The Elemental Alignment of Yang Jeongin

Subject: Yang Jeongin, born February 8, 2001 — Aquarius

Performed: August 2, 2022

Original Post Date: August 4, 2022

Spread: Elemental Alignment, original design by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Wild Unknown: Animal Spirit by Kim Krans, Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 2 hours

Details: The Elemental Alignment reading is designed to showcase an individual's energetic alignment and balance with the elements, then compare it to that of the Higher Self's alignments.

Energy Reading

The main focus for Jeongin here is The Medallion, which registered to me as a transference of power as if something is being passed on to him or given to him as part of an upgrade or promotion of some kind. With the Ace of Cups on top of it, with the hand holding out the cup in offering, it almost seems like while The Medallion itself is quite glorified and well received, internally it’s overwhelming, literally overflowing. I was seeing the overflowing water of the Ace of Cups falling down into the Wheel of Fortune and causing it to spin very quickly, moving it forward and creating change very rapidly. It seems like the changes on the outside would be very small, but for him on a personal level, it would feel quite extreme.

The Medallion itself has a lot to do with tradition and items of high value within those traditions. This feels more symbolic here and I kept seeing The Medallion as a kind of gold medal, something that was awarded and guaranteed some kind of promotion or upgrade in work or business. It feels very clean-cut as well. Alongside that aspect of tradition and upgrade, it felt like there was a matter of “having big shoes to fill,” as if he’s being promoted to a position that was held by someone else before him. This goes into him being happy about it but also feeling personally overwhelmed by the position and/or responsibility of it.

What’s interesting here in this set though is the Wheel of Fortune and its connection to Strength and The Lovers. In this set, The Lovers represents a more personal alignment, something more authentic to the self, while Strength centers more in the ego, the persona, a kind of performance that is not authentic to himself on a deeper level, but nevertheless gets the job done. We already know for sure that the Wheel of Fortune is going to spin or is already spinning due to the overflow of the Ace of Cups and The Medallion, however, it is not entirely clear yet which direction it will spin — toward Strength or toward The Lovers.

What I’m really focused on here is the representation or the symbolism of Masculine and Feminine energy (nothing to do with sex or gender) in The Lovers and Strength. As I was seeing it here, Strength shows a disconnect or an imbalance between Feminine and Masculine energy, as if one could overtake the other while in The Lovers, Masculine and Feminine work together with the Feminine leading the way to a higher calling or higher potential. Just with this set, in relation to Strength, it’s not clear to me which side is going to overtake the other if this imbalance goes on, it’s just showing a clash between the two.

Mostly, Strength, in this context, shows this willful limitation to the self and an overshadowing of more authentic projection and expression for the sake of fitting into this new role or upgraded position. While this does feel closely related to work and a position handed to him, this can also relate to a position he’s given himself or a certain standard that he has set for himself based on the position of someone else.

Main Reading

Representing the current state of his core energy, Jeongin has the Deer, a very grounded Earth energy, connecting quite strongly to the Feminine energy that was present within both The Lovers and Strength. Seeing as how all the other cards within his alignments are reversed, it seems like the Feminine energy is what he is or will be trying to suppress if he moves more toward Strength in order to obtain or maintain this new position.

The Deer is associated with The Mother, its counterpart being the Elk or The Father. The Deer represents all of the key feminine aspects of Earth energy, embracing compassion, nurturing, and very strong receptive energy that can really create a strong intuitive sense. However, here, in comparison to everything around it in the outer alignments, the Deer feels almost too receptive, too passive here and I can’t tell if this is because this energy is being repressed or if this is WHY this energy would be repressed.

This passive energy doesn’t seem to align well with what The Medallion presented, this aspect of leadership or obtaining a new role and following in someone else’s footsteps. The Deer, when empowered, is a leader and is more integral to the functioning of the group from the inside out, compared to the more protective “outside-in” energy of the Elk. There’s an odd perception here of the Deer that suggests it is being seen as weaker or incapable of holding a higher position when really it is the foundation of those higher positions.

Basically, if we were to look at this as a dynamic within the group, Jeongin, with this Deer energy, would actually be a major support and stabilizer in the group which would make it possible for another leader in the group to actually maintain authority, suggesting that the only reason those other positions exist at all are because of the foundations he energetically contributes to the group. So, it would be safe to assume that, for the most part, if he were to take a leadership position on his own, he would inherently be very good at it, although it would be overwhelming in the sense that he would be supporting himself — supplying the foundation for the leadership and being the leader all at once.

It seems like, to some extent, he may be aware of his tendency to become passive or maybe he sees himself as being too in the background or too in the foundations to actually fit the role, but again, this is a warped perception. So, going into Strength, there would be suffocation or compression around the Feminine energy in order to bring more Masculine energy to the top, which would ultimately create an imbalance within himself and potentially create an imbalance in whatever dynamic he is in where he is currently providing foundations with that Feminine energy. The Lovers would suggest a system where he would balance both the Feminine and Masculine, allowing the Masculine to rise but not at the expense of his Feminine energy. It’s almost like the two halves within himself would come together in order to create the Angel featured in The Lovers, a more solid leader overall.

His Higher Self is presenting with this the Bear in reverse, which did not register as an energy being offered up to move things forward or initiate a new phase, but rather it felt more like a call to step back. When upright, the Bear refers to a time of waking up from hibernation, symbolic of spiritual awakening or awakening into self-awareness. It’s a new start on many levels, one that is met with sleepy but curious eyes and a need to consume information, learn, and explore. When reversed, however, the Bear refuses to wake up, tossing and turning, trying to fall back asleep as it finds no interest or need in leaving its den or finding food.

With this being presented by the Higher Self, it felt more like an effort to pull Jeongin back into himself, back into his own personal den, in order to “sleep on things,” or think things through longer, on his own without too many outside distractions or influences. This also feels like a call to move back into his own foundations, his own Water Alignment, and the more subconscious or intuitive senses. The Bear card is the first card in the Earth suit, and the very first card in the entire deck, so it comes off like an urge to strip everything back and get to the very roots of things to make a more concrete and self-aware, self-involved choice of how to manage the Ace of Cups and The Medallion so that the overwhelming energy or state of it isn’t dictating how the Wheel of Fortune turns, but rather putting the authority back in his own hands.

This would also go into fixing the perception of the Deer or the perception of his own Feminine energy.

In his Water Alignment, he has the reversed Starfish. The Water Alignment represents the inner world and the inner foundations, connecting to the subconscious space, and matters of intuition, creativity, and emotional awareness and expression. The Starfish here, while it is a Water energy, tends not to show a positive state whether it is upright or reversed. When it is upright, the Starfish is described as shallow and alluring, more egoic, and focused on external validation or attention, something that may be more suited for Fire or Air Alignments in some cases. When it is reversed, however, this superficiality remains, however, there is a lack of validation or attention, which creates this odd space of disconnect between both the inner world and the outer world. Essentially, this set represents a state of floating between The Lovers (inner connection and balance) and Strength (egoic disconnect and external validation).

The reversed Starfish is described as feeling empty because of this lack of acceptance or validation from others as well as from itself. The passive or repressed state of the Deer feels very ingrained in this energy. This overall disconnect can often cause the Starfish to forget its higher calling, forget its own personal passions, and forget its own authority and willpower, all of which seem to fall into the current state of the Deer, especially if things are leaning a little more into Strength.

With an upset foundation in the Water Alignment and a seemingly repressed core energy overall, it makes sense that the other alignments would also show imbalance or misalignment as well. The Fire Alignment, which shows the point of projection, personal expression, creation, and creativity, essentially the pipeline between the inner world and the outer world, is represented by the reversed Fox. The imbalanced Earth energy of the Fox in the Fire Alignment suggests a suffocation of the Fire, like dirt being thrown on a campfire in order to put it out.

When upright, the Fox’s description as a wise teacher, smart, strong, and a good partner, fits more of what I was seeing with the Deer and how he would have or continues to provide stable foundations within relationships or group dynamics. In other words, the reversed Earth energy here mirrors the repressed Earth energy of the Deer in his core. Elaborating on that, when the Fox is reversed or out of balance, it is described as being unsure of its identity, unsure of its role, purpose, or contribution to the group or to its one-on-one relationships. With this stemming from the imbalance of personal foundations of the Water Alignment, that disconnect from the self and from the external world all at once, I suppose it would be expected that what he has to express and how he expresses it would be disrupted or blocked off as well.

This blocked-off Fire Alignment, which, again, is like the pipeline between the inner and the outer world, would contribute to further disruption or disconnect in the more externalized Earth and Air Alignments as well.

In Jeongin’s Earth Alignment, which can show the level of groundedness, how someone connects to the external world and self-perception, he has the reversed Mouse. This goes right back into the Deer again, mirroring that Earth energy, except here, the Mouse really pushes forward this idea of being insignificant or too small, unnecessary in the external dynamic or operation. Quite literally, the Mouse is how he is viewing himself, himself in the older position, or how he sees himself entering the new position — on all ends seeing himself as too small to make an impact.

Going back to the Starfish, the matter of external validation being desired here is really interesting. It’s like his Feminine energy and the contribution that he makes to the group or to his relationships via those strong foundations and acting as a stabilizer or harmonizer goes relatively unnoticed and because of that, he himself, on a conscious level, can’t always see how much he actually does and how much power and authority he holds by just existing within a space with other people. Unfortunately, this led to a perception of himself as insignificant or just not being quite up to par with others who are showier with their authority and contribution. Again, this would go into seeing a new position or new level of authority as having “big shoes to fill.”

The Mouse, when upright, does a lot of work but stays low to the ground, focusing on fine details that others normally don’t. This can reflect the Deer in a more empowered and self-aware state where what he normally contributes is behind the scenes, in the details, or what’s leftover or forgotten by others but ultimately ensures a continuous and progressive function. When the Mouse is reversed, it’s described as being busy with no purpose. In other words, it’s like he’s doing all the same stuff, but his perception of it, based on the lack of validation or recognition, says that none of what he is doing actually matters overall.

So, the Deer, Fox, and Mouse are all connected to each other through this foundational Earth energy, however, their positions are really interesting as they refer to the overall core energy, the Fire Alignment, and the Earth Alignment. The Air Alignment is the far external while the Water Alignment is the far internal, meaning that the Fire and Earth Alignments act as the bridges between the two. Here, it is shown that there is a personal disconnect from both Water and Air specifically, external and internal validation, which is distorting personal expression and self-perception, all of which is mirroring this stunted or passive state of the core. It’s very complicated.

Finally, Jeongin’s Air Alignment, which showcases conscious level thought processing, conscious level focus, and manner of communication, both incoming and outgoing, is represented here by the reversed Pather.

The Panther is Fire energy and in its reversed state it over-stimulates and aggravates the conscious mind, more so reflecting inner turmoil affecting how one communicates with others and perceives incoming communication. When upright, the Panther blasts through any and all unnecessary bullshit in order to clear the way for smooth and productive progression. It’s very sharp and clear, and very self-empowered, sometimes to a fault. In reverse, the Fire is turned inward and the Panther can become self-destructive. Specifically, this feels very connected to the Fire energy of Strength and that feeling of it representing an inner battle where the Masculine energy is overtaking the Feminine. In this context, the self-destruction would relate to the intentional imbalance created by suppressing his stronger Feminine energy for the sake of external validation and a more showy way of contributing to the group.

To line up the images a bit more, in the image of Strength there is a woman and a lion. In the main reading, the woman would line up with the Deer while the lion would line up with the Panther. Traditionally, Strength shows the woman taming and playing with the lion, symbolic of taming and balancing with the ego. In this reading, the Strength is showing an ongoing battle between the ego and the higher mind, or in this case the Feminine and Masculine charges within Jeongin. There’s not a definitive choice made yet, but there’s a heavy leaning toward Strength, away from The Lovers which represents a more balanced state between the two, toward the Masculine side overtaking the Feminine and creating a major disconnect from the inner space and self-awareness overall.

Again, his Higher Self is quite literally trying to “pull him back from the edge,” with that reversed Bear, trying to get him to pull back into himself and get back to his roots or to his own foundations in order to see what it is that he contributes on his own already and how he can build on that in a more balanced way as he moves up within his position.

Overall, it seems like a bit of a tense place to be and it’s not clear which way he’s going to go in the end or how that would turn out. Mainly this is showing a state of transition, a continuous in-between place where he is being pulled back and forth between his ego and his higher mind or Higher Self.

That’s all I have for this one. Thank you so much for reading!

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