The Cosmic Alignment of Jung Hoseok


Subject: Jung Hoseok, born February 18, 1994 — Aquarius

Performed: November 24, 2018

Original Post Date: December 18, 2018

Spread: Cosmic Alignment by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: Black Moon Astrology Cards by Susan Sheppard

Time: 2 hours

Details: The Cosmic Alignment reading is designed to showcase an individual’s personal energetic alignment with cosmic influences. It can be considered an Astrological Alignment reading as well.


*This reading is being featured as part of the December BTS Overload special and was chosen through voting.


So, I’ve been doing the solo readings for December over the last few days and I’ve noticed massive changes in their energy collectively. From what I can tell at this point the integration that I talked about in the original 2018/2019 Outlook reading has happened and that shift in the timeline was the result of it. The integration of the Higher Self is raising their vibration significantly and is speeding things up with what they are meant to be doing. This showed up in both Hoseok and Yoongi’s alignment readings so far.

As always with Hoseok’s energy, I had to “go around the back” to meet his energy. Just like with the previous readings I was feeling pressure in different areas of the body, and specifically for him, it was the chest. That made me think of Jimin since he’s ruling over the Heart Chakra of the Soul Body, so I used Jimin’s energy to get to Hoseok. That actually made it much easier to really settle in with him and feel into his energy.

Of course, he’s had a lot of issues since the Soul Body manipulation and healing process, but from what I could see, everything is just as it should be at this point. Jimin and Yoongi both have disconnected the majority of their energy lines from his energy center, but are both still anchoring him in a way. 

Jimin is stabilizing and Yoongi is protecting Hoseok’s energy. For this specifically, I was feeling water swirling around the top of my head, literally like a Water helmet. Not only is this energetic protection, but it’s also stimulating the Crown Chakra for him as well, which again is what made me think that the integration is working its way from top to bottom, one person triggering the other to shift in vibration.

With that stimulus, I was also feeling these pulses and I was seeing it as well. It was like red/orange lights that had a slow pulse to them. With this, there were heart palpitations and very hard thumping in the chest. Like the energy, his higher vibration is very noticeable to him in his body. He has extreme awareness of the body. 

This makes sense to me considering that he is physically sensitive to cosmic shifts, so the fact that he can sense his own energetic shift within his own body lines up. 

In addition to that, it’s very, very uncomfortable, and I saw that in Yoongi as well. The higher vibration makes it extremely uncomfortable to be in a physical body, it’s like your light body, your soul, whatever you want to call it, is getting more and more cramped inside as it vibrates faster and starts to expand.

His energy is expanding so much that it is radiating, not projecting, outside of his body, which is what I saw with Jin as well. It seems to be coming from all over so it’s not as controlled as Jin. 

Reading that radiating energy was really interesting because it’s like it’s been completely reset, there’s absolutely no “scars” or any kind of evidence there anymore from his energy center being torn up with the Soul Body manipulation. It’s completely clear, very deep shades of orange, red, and yellow, So, it’s expansive energy, but again, it’s very uncomfortable inside the body.

Then I felt this very weird wave of energy that I’m still not too sure what it was or where it came from. I’d have to assume this is where and how the energy is radiating out of the body. It literally felt like parts of my skin all over were popping. They were tiny and sharp pains and they were just kind of happening all over at random times. My mind went to solar flares and how there’s just nonsense flying off the sun and all that sometimes, and that may be it as well. It’s just going quite quickly and his body isn’t adapting as fast as it needs too, so there are just these pockets in the physical vessel where that energy literally gets spit out and radiates around him. Very interesting.

I was also getting ringing in the ears, but not like the typical high pitched whining, it was like he’s literally hearing the frequency shifts of the planet, or he’s hearing the energy waves. People that are sensitive to energy shifts like that, which he is, will usually be able to hear those frequencies. It will be like ringing in the ears, but different tones, not just one continuous high pitched ringing. This can lead to headaches as well which was something I noticed with him before. 

Actually, a lot of what he seems to have going on now is a lot like the ascension symptoms I was dealing with a couple of months back, and what I noticed Yoongi dealing with way before that. It’s just hitting Hoseok a lot harder now because more of those shifts need to happen in a shorter amount of time.

This was the first reading I did this time around with the solo readings where I was able to get in touch with one of their Guides. I haven’t been able to for a while and I assume that was because I was still hanging out on a lower timeline until recently. 

I wasn’t really trying to speak to them or anything, I was just kind of working my way deeper because I was curious to see if his energy center was actually completely healed up, and I pretty much got pushed back and heard “new energy, new mind,” and was shown hands being held up over the Soul Body. Pretty much saying I can’t go inside the Soul Body to look, it’s being protected, it’s been sealed up through the Soul Body Healing, it can’t be touched anymore by any being of a frequency lower than what is being maintained within the body.

So, it was just a quick answer to my question that pretty much states, as any timeline shift would have it, the old shit doesn’t matter. None of what happened with the Soul Body in terms of manipulation or attack will have any effect on them anymore and everything is secure. Which confirms what I got before when I channeled all that stuff about the Soul Group and the Soul Body a few weeks ago.

It was stuff about how all the people that were predicting bad things happening to the guys and seeing them getting sick and all that was literally happening because they were picking up on past events and energy, then interpreting them as future events. 

This occurs because pretty much that old timeline or the lower timelines (and yes, people can be on different collective timelines and still experience the same collective reality) are folding over onto themselves. That’s why a lot of people seem to be running into old problems. A lot of old emotions, anxieties, and fears are coming up for people now. They’re on a lower timeline and it’s folding over.

BTS experienced a timeline shift before as well and it was one that occurred during or right before they started to release HYYH, and just like before none of what happened before that time will affect them going further in terms of “karmic” energy or any energetic ties. That doesn’t mean there is no time before that, it doesn’t mean they forgot about it, it just means there are no energetic ties holding them to the past, especially in terms of what could make it difficult for them to progress and ascend.

While I had that Guide “on the line”, it was one I hadn’t spoken to before, I asked how planetary shifts affect him now because before it was a lot more heavy on him, it really affected his mental state. What I was shown was bricks being laid and then I was shown that Water helmet thing that I was feeling before. Pretty much it summed up to the planetary energies not really affecting him mentally anymore, because of his nice little water helmet keeping his mind clear, but it is still affecting him physically.

I then got another bit of audible something that came in and I tried to write it down, but it was going too fast. I kind of summarized it to, “expansion of the light body removed blocks and allowed for him to be more physically receptive to the energies being emitted to him. Hard resistance to these energies and mental rigidity made the emissions more forceful and therefore more taxing on the body and mental state. He is more fluid now, more receptive.”

So, basically, Hoseok has a lot going on, but it’s all good.


Pretty much exactly what I was being told is what came out here in this set where I focused on his core energy and how it is towards the energy of cosmic influences

It’s all building him up now as he’s being expanded and moving forwards quite quickly with his own soul progression. There’s a lot of very vibrant energy there with all that yellow, which I associate with the Sun, as well as mental clarity and projection. In a similar fashion to Jin, it’s like he’s becoming an embodiment of the Sun.

To explain that a bit more, blue and yellow are significant colors when I see them in readings whether they come in a channeled image or they show up a lot in the layout of cards. When blue comes around I think of a clear blue sky and expansion of the mind through a wide and unprejudiced perspective. It’s a lot of learning, a lot of understanding, and clarity. And with a clear blue sky comes the Sun. The Sun is that projection of knowledge. Once you understand something through the broad perspective and clarity of the blue sky, you are able to use the Sun to shine a light on it for other people, to project that knowledge and awareness to other people.

This goes into that thing about the higher vibration literally causing a domino effect of ascension. It happens to everyone, not just them. It’s why the energy waves are setting people off and forcing emotional and energetic purging to occur, it’s so that people can start cutting those ties of old timelines, raise their vibration, and get to the higher timelines together. At this point, it’s pretty much up to what you decided you wanted to do before this incarnation, but everything is in full swish so… it’s just kind of happening now.

Back to the cards.

Strength brought the image of the Lion that is on both the 4 of Swords and the King of Wands in the Linestrider deck to mind. They’re all Leo energy aside from the 4 of Swords, which just correlates through the lion, but those cards are what I associated Hoseok with. He’s always been presented in readings as the King of Wands. 

A while back in Yoongi and Hoseok’s first relationship reading that I did before the Soul Body healing the King of Wands was presented as Hoseok’s energy being overloaded with Fire, which is what was happening to his energy center. It was a show of him being in a weakened state, but here it’s very much presented as being something that is strengthing him. Not the Fire energy, just the cosmic energy in general — it’s being used to represent external energy in general.

Strength, the cosmic energy, is dropping down into the 4 of Swords, so it’s like the cosmic energy that used to really break him down is now being used to help him feel physically rested while his inner workings, his energy, his light body raises its vibration. Those little pops on the skin may be coming from this as they’re allowing the body to release the excess energy in a way that doesn’t let it run off but allows it to accumulate outside. It’s almost like the physical body is being made more porous like it’s not going to hold the energy in and let him pop while it expands rapidly. It makes sense if you try to visualize it.

Then, while the cosmic energy is helping him to feel physically rested, and maybe mentally rested, you can see that energy expanding over into The Fool which is representing that light body, that integration of the Higher Self, fully emitting the Sun. It’s completely refreshed and brand new. 

The 8 of Pentacles is also extending from the cosmic energy in Strength which shows that while this is occurring, things are also being built up towards the Chariot, to the very focused and streamlined progression of the soul towards soul purpose. I’ve forgotten already, but I think I got that for Jin as well.

It all falls down into The Empress and the 2 of Cups where the energy is fertile and growing. Just more of that expansion talk. The 2 of Cups is showing balancing in the emotional frame, which is that Water helmet thing that came from Yoongi, and the Empress is showing a very grounded and logical connection to spirituality.

The Empress was actually great to see as she is someone who is meant to be intuned with cosmic bodies, especially the Earth. This shows open receptibility and movement with cosmic shifts rather than the resistance he had before which made things much more difficult on both ends.

The Reading:


Most Prominent Cosmic Energy: Yod — Destiny

I mean, can we just…

See, it’s really going to be difficult for me to explain this because it has to do with a lot of stuff that I haven’t talked about on the blog and I don’t want every reading I do for December to be like… a lesson in ascension or something, but like… this is literally the shift. 

It’s the ascension, it’s the same thing I had for Jin where everything is literally driving him towards soul purpose and right now all seven of them have, at this point, jumped timelines, are integrating their Higher Selves, are expanding their light bodies, and are on their shit.

Because they all have different jobs, and they all have different modes in the Soul Body and in the group, it’s like they all, just the same, have separate sources of drive towards that ascension process. Because Hoseok is so receptive to the cosmic energies, that is what is pushing him and if I’m not mistaken, he may be anchoring cosmic energies for the group as well. Again, all very difficult to explain, but it’s a thing that a lot of people, and I mean A LOT of people, are here to do for the ascension. Just anchoring in energy that helps raise the vibration of the collective.

But yeah, pretty much, the most prominent thing that is being directed towards Hoseok is the integration, the ascension, and the group’s collective purpose as a source of higher vibration for people that follow them and the general collective.

This is honestly freaking me out a little bit, but I’m so fucking excited for this shit to get rolling for the mass collective. It will be a fucking shit show, I’m sure, but it’s going to be so out of this fucking world and beyond understanding, I love it.


Current State of Conscious Alignment: Leo — I Will

And there’s that Leo energy.

Quite literally the “I will” aspect is directly related to this newfound receptibility to this energy. That expanded consciousness has him more open on an unconscious, subconscious, and maybe even conscious level at this point where he’s literally just flowing with it. He’s very in line with what he’s meant to be doing.

Based on the opposition that Jimin and Yoongi both seemed to have in between prior lifetimes towards continuing to incarnate, this makes me wonder if Hoseok was ever against coming back in as a separate soul in order to aid in the ascension process. If that’s the case it would explain the resistance to it in this lifetime. 

I think, just based on how Yoongi was coming off, they are unconsciously, on a soul level, becoming aware that their job is almost done and over with so they’re just like, yeah okay, we got this, let’s get it moving.

I’m getting confused now because I can’t remember what information came through in what reading, but I think it was in Jin’s reading where I talked about him because aware of this on a conscious level to an extent. Like, he’s very aware that there is something happening, something is shifting, things are changing, and he has enough inner connection to know that he needs to go with it, but it’s not like blaring clear to him. 

That’s what’s happening here with Hoseok as well, and I imagine before they start talking about it on a conscious level, all of them are going to have to be at this stage where they know, but they don’t know what they know.

Hoseok is definitely in line with what’s happening with his cosmic influences though, which is fantastic for him. Hoseok, Kook, and Taehyung always had me a bit more worried in terms of how difficult it was going to be for them to start that internal shift, but I think if Hoseok can do it, they can all get through it pretty smoothly.

Lunar Eclipse.jpg

How The Alignment Manifests: Lunar Eclipse — Change

I mean, it’s a bit obvious, innit.

Just in terms of internal transformation, it’s obvious, but it goes a bit all over the place. I was getting images for this one where the focus was more on the fact that the Earth moves in front of the Moon, it casts a shadow to where the Moon itself becomes invisible while the Sun and Earth have this sort of very clear and conscious connection without any distortion or distraction from the Moon, or the emotional side, the polluted spirit, the subconscious. 

Basically, it looked like they were trying to explain to me that this is clearing out all of that mental stuff that he was dealing with or at least toning it down so that there are no energetic ties to those lower frequencies. It’s like the balance between Earth energy and Fire energy stabilizing the Water energy, all within his Air energy core.

Basically, with this and the image of the lunar eclipse, you have planetary bodies aligning and it’s sort of meant to be this “stars aligning” kind of thing where everything balances just right and everything suddenly just works. It’s like getting a key to a lock you’ve been filing away at for years.

The receptiveness here, the quieting down of the Moon/Water energy allows for the conscious mind to be presented with his inner knowing an inner connection without any blocks or resistance. Before, one of the biggest reasons he struggled so hard, and probably still does, with his anxiety and mood swings was that he would try to hide it and shove it down, which really cemented this unconscious need to put up these walls and blocks to feeling anything internally that could throw him off consciously. 

Because the mental shifts are being toned down, those walls can come down, those defenses can be dropped and he will then be able to connect to himself on a conscious level. I hope that makes sense.

There’s just a lot of stuff happening mentally in terms of broadening the perspective. He’s pretty much getting the blue sky and the sun all at once, which as I mentioned can be pretty hard to deal with when it’s happening so fast. But he’s getting some cushion on all ends from the cosmic energies he’s working with.


How To Maintain Alignment: The Sun — Spirit

Again, this shit is just happening now. The whole ascension process for the collective pretty much got over the peak and it’s just all tipping over onto the other side and it’s just a matter of getting to the end and getting everything integrated entirely. This here, it goes with the Leo energy as well as the whole projection thing which I had for Jin as well.

The only thing he has to do, and the only thing he can do is integrate the Higher Self. You can see The Sun as being Leo’s Higher Self as it rules over the Sign. So this is saying that as he consciously becomes more aware of the shift occurring, all he needs to do is let it happen and not let any of those old blocks come springing back up. But I have no doubt in my mind that that is not going to happen whatsoever.


What Will Come From This:

Mercury Retrograde — Reinvention | Tenth House — The World

I got so wigged out by this because I had gotten this exact combination for a reading I did for myself a while back specifically regarding my Higher Self integration and my progression with the ascension and now I’m just like… wow okay sure.


If I had used another deck it would have been Death, Regeneration, or Rebirth I’m pretty sure. In terms of their collective soul purpose between the seven of them, this is relatively what they are moving towards. It’s the “cracking the egg” thing I talked about a lot, it’s broadening the awareness of the people that follow them, opening them up to the ascension. They’re not bringing the ascension to you, and you’re not just going to magically flip a switch by listening to their music or something, they’re just activating people, and it’s more towards the conscious level of awareness. Which is obvious, but you know…

Again, everything is pushing towards the collective purpose of the seven of them by way of expanding their light bodies and projecting those higher frequencies, however, I’m not sure how that works when there are massive amounts of people still sitting in that old timeline. 

I think it’s like Jin’s thing where the frequencies and the vibrational shifts from them are only going to be put out to people that are receptive to them now, which means there would need to be a frequency match already. That doesn’t mean that the people in lower frequencies won’t shift or ascend as well, they’re just going to be getting it from their guides and higher self, and it will probably occur later, but pretty rapidly once those floodgates open. Very similar to what is happening with Hoseok right now.

He shifted because Yoongi and Namjoon did and now he has to integrate at a faster pace to keep up, which can be quite taxing on the body and mind for people who don’t have that extra support available to them as he does.

That’s all I have for this one, thank you so much for reading!
