Core Energy Reading for Park Jimin

Subject: Park Jimin, born October 13, 1995 — Libra

Performed: June 22, 2022

Original Post Date: July 10, 2022

Spread: Core Energy Reading by BlueMoonPunch

Details: The Core Energy Reading is a spread designed to showcase an individual’s current state of being on multiple levels of conscious awareness as well as aspects of both internal and external influence.

Deck: Sacred Geometry Activations by LON, Angelarium: Oracle of Emanations by Eli Minaya and Peter Mohrbacher, Wild Unknown: Archetypes by Kim Krans, Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson, The Arcana of Astrology by Claire Goodchild

Time: 4 hours

Since I did the 2022/2023 Outlook reading for BTS, I’ve been curious about Jimin’s current state, especially in comparison to the previous readings I’ve done for him that, over the last 4 years, showcase his personal development and progression via his core energy or inner world. I figured this would be a great time to try out one of my newer readings, the Core Energy Reading, for a celebrity/idol to see where he stands now on various levels.

Before we get into everything, here is a list of the readings, in order, that I’ve done for Jimin that show core state/soul development, and include visual descriptions of the various states of his inner world.

The Solar Eclipse

From the 2022/2023 Outlook Reading, I wanted to elaborate a bit more on what I was seeing in terms of the solar eclipse that I was seeing in his inner world, which represented a merged and balanced state of his Light Sun/Dark Sun cycle that was very prevalent throughout his readings. The eclipse I was seeing wasn’t a full eclipse, the whole Sun wasn’t being blocked out but rather a shadowed stripe circled around the Sun causing a line of shadow to briefly run over the land without ever going completely dark.

This picture below is the best I could do to visually demonstrate the Sun I was seeing in Jimin’s inner world:

The shadow cast itself around the sun relatively quickly, making a complete trip around within 10 to 15 seconds. In previous states, I saw this Light Sun and Dark Sun as two separate bodies that would rise and fall separately, each of them carrying very strong influences that would trickle out through the layers of consciousness enough that it would affect Jimin on a conscious and physical level as well. There were periods of time when there was no light at all, and there was a time when there was nothing but light, nothing but exposure, to the point that even on a soul level, he felt the need to hide things and cover up parts of his own awareness out of shame or embarrassment.

This new state of the balanced Dark Sun and Light Sun represents acceptance and utilization of the Shadow, of the parts of himself, on a soul level and up through to the conscious mind, that he previously felt he had to hide or push down in order to please others or keep up a certain kind of image. The light and dark do not exist in a completely 50/50 state, but rather that light holds the dark, is anchored and grounded by it, while the Shadow is exposed and given purpose through the light.

The process of getting to this point was reflected well in the basic development of Libra, an aspect of development that we all encounter at some point through the development of the 7th House. In the 2022/2023 Outlook Reading, I included an excerpt from a private personal reading where I explained this process in relation to Scorpio/8th House or the Shadow. I will include it here again for reference and just because I think this is a good bit of information to understand about personal development and progression.

“At its lowest development, Libra rules over conformity and assimilation, asking what do I need to do to be accepted, who do I have to be in order to be liked, how can I stay in line with everyone else? It’s sometimes a matter of safety and assurance, the need to assimilate and conform. Libra doesn't like being alone or feeling isolated. Because of this, Libra, in its first stages, is petrified of Scorpio and the 8th House.

Scorpio and the 8th House represent two things that the lesser developed Libra is afraid of — truth and isolation. The 8th House is where we throw out all of the things that we do not want to acknowledge about the world around us and all of what we do not want the world to acknowledge about us. Trauma, fear, and insecurity are hidden away there, but along with them are self-awareness, personal responsibility, brutal honesty, and authenticity. The 8th House and Scorpio represent unabashed individualism and coming out of the 7th House/Libra, that individualism can seem world-ending as it marks the point in which you separate from the collective and the reality that formed with externalized foundations.

However, at its most developed, at its highest form, Libra is Justice. Libra becomes a mediator, a very conscious and self-aware go-between between all voices, minds, ideas, and perspectives. At this point, Libra is able to look at Scorpio and say, “we need this.” We need those parts of ourselves in order to know who we are, and we need to know who we are in order to truly know the world around us.”

The Shadow becomes a necessary building block, a tool, a lens through which we can look to understand ourselves and others on a deeper level, and from there build more compassion, empathy, understanding, acceptance, honesty, integrity, and authenticity. We line up more with our true self, and through that we can step into a new, higher state, one marked by the initiation and progression of Sagittarius or the 9th House. In this case, it would seem that, at least at this time, Jimin’s true self is best represented by the energy of a Solar Eclipse, a bringer of great change through earth-shattering revolution and evolution.

The Crystals

While I do have a big box of crystals and a small bag of about ten of my favorites, I don’t actually use them very often… hardly ever really. I used them mostly for grid work and sometimes for meditations, but mostly they stay in their place and are almost never used for readings. However, this time around, before I started pulling cards for Jimin here, I got this urge to get crystals out of the bag. It was a nagging push to do, and once I had it in my hand, I slipped under a bit and was being shown “yes” or “no” every time I touched a crystal. From this, three crystals were approved and I laid them out at the top of my desk and figured that was the end of it, thinking this reading just required these specific conduits, but no.

The three crystals that were chosen were Smoky Quartz, Carnelian, and a flat, round piece of Peach Moonstone. I was being shown how the crystals connected to each other as they were laid across my desk — Smoky Quartz, Peach Moonstone, then Carnelian — related to the Shadow/Dark Sun, the Soul/Light Sun, and then Peach Moonstone in the center representing the combined two, or the balanced nature of the inner world as a whole. The crystals themselves were going to be a framework for how this reading would be conducted entirely.

As I mentioned, I don’t use crystals very often, I don’t know their meanings or uses off the top of my head, so I had to go and do some research to understand what exactly I was being shown in relation to the crystals and the layout of the reading. Here is what I found:

*All info comes from — all articles are written by Ana Crystal.

Smoky Quartz

“Its name Smoky Quartz came from its shady and smoky appearance. The darkness and brownness of the Smoky Quartz is a perfect blend with its pastel and warm feel.

Known as the ‘Stone of Power,’ Smoky Quartz is the national stone of Scotland. It is also called Morion, which means ‘repugnant’ or ‘ugly.’ Because of its grim look, many people feared what the stone could be.

Some associated the stone with sinister forces. Its paleness was also linked to bad omens. Nevertheless, the ancient druids referred to it as a consecrated and divine stone. Although they used Smoky Quartz in otherworldly rites, they respected its power – regardless if they thought of it as dark magic.

The black and brown colors of Smoky Quartz symbolizes the ecosystem, the environment, and the Earth as a planet. As a result, this gem helps us in enhancing our virtue of humility. Being grounded is not easy for some. But with Smoky Quartz, it becomes doable.

Emotionally, Smoky Quartz benefits its bearer as it drives the heart and to do what is right. During ancient times, people used Smoky Quartz to lessen whatever heavy burden they had – especially emotional baggage.

It is still true today. Believers love Smoky Quartz because it frees its bearer from any emotional conflict.

On the other hand, Smoky Quartz may look dim but it actually sheds light onto its bearer’s life. Regardless of its dark distinction, this wonderful gem has brought hope to those who called for it.”


“Carnelian has been used in ancient cultures for a variety of reasons. It is considered to be a stabilizing stone. The word itself comes from a Latin word meaning “flesh” or “yellowish-red”, which symbolizes bold energy and stimulation of the spirit. Ancient usage ranged from beliefs that carnelian stone could help timid speakers become eloquent and bold to being worn by warriors around the neck for courage and physical power to help with conquering their enemies.

Ancient Egyptians named Carnelian the "Sunset Stone" because they believed it caught and reflected the heat of the sun and channeled it into the wearer. Carnelian is still considered a symbol of life in modern cultures. It is also used for protection, wealth, and wisdom.

Carnelian is a wonderful stone for self-esteem. It helps the wearer to develop and maintain a healthy self-image. Carnelian helps one to be more outgoing and sociable. It is warm, friendly, and easy to get along with. This stone is also an excellent aid to help those who are seeking to rebuild their self-esteem after a setback.”

Peach Moonstone

“A fair share of moonstone’s aesthetics derives from adularescence, an unearthly sheen that moves under the stone’s surface and creates a semblance of moonlight glimmering in water and thus diffuses a hypnotic affect. A special cut called cabochon is adopted to flaunt the famous shimmery appearance which is believed to shift in line with the moon’s phases.

Purification. Self-Development. Spiritualization. Energization

Supports inner strength and growth. Restores emotional balance and stability. Facilitates fertility and childbirth. Removes stress and selfishness. Marks new beginnings

Everything that is good for healing, empowering, and rediscovering one’s inner self is what moonstone is all about. So, the meaning of moonstone can be attributed to ‘new beginnings’ for an individual.

Over the centuries, moonstone meaning and uses haven’t seen much of a paradigm shift except only the fact that the value is now equally put on showiness and health value along with moonstone spiritual meaning. This leads to the understanding of the stone’s historical and contemporary meanings.

Known as the ‘stone for women’, the peach/yellow variation is supposed to incorporate soothing abilities along with the moonstone crystal meaning attached to calm, fertility, and transition. It symbolizes feminine energy and transmutes one’s negative emotion and purifies the soul.”

The Reading

This reading was originally designed to begin with showcasing the influence of higher guidance and the Higher Self, however, for Jimin, in relation to the set up of the Smoky Quartz, Carnelian, and the Peach Moonstone, it’s been changed up just a bit. Instead, the two separate influences that are being looked at relate to the Light Sun/Soul and Dark Sun/Shadow, while the center set relates to various layers of the current state in relation to the combined Eclipse energy, soul state, and inner world. Following that, everything else in the reading is as it should be based on the original design.

State or Influence of The Dark Sun:

The Ring + The Venom + The Creator

In the center, Venom represents the harshest parts of The Dark Sun, or the Shadow, relating to negative mindsets, self-loathing, and insecurity. These aspects are described as a poison because of how they can so severely limit or completely kill off potential, both internally and externally. However, with The Ring and The Creator on both sides, this Venom is, in a sense, is used to create, almost like it’s being used to create antivenom, an antidote to previous infections.

In simple terms, while the Venom is still there, it’s not being perceived or used as a poison, it doesn’t have its limiting effect, especially as, with The Ring, it moves in small cycles, moving through the Light Sun in regulated doses. This then, from the inside out, gives way to The Creator, the creative force drawing inspiration from that deeper state of being, those deeper emotions, as well as previous states of being where The Venom was in fact acting as a poison.

State or Influence of The Light Sun:

The Sustainer + The Mirror + The Eternal Child

The Mirror represents pure self-awareness and the ability to project the desired image through that self-awareness. This in the center mirrors Venom, suggesting that the Light Sun, the soul, holds awareness of the Shadow and projects parts of it based on what it is that is meant to be expressed. The Mirror represents Jimin’s want or needs to reflect a more authentic version of himself either in his everyday life or in his artistry, using both the light and the dark together to create a more dynamic image.

The Sustainer on the left side represents an active effort to maintain control or balance between the light and the dark, or more specifically, hold the dark in place in that singular strip that moves across the sun. The image on The Sustainer, the two hands cupping the ball of clay, does remind me of the image of Jimin’s eclipse that I made with the hands on either side representing the light and the ball in the center is the dark, contained by the light. While they are equal pieces, there is more light than dark, the dark being more concentrated.

On the right, The Eternal Child mirrors The Sustainer. Where The Sustainer brings focus to the light containing the dark, The Eternal Child brings focus to the dark containing the light. The Inner Child exists as that bright light in the center, hidden away and often times “protected” by the Shadow by fear and insecurity, limiting beliefs that keep one from experiencing rejection or pain. I find it interesting how the mature hands sustain the Shadow while the child’s hands are what contain the light. It gives this sense of strength and maturity being what holds the Shadow in place in this case, while immaturity and perceived weakness are what holds The Inner Child in place or hides it away.

On their own, separated, The Sustainer and The Eternal Child can appear imbalance, but through The Mirror they see each other, they reflect inward and outward, and create the image of the eclipse. The energy or projection of said eclipse occurs more in the balance of the Shadow or the Dark Sun through The Creator and The Ring.

Current State of Core Energy, Inner World, and Soul Progression:

Dynamic + Saturn Return — Age + The Fates + Negotiation — Jupiter in Libra

The first card representing Jimin’s current state was Dynamic, a card that represents the ability to harmonize in the internal space, the external space, and between the two in order to create projections, mindsets, actions, or physical manifestations that are made up of many different or opposing elements. This reflects the aspects of balance and creation within the energy of Jimin’s eclipse.

The second card, Saturn Return, calls back to the aspect of maturity in self-awareness, self-perception, and self-containment that was shown between the Dark Sun and the Light Sun. The Saturn Return occurs about every 29 years for an individual, but the effects of it can start to take shape and be noticeable between the ages of 27 and 33. The Saturn Return, at its best, can represent a time when previous challenges that dictated the experience up to that point are coming to a close and, in a sense, being judged or “graded.” What you’ve learned, mastered, and still need to work on are then fed into the next 30-year cycle alongside new challenges, most of which are just ever so slightly easier to deal with for most people.

The Fates followed the Saturn Return and seems to go along with that idea of the new phase of Jimin’s life in its entirety being centered around the mastery of his own mind and emotional space. There’s this feeling of leveling up, so I would assume the Saturn Return would be a very beneficial and expansive time for him.

The last card, Negotiation, connects to the more superficial projection of Jimin’s core state. I really liked seeing this card as it is related to the energy of Jupiter in Libra. The planet of rebirth, mastery, and expansion in the sign of Libra, Jimin’s Sun Sign, the foundation of his core, further confirms the positive reward and upgrade of the Saturn Return through The Fates. No doubt the aspect of decision making and mediation in this card goes into Dynamic and how Jimin will go forward in choosing to express himself both as an artist and just an everyday person in his day-to-day life.

The Negotiation card also shows a woman holding the Sun and Moon in balance on either side of the card, representing the new foundation of this eclipse energy Jimin holds, or the balance of his own Soul with his Shadow.

Current Core State Projection:

Ace of Pentacles + Three of Cups

When it comes to what is being projected from Jimin’s core, through everything under Dynamic, there is a major focus on creation and building up something new from scratch, as suggested with the Ace of Pentacles. It’s directed at very physical, externalized creation and new beginnings.

Alongside that, the Three of Cups puts a more internalized focus on communication, friendship, and a sense of harmony and support amongst his closest friends and family. Essentially, if you can imagine the Ace of Pentacles as a seed, the Three of Cups is the water that feeds the seed and helps it to grow. The Three of Cups represents Jimin’s direction or choice to focus on more emotionally uplifting and supporting people, while also contributing his own support and encouragement for the seeds, or new beginnings, of others.

How The Core Meets The Subconscious:

Seven of Swords (rev.) + Four of Swords

This core projection around external creation and internal support and harmony begins to take root in the subconscious mind through the reversed Seven of Swords and the Four of Swords. When anything starts to take root in the subconscious space, it can face the Shadow or the Ego, the old combatting the new and creating anxiety, fear, or just a sense of nagging uneasiness around the potential of the future.

The reversed Seven of Swords refers explicitly to a time in which someone is facing obstacles or challenges that seem difficult or completely impossible to overcome. What’s nice about this, however, is that with the Four of Swords, there’s almost this sense of facing this mindset or this potential anxiety head-on by backtracking and understanding the cause. The Four of Swords connects back to the Three of Cups in the previous set, showing rest and relaxation, a sense of calm and ease that comes from that emotional support that would allow Jimin to face and work through anything associated with the reversed Seven of Swords.

On both sides, these cards connect to patterns of thought, very internalized communication, and processing of inspiration, plans, action, and the goals or aspirations that all of it is leading to. While there is still room for the heaviness to come in, it seems like now Jimin is in such a great position, both internally and externally, to not only deal with that heaviness but use it as something constructive and beneficial to him.

Current State of The Shadow or Ego:

Remiel — Angel of Visions

Current State of The Spirit:

Leliel — Angel of Night

I thought this was pretty interesting as these two cards show a kind of Yin-Yang style of balance between the Spirit and the Shadow, between Light and Dark. Here we can see that the Angel of Visions is held by the Ego, by the Shadow, while the Angel of Night, pertaining to mystery, hidden matters, and nightmares is held by the Spirit, the Soul. In other words, the Dark is holding the Light while the Light holds the Dark. They are inherently connected here.

Visions are being seen in the Night, inspiration is coming from the dark, the Soul is creating from the space of the Shadow. It’s the eclipse energy represented quite well.

State of Conscious Reception:

Eight of Pentacles + Queen of Pentacles

Jimin’s conscious level reception and perception of all of his higher influence and energy centers on very external matters of creation, manifestation, and accumulation of reward and fulfillment overall. The Eight of Pentacles is associated with direct work, hands-on building, and constructing, something that he physically and mentally has direct influence over that he plans to sell or share on a larger platform. This work is considered tedious, detail-oriented, and sometimes strenuous, but is done with a great deal of commitment and passion.

Then, of course, the Queen of Pentacles really centers on this sense of confidence, self-assurance, and most importantly, a sense of authority, direction, and responsibility for what is being created in his own image.

These very externalized aspects show a matter of personal reflection, as in, it’s almost like he’s literally constructing a mirror just to see himself, his truest form, staring back at him. All of what came before this set, everything on a soul level, in his core, between his Spirit and Shadow, all projects outward and reflects back to him through this final product. It’s very Libra-esque in the aspect of Jimin seeing himself in something outside of him, however, rather than seeking himself, or the perfect version of himself, in other people, he is instead discovering his true self within his own work, his own creations.

I think it would be easy to assume that the process of finding himself is what would lead to his creative work and expression, but here it seems like it’s the other way around — his creation being what allows him to find himself. Better yet, visually it comes through as if he has this idea of the vision of himself, but his ability to create it, to create that mirror, would be what really cements it in his own perception.

Basically, he’s found himself, but he has to be able to demonstrate that discovery before he can believe he’s really done it.

Areas of Conscious Level Focus:

Mercury + Solar Eclipse

Jimin’s conscious level focus is being directed toward or resonating most with Mercury, the planet of communication, and the Solar Eclipse, representing the eclipse energy created between his Dark Sun and Light Sun, as well as representing great and unavoidable change.

Just as I said in the previous set, his focus is on demonstrating his own self-discovery, communicating the creation of the Solar Eclipse from the Dark Sun and Light Sun, or from the newfound harmony between his Soul and Shadow.

Mercury can also have a lot to do with planning, organizing, analyzing, and laying things out prior to direct communication, so this can also refer to everything going on in his mind, very self-focused, regarding projects and other aspects of self-expression.

Physical or Conscious Manifestation:

Five of Wands (rev.) + Five of Swords (rev.)

Finally, all of what we have seen here so far is shown here to be currently heading toward a manifestation represented by the Five of Wand and the Five of Swords, both of which are here in reverse.

Both of these cards, when upright, refer to unstable and tension-filled situations that can be represented both within yourself and with people, places, or situations around you. The Five of Wands focuses more on unstable action or energetic output, sometimes depicting arguments, disharmony in an environment, or scattered focus and energy leading to difficulty in completing tasks or moving forward at all. The Five of Swords carries the same energy, but it focuses more on the mind and communication, relating more to confusion or misunderstanding when it comes to processing things in your own mind or in relaying what’s on your mind to other people.

With both of these cards in reverse, it is showing that everything presented here is leading Jimin toward an overall reset, a state in which both internally and externally he can experience harmony with himself and the world around him. His ability to clearly understand and communicate with himself will translate to a grand ability to much more clearly and honestly communicate with others. His focus will be much sharper and he would most likely strip things back in his personal life, finding it much easier to prioritize what is important to him and really just cutting through a lot of what may have held him back in previous years.

That’s all I have for this one, thanks for reading! :)