Does religion lower your vibration?

So does religion lower your vibration or like bad for you in any way? Or does it depend on your personal perspective? Or like your opinion. I know when I am force to go to church by my parents it used to trigger me but ig I just kinda gave up on fighting them or smt because I don’t really feel like dealing with it anymore. But tht could also just be me idk. I also get really tired after going.
— sourlemonfoof @ Tumblr

It definitely depends on whether or not you’re aligning with that spiritual aspect because you feel it or if you fear it. Unfortunately, all religions and spiritualities have bits and pieces to them that people who were raised into them cling to solely out of fear. From my perspective, there’s brainwashing involved in a good amount of it. Because of the fear aspect and stripping people of their ability to think independently and explore ideas outside of those restraints, it can definitely lower your vibrations. It’s no different than politics in that sense. It’s fear based and fuels people with anger, confusion, and hatred towards people who don’t think just as they do.

As long as people are in it because they themselves, on their own, without considering anyone else’s thoughts on the matter want to be in it and they feel connected to it, it’s totally chill. Spiritual connections of all kinds without restraint or restrictions raises vibration to a certain degree.

When I was really little I would go to church with my Gram and I’d sit in the back with her and watch everyone get up to sing and do all the regular church rituals and what not. I would like look at people and see their faces and just be like, “they’re feeling something here, but I’m not, and that’s okay,” and that’s literally been my view on spirituality, religeon, and atheism for the last like 17 years? You either feel something or you don’t, you know? As long as you’re not aligning with something out of fear, anger, or hatred, you’re good, no matter what it is or what it is not.