What attracts people to their idols?

There was a thing going around a while back from another fandom (I think?) about how the first person that is your ~bias~ is the one you are most like and the one you move on to is the one you idolize, and that shit is so fucking true omg. Like, 75 years ago when I first got into BTS I vibed with Yoongi and then I realized why I vibed with Yoongi and I was like, oh no, now I’m sad, so then I flipped over to Namjoon because my admiration and respect for him and how he worked started to outweigh my initial connection to Yoongi.

On an energetical level, it’s very similar to how soulmates connect in the sense that it is reliant on your frequency and vibration matching up with that person in just the right way at just the right time. And not everyone experienced this and it’s for a reason that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, but it also kind of does.

BASICALLY, from what I can tell, is that if you were meant to find these groups and were meant to grow in some way from your experiences in that fandom or through the groups influence the you were supposed to be “rooted” into that space or that group by finding someone who was just like you and relating to them and then separating yourself from them (yourself) and then taking on something new by relating more to someone who’s more or less nothing like you at all, and then learn more from them. Like, lol, the fact that I, a Pisces, went from a Pisces to a Virgo makes me L-O-L.

But then there’s this thing as well where some people “fell out” by like… you know… not relating to them so much that what they say and do doesn’t resonate as much as what you think they should say and do. Like the objectivity in the observation broke down because that idolization, which is supposed to be there to an extent, went too far and they become something more of a literal idol rather than a role model that you’re meant to vibe with in a way that allows you to grow and be inspired as an individual.

AND THEN there’s also this thing about needing to maintain yourself by staying aware of where and how you were “rooted” which would be through the first person you vibed with, which would be the person that is most like you, so basically you’re just supposed to stay aware of yourself, but sometimes people get lost in it and put so much dependence on the validation of these strangers that, again, it falls out of balance.

So, as with literally fucking everything, it’s super complicated, but yeah, it’s energy and frequency, and there’s a reason behind it, and it doesn’t make any sense, but it’s like A THING that the majority of people experience with all mediums of art and entertainment specifically for that reason.