. Get you some dank memes, fellow youths *dabs* and try to take care of each other in any way that you can. 

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