The Elemental Alignment of Halsey


Subject: Halsey (Ashley Frangipane), born September 29, 1994 — Libra

Performed: May 31, 2019

Original Post Date: June 21, 2019

Spread: Elemental Alignment, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Wild Unknown: Animal Spirit by Kim Krans

Time: 2 hours

Details: The Elemental Alignment reading is designed to showcase an individual's energetic alignment and balance with the elements, then compare it to that of the Higher Self's alignments.


Halsey is one of my favorite artists of this generation, and I've been following her since Badlands, so I'm excited to do this reading for her and see what comes through. First off, with the energy reading, I really wanted to focus on her core foundations, the projections of her cosmic imprinting, or in other words, the energetic tool kit that she came into this life with. She has incredibly magnetic energy, very Libra, of course, but there's a lot that goes beyond that, rooted in Scorpio energy, and I wanted to see where that came from, or if there was maybe more complexity to understand here.

Right off the bat, as I was feeling into her core energy, I started to hear this phrase being spoken over and over again -- "it's made of such beautiful things." It was a little distracting as it kept punching through everything else, but when I finally chilled out a bit and simply listened to it, I started to see this dark space, like a void, but filled with these flickering multi-colored lights. It's hard to explain it exactly, but it kind of looked like different colored chalk being drawn over a blackboard.

Reflecting her inner world, the foundation of her core, I believe this vision to be very representative of her creative energy, her complex vision, and connection to the world around her, constantly ebbing and flowing, shifting between shades, never something you can truly pin down or label as one set thing. Because of this comparison to a chalkboard and how everything seems to fade in and out, it gives this feeling of every state, every phase being just that, a phase, something temporary, something to try on and eventually grow out of. It's making me think of a snake rapidly shedding its skin over and over again, each time coming out with new colors and patterns.


In order to break down her core energy a little more, I pulled a set here that shows the layers of her core energy and how it integrates and influences the conscious state. A lot of very interesting stuff came up here for sure.

First off, there's a very clear and strong presence of Water energy being shown here, which lines up a lot with what I had been seeing with the multi-colored lights previously. There's a lot of very sharp awareness and insight toward creation, to the point that it is very clear to me that her cosmic imprinting, as well as her conscious level imprinting, which would be visible in her birth chart, would have significant influence through the element of Water. I also believe the phrase that I kept hearing, "It's made of such beautiful things," is related to this strong Water influence.

  • EDIT: I don't usually like looking at people's birth charts while I'm doing readings as I feel it can sometimes overtake what I get intuitively, but I did get curious and looked at her chart when I was finished with this reading. Halsey has her Moon and Mars in Cancer, her Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, and North Node in Scorpio, and her Saturn in Pisces. That North Node in Scorpio is very much so a leading figure in her unconscious cosmic imprinting as well.


The first three cards, the cards closer to her center core, the aspects mostly being projected from her cosmic imprinting, are the Ace of Cups, 4 of Cups, and the Knight of Cups. The Ace of Cups here holds this sense of divine purpose and very strong spiritual connection and awareness, and in a way, it feels much bigger than she would ever actually be able to carry. This isn't a bad thing, it just means she could reach absolute clarity and expand well past her potential on a superficial level, and still be interested and capable of growing and learning more. She is set up for what could be "eternal" development and constant change, constant leveling-ups within her internal space throughout her entire lifetime.

The Ace of Cup also showed me the level of care and consideration that went into the design of her birth chart, how everything leveled and balanced each other, how everything guaranteed certain phases of development for her in order to get her to where she needs to be so that she can not only serve her higher purpose, but also experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with her life upon recognizing a served purpose.

Visually, within the layout of the cards, The Ace of Cups is pouring down into the intuitive reception of the 4 of Cups and the drive of the Knight of Cups. In this sense, most of her intuitive awareness is shown to be rooted in her conscious mind rather than her subconscious mind, meaning that her intuition and natural instinct are blending together, making creative inspiration and creative execution nearly flawless in terms of bringing her vision to life. This would also make manifestation in general relatively smooth for her, especially when she is very consciously directing her focus, will, and energy toward a vision she wishes to bring to life.

Between the Knight and the 4 of Cups, things just "click" very consciously, she's extremely smart, she can observe things and understand them quickly, and with that, she can come to have a very clear sense of creative projection of her observation, essentially finding inspiration in the world around her, but also the world within her that she may explore in order to understand her own complexity. Basically, it's almost like she has enough conscious level awareness that she can turn the faucet on and off at will when it comes to the perspective and perception held from a higher perspective, but on a conscious level, it can sometimes feel very full and then very empty, more in the realm of the 4 of Cups, who can sometimes see the cup but can't grab it, or misses the cup completely.

For the sake of simplifying this a little more, her higher guidance and divine inspiration go hand-and-hand, they are one in the same, similar to how her own instinct and intuition blend together. More often than not, she may experience breakthroughs, clarity, and higher understanding by very conscious and superficial means rather than this more spiritual breakthrough where she essentially receives enlightenment from a higher consciousness. It could still be a very spiritual thing, but like any Air Sign, it would be more rooted in her figuring it out and putting the pieces together herself.

All of that Water energy then runs over this space of Air energy, this Page of Swords, where her higher awareness, her creative mind, her inspiration, and understanding, are essentially wielded as a weapon. It actually made me think of that lyric in Nightmare, "I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind." This is a very clear recognition of her own intelligence, her intellect, which is based on this very deep intuitive understanding, which gives her the tremendous ability to project, to speak, to create that understanding in the external space. She literally wields her own source energy toward creation and expression, uses it towards initiating transformation and bringing about a sense of fluidity, both within herself and the world around her. This is one of her major influences, what she is meant to bring to the world. It's this tremendously high vibrational burst, but she can consciously perceive it as a tool, a weapon, something she can use, but does not solely define her and her human experience.

This Air energy, of course, is centered around her core projection of her Libra Sun. Libra, at its highest form, is quite a booming energy, but it's more low-key than you might think, still off the walls, but more refined. She's there, she has that, but on this higher level that I'm looking at, she doesn't carry a lot of her Libra energy in her foundation, it's more on the surface, it's something that anyone would be able to recognize in her very superficially. Her Libra energy definitely, without a doubt, would come out in her personal connections, even more so when she was younger with how she, like many young Libras, may have sought out validation and reflection in other people, to the point of losing the sense of identity. Her Libra and Cancer energy lay the groundwork for all of the connections that she makes, even the ones that she makes with her fans who she may only meet one time for one minute.

She actually seems to bring in a lot of energy through this, and it's one of those things that's really hard to explain, but it's kind of in the same vein as a quality of an underdeveloped Libra. Basically, underdeveloped Libras can really suck people in on a superficial level, they can very attractive and therefore it's easier for them to create connections, especially romantic ones. On a more energetic level, they suck the energy of the other person into them in order to feel whole, to the point that this triggers subconscious mirroring, literally adopting the traits and characteristics of the other person in order to feel like a "perfect match." With Halsey, right now, it's like she's actively projecting her own identity, which is something that usually comes about for Libras around 25 to 27 years old when they mature and gain that sense of self fully and separately from others. She's projecting this big energy, but then she's bringing in these tiny little bubbles of energy, from literally millions of sources.

Again, hard to explain, but visually I was seeing this as a system of connection and projection that is mostly governed through Water. I was seeing something like an octopus with million of squiggling arms that are being pushed through a hole in the wall toward the outside world. It's a distinct effort to project herself through perceived barriers between her and people that she wishes to connect to be but can't. Mostly, I would assume that this is connected to her fanbase, but also to the world in general. At the end of all of these little gangly arms are little suckers that absorb the output, the gratitude, the genuine appreciation for her display of projection, her creation, her expression.

Basically, the Water energy, all of that energy behind her creative and transformative way of being is specifically with her and working THROUGH her Air energy, her Libra energy, in order to do exactly what she is doing now with her artistry. Her purpose toward the collective, toward the world as a whole, is around delivering reflections, a sense of identity, validation to other people on a mass scale, to reflect the life experience and lessons learned in a manner that is creatively fulfilling to her. So, while she's very much so projecting through Air, she is seriously riding some serious waves, like full-on Tsunamis.

That connection between Water and Air, and how she implements that artistry, is bring put toward the 4 of Wands, which I was seeing as building a world. She's building, or has built, a whole new reality for herself that exists within the objective reality. It was kind of going all over the place though. I was seeing this as someone throwing all kinds of things into a mixing bowl and mixing it up rather frantically. It was very condensed energetically, very focused with intent toward creating something, but the output of it was going in a few different directions. It was like she's building a new inner world, while also building a world externally, like maybe a world for a new album or story she wants to tell. Alongside that, there was the formation of a new reality, a new level of being that would alter things for her very physically in her life, but it was hard to tell if that was something she was intentionally doing, or if that's just something that's going to happen on its own as a result of these other worlds being built.

Of course, with the 4 of Wands, there is a lot of Fire energy in that space of creation, and surprisingly, it doesn't feel like it's all coming from her, more so it feels like there's just a lot of stimulation around her that is fueling her into frantically mixing things together to create these new worlds. I really don't know how to interpret what I'm seeing with this, because it feels very pressurized but not negative, stressful but not detrimental. It's like she has so much going on around her and within her, and she's trying to create space to hold it all, while also continuing her natural development. There's just a lot going on, to the point where it feels like that Water is becoming so heated and pressurized that it's starting to boil.


Coming out of this space of the 4 of Wands, there are these two phases of release, two separate phases where all of that pressure and boiling water comes pouring out. It's interesting because, superficially speaking, these two cards make it seem like she has these major breakdowns, not anything she can't handle of course, but heavy breakdowns that continuously lead to these mini self-initiated rebirths.

On one side, she has all of that pressure flowing straight into the 5 of Cups, which feels a bit like a crash, as if she has to drop that mixing bowl on the floor because she just can't keep stirring. Some of it spills out, some of it doesn't, and she's just kind of low for a bit. Then, she jumps straight into the 8 of Cups where, essentially, she picks up the bowl and walks away, continues out with a lighter load as what came spilling out on the floor was stuff that wasn't really necessary or as important as it was in the beginning. It's a process of realizing that she was doing too much, or trying to have too much control over too many things at once, and then either just literally dropping some of it, or handing it over to others to finish off so that she can focus on what is most important to her. It's a process of purging and reprioritizing, but the way everything seems to explode outward, it feels very much like it brings her up one level, she learns something from it every time, elevates herself every time.

Following that, she goes straight into The Fool, that literal rebirth, that state between the beginning and the end, where everything feels much lighter, calmer, but still just as exciting and stimulating as there is now more potential, more reach, more room to bring new things in. The transition between these three cards going from a grey sky, to a night sky, to a clear sun-filled sky is on point as well.

Everything within this process just screams WATER to me. The benefit and enjoyment toward sitting in painful states of mind because of the substance there, the roots there that can actually serve as a space to recenter the self is very strong. I and my Pisces self love to that simply because it really helps to process it all on a deeper level, to sit within it and feel it, rather than pick myself apart with logic and crunching through emotions. In spite of any pain, stress, or worry she may feel, I feel like she has some appreciation for the fact that she can feel things in such a big way, to the point where these moments of things boiling over have such a significant and beneficial impact on her.

Oh, but wait, don't worry, she still has an Air-based, picking everything apart process too. I actually really like this because it's a very similar process to what I observed with Namjoon (of BTS) when it comes to how he digests or dissects his own experiences and emotions in order to write them out in his music. When I did the energy connection reading for Halsey and BTS, there was that connection between them toward creative processing, so it's actually really cool to see that again here as a bit of confirmation.

This process starts with the 3 of Swords, which is a more logical mirror of the more emotional 5 of Cups. In simpler terms, the 5 of Cups is the heart in the image of the 3 of Swords, and the logical mind is ripping through it with those swords. This then goes into the 6 of Swords, which is right in line with the 8 of Cups, except rather than just dropping those heavier things and moving on, they are drained of their blood, and then that blood is used as paint or ink. It's like emotional seeding, ripping things apart in order to put them back together again in a new form. The jump from the number 3 to number 6 makes me think this is a relatively careful process, maybe quick, but definitely careful and sharp in terms of how she actually allows herself to express. To clarify, when I say careful, I don't mean restrictive, I mean she's very mindful about finding a balance between what she knows she NEEDS to let out and what she thinks people NEED to hear or see.

There is then this burst with the 8 of Wands, mirroring the burst of The Fool, however, what actually mirrors the overall state of The Fool is the 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords is a death, a death in perception, perspective, or circumstance, which feels like, in a way, the carnage that is left behind following the 3 of Swords. I suppose you could also look at this as the point where, similar to the 8 of Cups, she does let go of things, but rather than dropping them and forgetting about them, she letting them go because they have become something else, she has transformed those negative emotions, thoughts, experiences, and so on, into something of a new form that is no longer part of her but is an extension of her, something that can be shared.

This particular process ends completely on the King of Swords, this state of display and projection. With the King, there is much more personal control in the mix, still a lot going on, but there's not a lot of that overwhelming external influence and pressure. It's much more refined. I feel like this would be the state in which she creates the most smoothly, can get a lot out very quickly, whereas the 4 of Wands is more so where the abstract and hard to define creative outbursts come from. Both of which are pretty epic. The Knight of Pentacles is like the actual physical product, the song, the album that comes from that writing process.

Essentially, the King is Halsey in the studio, the Knight is Halsey on tour.

The Reading:

Golden Egg.jpg

Current state of Core Energy: Golden Egg — Spirit

This seems absolutely perfect in relation to the 4 of Wands, that mental space she has for herself to work from, that inner world where she can connect to all these different levels of herself and create. All of that is well represented by the Golden Egg here in the current state of her core.

The Golden Egg is associated with the Heart Chakra which, when centered there, is a place of connection, expression, projection, and attraction for the soul. Again, this reminds me of some stuff I've talked about with BTS, specifically with the readings I've done more recently regarding how they, and a lot of people really, are coming into times where they are "leading with the chest," or leading with their hearts, their souls. That is exactly what Halsey is doing.

The center of her core, where she projects from, where she identifies from, is a place of raw honesty and connection to herself, where she process and builds on her own experiences in a way that allows for those experiences to be properly digested and either released or fully integrated into her being. It's really solid.

Of course, with that, the Golden Egg is a Spirit card, one of seven in the deck. When a Spirit card comes out in the reading in place of the current core state, it automatically shows that there is in alignment and synchronized with the Higher Self. This means that, in terms of her soul progression and development, she is right where she needs to be. This also puts all of her following in sync as well, regardless of whether or not they are perfectly balanced.

For the sake of showing how I was connecting this to the 4 of Wands, I want to include an excerpt from this card's description:

Within the Golden Egg lives a precious sound. Deep within that sound resides a message. The sound cannot be heard, nor the message discerned until we retreat from the noise of modern life. The magical essence of the Golden Egg needs warmth, quiet, and time to unfold. No rushing, pushing, or grasping.
— Kim Krans, The Wild Unknown: Animal Spirit Oracle

Elemental Water Alignment: Crow — Air

If I had to pick one card from this deck to describe Halsey, this would be it. The Crow, of course, is predominantly associated with Air, that more logical and intellectual nature, but it is also extremely in touch with its intuition and creativity, that Water energy. It's highly observant and psychic, and it has a very deep sense of self-awareness and the ability to self-analyze.

As The Crow is representing her Water Alignment, her core foundation, the area of creativity, intuition, and her emotional center, this is really showcasing that aspect of her strong intuition and intelligence being centered around observation. This means that she's just very aware of what's going on around her, she can read into people very easily, read into situations, environments, and can quickly figure out how to navigate them. There's this vibe with The Crow of looking down on everyone from a much higher perspective, seeing all of the fine details and patterns that most people don't, seeing through all the bullshit, and knowing how to avoid it, how to work with it, how to walk through it, and how to use it to her advantage.

This kind of energy really can manifest as very high levels of intelligence and a strong ability to communicate well, to express herself clearly in conversations without any major filters or insecurity. Of course, this would also show up in her ability to write music and tell stories.


Elemental Fire Alignment: Lizard — Fire

If you were to see The Crow as being above a crowd, looking down on them and observing everything, then The Lizard is its partner in crime, whizzing around on the ground beneath everyone's feet, observing from a completely different perspective. The Crow is very zoomed out, keeping to itself, and observing from afar, while The Lizard, who is keeping informed from The Crow, is in the middle of the madness, actually navigating it, getting a look at all the fine details.

With the Water Alignment, there is that receptivity, the inner focus, and then with Fire, there is the projection, the external focus. You can look at The Crow and The Lizard as working together to really calculate the who's, what's, when's, where's, how's, and why's of any and all situations. There's that really nice balance between the more mental process of inspiration and planning, and then the active execution of those plans. So, there's a very strong intuitive-based plan or design based on creative inspiration, and then it is implemented in a very strong, instinct-based course of action, guided by that intuition. As I've mentioned before, her intuition and natural instinct blend together almost seamlessly.

I also want to point out that this is pretty rare. In terms of everyone that I have read for, both with celebrities and private personal readings, it is extremely rare to find someone who already has their Water and Fire alignments perfectly in balance and in sync with each other like this. Out of all of the elements, Water and Fire are naturally quite difficult to blend together, hardly ever do you actually get a process of creation that goes directly from Water to Fire. usually, there is also a mid-process where that Water is filtered through Air, stripped down quite a bit, and then projected through Fire.

Halsey does have that Air-based process of creation, but her natural state, the state of her core, shows that her soul is more centered on Water to Fire, while her conscious mind is more Air to Fire.

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Elemental Earth Alignment: Cosmic Egg — Spirit

Considering how much driving force and intentional design Halsey has behind her Water energy, and all of that focus on the heart and honest expression, I was definitely expecting a Spirit card to come out here. The Earth Alignment shows a person's level of groundedness, their connection to the physical space, and most importantly, their self-perception. Here, she has the Cosmic Egg, the last card in the deck, the card of the highest development, and it really shows that, while she still continues to experience rebirths, still continues to shed skin and form new patterns within her identity and expression, she never loses sight of who she is at her very center.

The Cosmic Egg is associated with the Crown Chakra, and you could definitely look at this card as being another version of The World card from the Rider-Waite tarot deck. It is full body-mind-soul alignment, it is finality, it is wholeness, it is completion. It is the point where all the pieces fall into place and everything seems to flow together seamlessly. As I said, this does not mean she is done growing or changing, or that she even consciously has everything figured out in her mind, but she does have her foundations laid, she has found her path, she knows what she wants out of life, she is fulfilling one purpose while finding meaning in others to come, and she's doing it all in a very conscious and intentional way.

Elemental Air Alignment: Frog — Water

This is pretty interesting.

The Air Alignment focuses on a person's conscious level of thought processing, as well as their manner of communication and outward expression. With The Frog here, it's showing that a lot of her processing and communication actually occurs through Water for the sake of healing and releasing denser energies. This isn't just for her though, as in, this isn't just centered around healing herself, it also extends to other people. Just as her process of creation can help to heal herself, her art lends to help heal and release things for other people. This can be with her career as an artist on a bigger scale, and it can also occur one-on-one with people in her life, where a regular conversation with her could turn into something quite deep and genuinely beneficial for both sides.

Higher Self Core Alignment: Wolf — Earth

Something about this feels very stable and warm, and I can't quite put my finger on it. The Higher Self Core Alignment usually shows what the Higher Self is trying to push down into the core, either to assist in the progression of a current phase, or to initiate a new phase entirely. Here, it feels more like the influence of The Wolf is something that's already in place, but needs to be raised to a higher octave. In a dualistic way, right now, The Wolf feels small, but it's very wide-reaching, it reaches many people, and what her Higher Self is pushing toward is The Wolf becoming bigger by drawing that reach back, stepping back a bit from the world.

It's hard to explain, but I suppose it could basically be summed up as, right now, she's focused on her work and her fans, millions of people, and her Higher Self is pulling her toward a time where she can be home and more focused on building a stable environment to return to.

It actually feels very Virgo, where the lesser-developed Virgo is very "other-centric," it cares for other people, is more concerned for other people, more concerned with work than anything else. At its most developed state, Virgo is literally the body, the individual, health, home, the foundations of life. The Wolf itself, on a wide-reaching level, is described as an activist, a figurehead for social progression, while on a more intimate level, it is described as a pack leader, the figurehead of the home and family.

As I said, she's already in this space, she's just in a lower version of it. She's going to have the opportunity or some kind of break that would allow for her to prioritize herself and her life, her family, and creating a "den" or a home life that is different than the one she has now, but that is more stable and fulfilling. It's hard to say when this would actually take place though, as it seems she's very much happy with her work right now, and seems like she has a lot planned for the near future with her music.

That’s all I have for this one, thanks for reading!