Relationship Reading for Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook


Subject: Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook

Performed: November 28, 2018

Original Post Date: December 19, 2018

Spread: Relationships and Connections, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 2 hours

Details: The Relationships & Connections reading is designed to showcase the romantic, platonic, or familial relationship between two people and put their connection into perspective by presenting what is gained and from the relationship as well as the highest potential of it.


Kook and Taehyung have one of the most complex, yet annoyingly simple connections out of any of the other relationships in the group. Compared to Jimin and Kook’s relationship, which is defined mostly by multiple layers of oddly opposing modalities to where and how they connect, Taehyung and Kook have less points of connection, but those few points of connection are very complicated. Mostly, they connect through the soul, opposing, balancing, and supporting each other based on their deeper cosmic imprinting.

This imprinting shows up with their positions and functions within the Soul Body, as well as their individual purposes and development on a soul and conscious level within this lifetime. I’ve gotten into the habit of calling them Soul Brothers specifically because they’ve shared many lifetimes together where they were actually siblings. While we were working on decoding all the nonsense with the Soul Body earlier this year, one of the things I kept getting for Kook was that he was a “product of Venus.” I kept getting that over and over again, and eventually, it came up that Taehyung was a “product of Mars.”

Luckily for me, my best friend is smart and educated and was able to tell me about Mars and Venus, as in the God and Goddess, and how they had two little babies once upon a time that lined up with the energetic imprinting of both Kook and Taehyung… so yeah, they’re literally PRODUCTS of Mars and Venus. I could get into the whole ~incarnate~ thing, but really, all it is is energetic imprinting. No different than the imprinting you get from Mars if you’re an Aries, or Pluto if you’re a Scorpio. It’s just more intense, and more in the soul. That level of imprinting in the soul will also carry over through many lifetimes as well.

It made a lot of sense to me then that Mars and Venus would play a part within the projected energy of these two as they rule over the projected energy of the Soul Body, with Taehyung in place of the Sacral Chakra and the Kook in place of the Root Chakra. These energy centers are the main connection between the Soul Body and the group, and in turn, make Taehyung and Kook the main connection between the group and the general public. This is why they tend to be the most popular among fans and spectators as well as a very prominent ship. They are energetically coded to grab people’s attention through their projected energy.

If you notice, the two main qualities that most people pick up on for both of them are these very cute and wholesome characters, and then these very sexual and dominating energies… that’s Mars and Venus. 

Obviously, that’s not all they are, but that’s the main thing that people point out or bring up when they are asked what they like most about them. For Kook, 90% of the time it would be his more cute and babyish personality that people pick up on because he’s mostly projecting Venus, a very soft and loving kind of beauty, whereas Taehyung is mostly projecting Mars, a very dominating and sexually active energy.

This also makes sense in terms of their position in the Soul Body as the Sacral Chakra, Taehyung’s position, is this energy center associated with creativity in all senses, including sexuality. The Root is the base, it’s the comfort and stability, the sure thing that grounds the body to the Earth. When you apply the Mars and Venus energy here you get this Father Sun, Mother Earth sort of connection, which is what anchored Taehyung to Jin and Kook to Jimin in the Soul Body when it was still imbalanced.

Because their energy centers are mostly projecting within the Soul Body, they require fuel in order to keep projecting. They can get that fuel on a conscious level as the energy being exchanged through those projected qualities — sexual attraction and adoration — can be enough to have the energy cycling through continuously. However, when the Soul Body was completely out of whack, those energy centers were disconnected from the conscious levels of both of them.

This then caused Taehyung’s energy center to latch onto Jin’s to utilize his Fire energy, while Kook rooted into Jimin, who carried that Divine Feminine energy and was basically filling in as Mother Earth or Venus. That’s also why one of the many significant layers of Jimin and Kook’s relationship can be defined as a parent and a child. If you haven’t already, you should definitely read their relationship reading as well as it’s quite a trip.

Now, the thing about the Soul Body was that Jin’s Fire energy was shut off because there wasn’t really supposed to be any Fire energy, at least not as much as there was, in the Soul Body. Fire energy, as in high frequency, fast-moving energy. Things are supposed to go slow, and they weren’t due to the manipulation that was occurring through Hoseok’s energy center at the time. Because of that, Taehyung wasn’t getting anything from Jin other than an anchor to hold him in place while the energy within the Soul Body was shifting around all funny.

That made Taehyung’s energy center move a lot closer to Kook’s to the point where they were almost right on top of each other, and he then anchored into Jimin along with Kook. I think I mentioned somewhere that they were like a secondary mini-triad as they were cycling energy between the three of them, which actually took a toll on Jimin’s energy center specifically because he was literally doing that with everyone at the time.

Right before the Soul Body Healing, the manipulation that was occurring through Hoseok’s energy center was somehow dropped down into the opening where Taehyung and Kook were meant to be projecting energy. 

Basically, that Fire energy, that high-frequency energy that Taehyung was already open to receiving just started blasting the hell out of him and would have torn his energy center up the way it had with Hoseok. Fortunately, it was only happening for three days, so not much damage was actually done, but in that time, that manipulation was being pushed over to Kook as well due to their close proximity. The only reason it wasn’t able to actually get into his energy center was that he was anchored to Jimin who, at that point, was the only other energy center, along with Yoongi, that was engaged at all with what was happening in the Soul Body. Everyone else had kind of… gone into hibernation? They had entered some kind of stasis in order to protect themselves. It was a full-on lockdown.

The thing with this was that while the manipulation was occurring through Hoseok’s energy center, it meant that all of the transmissions that were entering the Soul Body through Hoseok’s filter were being broken and distorted, and virtually unusable. 

This was fine but it also wasn’t fine, especially with how this started manifesting on a conscious and physical level for them, especially Hoseok, but it was still something that could be managed slightly. However, once it dropped down to Taehyung and Kook, the rulers of the Body’s projected energy, there was this huge risk of that projected energy being manipulated, which it eventually was, but not to the extent that it could have been.

This was why there were so many rumors and controversies happening around this time, and why it continued to happen as that manipulation, that projected energy continued to ripple out and be bounced around by the collective that received it.

So, pretty much, Taehyung and Kook are an extremely important part of the group, both within the Soul Body and also in the more superficial sense. They draw attention and cycle energy to the audience in order to keep their attention long enough to receive those transmissions that trigger the soul connection, if you have one, to the Soul Group. It’s a very loose and widespread kind of energy on a conscious level, but in terms of their souls, they are the feet of the body, they are what keep everything standing and moving.

Now, the way their energy, their core energy, mingles is very confusing to me and that’s mainly because I can hardly ever vibe with Taehyung’s energy at all anymore, so it’s hard for me to see it mixing with Kook’s. Most of it is occurring through the soul and energetic imprinting of the soul, which can vibrate through to the core. It’s what pulls them together, the same as how the energy and soul connection between Jimin and Kook, Jimin and Taehyung, and Taehyung and Jin pull them together. It’s imprinting and frequency matching that turns them all into magnets and has them getting touchy-feely with each other and wanting to be around each other. They’re feeding each other energetically, they’re keeping each other in balance.

Again, with Jimin and Kook, there’s a lot of layers where they connect at varying degrees, but Taehyung and Kook have a much simpler connection in which they simply match. I don’t know any other way to describe it other than they just match each other, they link up in a very fluid and comfortable way. It’s that familiarity through the imprinting.

They definitely have a protective nature to them, but it’s something that is shared between Jimin, Taehyung, and Kook where they almost exist in this bubble where things can become very smooth and comfortable. Everything just falls into place. It’s like they can get into these modes where they’re perfectly matched to the point where they… melt? Like, they melt together into one thing. It’s not quite as extreme as energetic merging, but more so they are syncing up through frequency.

Really, when I focus on Taehyung and Kook together, all I can see is the opposition between them, where they differ from each other rather than where they meet, and I think that really goes into how their relationship differs from Jimin and Kook. 

With Jimin and Kook, they kind of fill each other in, give the other pieces that they are missing, whereas Jimin and Taehyung (as well as Taehyung and Kook) enforce and support each other through their opposition. It’s almost like they encourage each other to be in opposition, which is exactly what I talked about with Jimin and Taehyung in their relationship reading.

I’m almost tempted to say that Taehyung and Kook have that kind of opposition specifically because they could merge the way Jimin and Taehyung could, but I don’t think they actually are at risk of that happening because of that very strict energetic imprinting. 

So, on a soul level, they can merge because that’s their “natural state,” but energetically there’s no way for them to do that, therefore they could have multiple lifetimes in which they could be close enough to each other to be related, whereas Jimin had to be separated from Taehyung and Hoseok, and Namjoon had to be separated from Yoongi, specifically to avoid soul merging, which could have been triggered through the energetic merging… I hope that makes sense.

Basically, their duality doesn’t necessarily help them or hinder them, and instead serves as this exploratory space where they can develop alongside each other rather than separate the way Hoseok and Jimin, or Yoongi and Namjoon had to.

Here I pulled some cards to get a better idea of their connection. This was cool to see because the exact same thing came out for all the relationship readings so far in terms of showing the layers of connection based on the integration of the Higher Self. The combination of The Emperor and The Empress came out for Hoseok and Jimin on the same level of Soul Connection.

More specifically, here with Taehyung and Kook, it is showing that energetic imprinting, as according to the Golden Dawn tradition, The Emperor is Aries, ruled by Mars and the Empress is Venus. So, it’s just their cosmic imprinting, that is indeed their foundation. 

The difference between Hoseok and Jimin, and Taehyung and Kook here is that Jimin and Hoseok had a specific foundation that showed that they are meant to, or want to have that very close connection at all times, whereas here with Taehyung and Kook, they’re embracing their separateness, very in line with their jobs and purposes on an individual level.

I imagine because the two of them are literally the lower chakras that root to the conscious minds, it was much easier for them than Hoseok and Jimin, or Yoongi and Namjoon, to accept their separated states and develop as individual souls as they would have immediately been grounded into a physical body within the first few lifetimes while here. That means that once they were imprinted, it would have been no trouble at all for them to be together continuously as siblings. 

In fact, it probably would have been more beneficial as they could ground into their consciousness so much that they would detach from the soul body… so it was kind of necessary for them to be siblings… and maybe that’s why they got their imprinting…?


Anyway, on the energetic level, they blend together as the Hierophant, which makes sense since they both carry a lot of Earth energy — Kook with his Virgo core and Taehyung with his Capricorn. This point in the layout is pretty interesting because there’s this blended space with their cores, this one little piece, and then they split again into the 2 of Wands where you get that “feet of the Soul Body” thing. From there, they drop the energy through the Ace of Wands, another merging point, and deliver it to The World, to the conscious state, and to the collective.

So, they are apart, then together, then apart, then together, and then apart between levels. See, it’s literally so simple when you compare it to Jimin and Kook’s relationship where there’s a whole new world on every level.

The Reading:


Energetic Contributions To The Relationship

Taehyung: The Emperor | Kook: The Moon

I’m like 99% sure The Empress didn’t come out for Kook specifically because it would be too on the nose and too unbelievable…

But yeah, the energy that they put into the relationship is that imprinted energy, it’s the mix of projected and receptive energy as well as the aspects of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy that comes with Mars and Venus. 

It’s in a similar realm as to how Jin and Jimin balance each other within their relationship, however, here it’s not very conscious. It’s just in their energy, the more conscious awareness of their relationship and how they connect comes through much better with the next set.

How They See The Relationship:

Taehyung: Page of Swords | Kook: Temperance

So, this plays into the levels of receptibility that go into the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine as on Kook’s side, he seems to be feeling into their connection more in terms of feeling connected by the soul, being aware of a deeper connection. Taehyung on the other hand, as he is not very receptive to that level of things, views their relationship more superficially.

For Kook, he really feels into that sense of balance within their opposition. He’s aware of where they click and where they don’t, and how it fits just right for both of them. It almost feels like he’s intellectualized it to some degree where he’s very in tune with it, but he’s more inclined to see this as something that has grown between them since they met, rather than seeing their relationship as something they didn’t just build for themselves. 

Actually, that’s a great way to look at it from Kook’s perspective. There’s this appreciation on his end towards Taehyung for being cooperative in building their relationship.

Again, he’s aware of their opposition, but he’s not aware, consciously at least, that it’s supposed to be there and their connection is supposed to be easy, so it’s like he thinks it’s amazing that they are able to be so close yet so different even though they’re literally… coded to be like that. 

On Taehyung’s side, it’s just as cute because there’s this sense of admiration that matches Kook’s appreciation towards him. It’s really well encapsulated in the Page of Swords, where Taehyung is very inspired by Kook, he’s very aware of Kook’s senses, maybe not necessarily towards anything unconscious, but like his senses towards work and how he carries himself, how he treats other people. It’s literally like hardened Mars being inspired and amazed by Venus and how she can be soft and beautiful while still whipping things into shape when she needs to. It’s that fluidity that really inspires him and brings him into that space of kind of wanting to learn from him while also protecting him.

For Taehyung, that’s quite a common thing that I’ve talked about in both of his Elemental Alignment reading and all of the relationship readings I’ve done for him so far. 

Because his core energy is so hot and dry with that Fire and Earth energy, he is a bit lacking in creative prowess and connection to the soul, but he still has a soul, he still has creativity. It’s just the expression of it is blocked off severely and therefore he tries to find ways to get it out by copying other people’s methods and work to try and literally open some part of himself up. 

And the funny thing about that is that it does the exact opposite as he tries to put himself into a mold that has already been set by his favorite artists, musicians, or designers. But he is still creating, so that’s a good start. I’m still waiting for him to take up abstract painting though, lol. That will get him going.

Six of Swords.jpg

Current State of The Relationship: Six of Swords (Rev.)

This goes along with their current state of Higher Self integration and expansion of consciousness. One of them, Kook, is starting to go through the process of integrating higher frequencies and progressing with the ascension, whereas Taehyung is still kind of stuck. He’s not stuck-stuck, but he’s going to probably be moving slower than Kook. 

Most likely there will be a situation similar to Namjoon and Yoongi, and Jin and Jimin where Kook will kind of be nearly fully integrated and just waiting for Taehyung to catch up.

This doesn’t really do anything to their relationship on a conscious level, in fact, it could strengthen it to some degree as they could start to feel themselves getting further apart and try to compensate for that. I don’t know how likely that is, I just assume that would be the case considering how long they’ve pretty much been at the exact same level.


Highest Potential:

Page of wands | wheel of fortune

This is kind of perfect for them because the Wheel of Fortune suggests that the integration process would be complete and that they would be on the same level. 

The Page of Wands is like the most perfect card for this, especially from this deck, as the energy lines up with them completely merged through there energy. Pretty much you could think about the position of the 2 of Wands in the energy reading as being replaced with the Page of Wands.

Their highest potential would literally be them, on a conscious level, being fully aware of and utilizing their imprinted energy to progress. It’s more of that, “together, apart, together, apart” kind of thing where their next level of progression would be to get a lot closer energetically as the integration process would require them to get out of those lower frequencies that kept them separated, to begin with.

So, it’s like the Wheel of Fortune suggests, they’d have to line up with each other, and then move backward in order to go forward. It seems like that would happen further down the line considering their current states, but with the rate that people are currently integrating and raising their frequencies, it could happen sooner. Still further down the line though, I’m sure.

That’s all I have for this one, thanks for reading!
