A Past Life of Park Jimin (P2)


Subject: Park Jimin, born October 13, 1995 — Libra

Performed: July 11, 2019

Original Post Date: August 2, 2019

Spread: Past Life Reading by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, Rider-Waite Tarot, Tarotwave Tarot, Spirit Animal Oracle, Wisdom of The Oracle, Moonology Oracle

Time: 3 hours

Details: The Past Life Reading is an intuitive and channeled reading that pinpoints the most prominent past life that is currently influencing an individual’s current incarnation.

Read Part 1 For Reference: A Past Life of Park Jimin (P1)

As a way to help my brain not explode anymore from doing entirely channeled readings, I designed this past life spread that can really dissect and elaborate on the information that I get intuitively. It’s much more extensive than what I was able to do when working purely through a channel, and it can really break things down into much finer details. For Jimin’s reading, since I already did an intuitive reading for his past life before, this is more like an extended reading where the details of the original reading are used to anchor in and much more clearly define information. All of the past life readings that will be done after this will be done with a mix of the spread and intuitive reading.

It’s good to keep in mind that when I do past life readings I only focus on the past life that is currently influencing someone, as in the lessons and tools derived from that lifetime are coming to the surface and being used for similar circumstances in the current incarnation. Because of that, this lifetime may not be influencing Jimin as much as it was before (although I think it is still very significant as it is based on trauma).



Dominant Energy Signature: Divine Masculine (rev.)

Supplementary Energies/Timeline: 8 of Wands (rev.) | The Moon (rev.) | Ace of Wands

The main vibe with the original reading had a lot to do with abuse and manipulation, which with this energy here seems to have stemmed from a childhood where his (or her) own autonomy and authority was taken away. The aspect of the Divine Masculine energy being reversed along with the reversed 8 of Wands and the reversed Moon shows a lack of control and sense of self. There’s no sense of individuality or separation from the family or peer group.

There’s a lot of dependent energy there as well, which could have definitely contributed to how he did seem to need to be in certain relationships where he felt like he was being reflected, or like the other person had the ability to kind of control or match his way of thinking. Basically, he was looking for someone “like him” who had similar mental through processes, but really what he was looking for was someone who could kind of dictate his way of being as that is what he had in his childhood and therefore was what he was most comfortable with.

That kind of thing extends well past this one lifetime, even settling between lifetimes, where his disconnect from the Soul Body was so upsetting that he would literally refuse to come back into a physical body if he didn’t get to be with someone else who was also part of the body. It’s pretty much like the soul vibe of the heart (Jimin) looking for a body (everyone else), and in that he thinks he’s looking for “his other half” but really he’s looking for someone to contain him and control him, use him like a body uses a heart.

But yeah, there’s not a lot of control in the childhood of this lifetime and therefore no sense of autonomy or individuality. Because this “template” of existing was based on his soul, he was offered guidance and a sense of control with that Ace of Wands at the end of his childhood, going into his teen years where he would have the opportunity to branch out and become his own person. However, that level of trauma within the soul of having to had separated from the soul body extended well into the subconscious mind of him in this lifetime (and others) to the point where any offering to separate further was shut down, as you will see in the next set.

Teen Years

Dominant Energy Signature: Emergence | Compassion

Supplementary Energies/Timeline: Wheel of Fortune (rev.) | The Fool (rev.) | Death (rev.)

This state here follows the offering of the Ace of Swords from his guides or Higher Self, but as you can see with the reversed energies there for the timeline, he didn’t take it. The reversed Wheel of Fortune signals a complete resistance to external change, which is offset by the denial of internal change with reversed Death, which completely throughout the opportunity for a new beginning and a sense of individuality with the reversed Fool.

The dominant energy signatures were the energies that were within the offered Ace of Wands, especially Emergence which states, “The frequency of Emergence invites us to approach our reality with a childlike attitude of innocence and wonderment (The Fool upright), and to watch and celebrate the beauty that unfolds from that place (Wheel of Fortune upright).”

With Compassion there is that vibe of literally wiping out a blueprint that has been integrated through soul trauma, as in that template of him always, through many, many lifetimes being dependent on other people and not fully in his power as an individual due to the separation of the soul body and the soul development process. The aspect of Compassion would not have just simply been sympathy on a conscious level for other people, it would have been pure compassion for himself. It would have been the recognition that his strengths and weaknesses (which are what continue to affirm that idea that he can’t be alone or work alone) are part of him as a whole, and as a whole he is good. He is a soul, he is a human being, he is a solid force on his own, and therefore does not require the support or validation or control of people around him.

Death, the aspect of killing off the ego and transforming, experiencing a rebirth, would have brought about that Compassion, but he was (and is) so deeply immersed in that pain and in that insecurity of being a heart with no body, which manifested relevant past life situations that affirmed that sense and now lingers as past life trauma, that he literally just denied it. He wasn’t aligned at all with the frequency of compassion, or self-love specifically, and therefore continued on in life with no sense of self-worth, and therefore no standards or sense of solid and meaningful connection outside of what he could offer to people emotionally, mentally, or physically.

To line this up with the original reading, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Hoseok was that Ace of Wands and was what was supposed to help Jimin to find that self-love and healing. In the original reading, it was made clear that Jimin, on a conscious level, left Hoseok for someone who was “more like him” in terms of mentality, so what would have happened between himself and Hoseok was that the more different they were on a conscious level, the closer they were on a soul level. So, pretty much, as they got closer and started to influence each other (which would have happened very easily on Jimin’s side), their souls would have separated more, which was the whole point of the individual soul development.

So rather than allowing himself to separate on a soul level, he influenced himself consciously to push Hoseok away, and push that shift away, therefore causing him to align with someone who matched the frequency of his dependency, instability, and insecurity and that person simply prayed on it. This was a fated situation in the sense that if Jimin, on a soul level, denied that progression, denied Death, he would then have to experience a “Tower Moment” which was defined by the severely abusive relationship where there was a conscious level connection but no soul connection at all.

As I’ve been practicing this spread for myself and a few other people, I’ve noticed that the teen years are often a point where very significant change can occur towards perception — which is pretty obvious lol — but it always displays itself as not only being something that happens consciously but is something that genuinely defines a person’s path and how they navigate things on a higher level for the rest of their lives. It’s like within the teen years you either create a new blueprint or completely integrate the one you were set up with and that dictates how you, on a conscious level, proceed through your progression. It’s interesting because for Jimin in this past life, he pretty much just shut down anything new. In terms of astrology, it’s like he chose to stick with the South Node and completely blocked out any kind of North Node or even Chiron influences and just proceeded as he came in with no real evolution from these experiences as they simply validated what he, as a soul, was already feeling.


Dominant Energy Signature: Communication (rev.)

Supplementary Energies/Timeline: 7 of Swords | 6 of Pentacles (rev.) | The High Priestess | The Magician (rev.)

Everything here is genuinely a mess, which makes sense as this would be the timeframe in which Jimin was with the “bad soul mate” or the abusive man who took Hoseok’s place in this lifetime following the denial of the transition.

With Communication being in reverse, I was seeing this as everything pertaining to a “point A to point B” kind of situation, whether that be verbal communication, observation, planning, or working was completely out of whack. With the 7 of Swords, there is a lot of mental manipulation. In my head I was seeing the man in the image as stealing swords and then going back to tell the people he stole them from that they lost their own swords. So, basically gaslighting, that level of mental manipulation. Then with the 6 of Pentacles in reverse, I was really seeing this as Jimin still trying to give and give as much of himself as he could to try and appease this person, as in, he thought that the negativity was a result of him simply not doing enough to keep that man happy.

It’s almost like the man in the 6 of Pentacles is dropping coins into a bucket, something that is meant as an offering to the man in the 7 of Swords, but the man in the 7 of Swords picks up the coins when the other isn’t looking, runs away with it, hides it, comes back, and then yells about how the 6 of Pentacles never gives him anything. So, it’s like no matter what he did there was never any chance of appeasing that man as he was just looking for someone to control and dominate, while Jimin in that past life was consciously looking for someone to connect to while subconsciously looking for someone to control him. Very toxic.

The High Priestess is there as that higher perspective, that inner awareness that this relationship, all of this imbalance and turmoil is not right (obviously), but because there were so many subconscious blocks and conscious level blindness, there was simply no way of him really, truly seeing it. Or he did see it, he did understand it — I had notes in the original reading around him feeling regret and sadness around having had left Hoseok, and even contemplating suicide in order to get out of the situation — but as with the reversed Magician, there was no action taken, or there was but it was never successful as even with the conscious level awareness of needing to get away, there was subconscious fear around being on his own, separate from a “body” or someone to follow. Very horribly conflicted between wanting to get away from the pain but being afraid to leave the security of the situation.

End of Life

Dominant Energy Signature: Tantric Journey (rev.)

Supplementary Energies/Timeline: 8 of Cups | The Hanged Man (rev.) | The Chariot (rev.)

This low-key made me sad because as soon as Tantric Journey came out I instantly thought about that bit I had in the original reading around the end of his life, literally as he was dying, where he was still very much 3rd Dimensional, still very human, where he had prayed to God and asked to be able to see Hoseok (the good soul mate/lover) and Kook (younger brother) in heaven. The note on Tantric Journey reads, “The frequency of Tantric Journey helps us to unlock the hidden knowledge and wisdom that we intrinsically hold about how to reach a state of wholeness and completion through our sensual experiences with ourselves and with another.”

So, straight the fuck up, that’s literally what he was supposed to do with Hoseok. He was supposed to learn how to become whole as a solid soul, as a solid human being by connecting and merging with him consciously, which would have helped to separate their souls by anchoring them to the conscious awareness of the individuals. As this is reversed, he didn’t do that, and not even at the end of his life did he have that sudden awareness of what it all meant, nor did he have that sense of a “bigger picture” to everything. The very last thing that he thought about in that life was begging God to bring Hoseok and Kook back to him again. Even then he couldn’t grasp the idea of being alone or separated, even without the idea of multiple lifetimes he was still asking to be with them.

This is the matter of The Hanged Man and The Chariot in reverse where the path that he was meant to take for soul progression (The Chariot upright) was not taken, and the perspective he was meant to gain towards himself and other people (The Hanged Man upright) did not come around. Instead, his death was something he felt was necessary solely based on exhaustion (he actually died pretty young in this past life according to the original reading), which is what the 8 of Cups was. He physically, mentally, and emotionally could not carry on in that lifetime the way that he was because he was literally carrying all of that pain and trauma on multiple levels of consciousness, and it was weighing him down so much that there just wasn’t anything else that he could do in that lifetime. So, when he got sick he found no will to try and get better, and like the man in the 8 of Cups, he dropped what he cared about the most, which was Kook and Hoseok, and simply passed on. Not much was actually completed in terms of big strides in soul progression, but there were lessons there in what would happen if he pushed for soul connection over the conscious connection as developing souls, which lead to the following lifetime with Hoseok where it literally seemed like it was just the two of them.

How Jimin saw himself in this past life: The Lovers (rev.)

The State of His Soul in this past life: Queen of Wands

This is pretty simple to grasp as Jimin, in that past life, saw himself as being “bad at love,” embodying the reversed Lovers, making bad choices with relationships, completely denouncing that one true love for the sake of conscious connection (on a conscious level) which on a soul level allowed him to maintain soul connection with Hoseok. On a conscious level, he viewed himself as imbalanced and probably recognized that dependency as there was no harmony or equality in those major relationships that he took on after Hoseok.

On a soul level, however, he was imprinted as the Queen of Wands, he was imprinted with energy and tools that should have allowed him to, very easily, come into that independence, to take on that Ace of Wands that was presented to him, but again, the soul trauma, which imprinted as subconscious trauma, overpowered everything. A lot of imprinted energy does have to be “unlocked” and consciously aligned with, so if he was already hanging on for dear life to the idea of instability and insecurity within his childhood, he may have simply just never found that part of himself, and even when he got a glimpse of it with Hoseok or with the Ace of Wands, he denied it as if it wasn’t meant for him at all. It literally just wasn’t something that he could recognize as a possibility for himself.

How other people saw him: Ace of Pentacles (rev.)

How he was meant to be seen by others: Five of Cups

I thought this was interesting because this shows that people saw him as very unstable and “pitiful” and with the 5 of Cups it would seem that that was exactly how they were supposed to see him. However, the Cups imply that they would have seen him as more emotionally unstable, internally unwell or at a loss in some way. This could have stemmed from childhood where a shy and pitiful child is viewed as such well into adulthood and they have to fight against that personal stereotype as they grow out of it. That’s what I was seeing for Jimin — he was supposed to be seen like this in terms of his emotions or personality, non-physical attributes as that would have been easier to change in the eye of people. He would have had a better time reversing the Five of Cups than he would have had to try to reverse the Ace of Pentacles.

The Ace of Pentacles is very physical, meaning that emotion, all of that insecurity, all of that pain manifested very physically as those horrible relationships, and even as an illness later on, and everyone could see it. It wasn’t something that he had the power to undo at that point. He was given the tools and opportunity to change his perception himself, and therefore change everyone else’s perception of him but he didn’t take it, and therefore, as I mentioned, it cemented that original blueprint or template, and things played out in the form of very harsh lessons that were compensated for in the next lifetme.

Main Purpose/Goal in the Past Life: Ten of Wands

Soul Fulfillment/What was accomplished: Page of Pentacles (rev.)

The main goal (originally) was to wrap up a lot of those energetic and soul ties that he had leftover from the original split of the Soul Body. Everything was to be tied up and solidified as individual souls as there weren’t that many opportunities for integration left at this point in their collective cycles. The Ten of Wands, of course, align with the “tool” of the imprinting of the Queen of Wands, as well as the opportunity to shift within the Ace of Wands — a lot of Fire energy, a lot of transformation, and rebirth.

What was actually accomplished is within the Page of Pentacles in reverse, which is very interesting and spot on. I don’t get this card that often in reverse so I had to look at the keywords, and the keywords for the Page of Pentacles reversed are, “lack of progress, procrastination, learning from failure,” which… I mean… that’s literally what this lifetime ended up being for him. He still got the lessons, but the actual goal of really pushing forward with that separation before they hit that collective lifetime (which was literally less than 100 years away from this point).

So, the energetic and soul aspect (Fire) didn’t really go as it was originally laid out, but the conscious level lessons (Earth) were integrated even though it was integrated as trauma and caused “permanent” or long-lasting issues with his energy body and soul that are pretty prevalent even now in his current incarnation.

Significant Soul Connection: Nine of Wands

Purpose of This Soul Connection: Ace of Cups (rev.)

The most prominent soul connection that he had was… can you guess… Hoseok! Hoseok, for some reason, carries a lot of Fire in his soul, but a lot of Water in his imprinting across a lot of different lifetimes and I think it’s mainly for the filter processing that he provides to the body… I THINK. It’s interesting here though as his Fire energy, as the 9 of Wands, was presenting a catalyst that Jimin would have taken and turned into the 10 of Wands, literally setting Jimin on fire to break down all of those negative perceptions, which would have then pretty much emptied his cup — cleared out his subconscious mind and that past life trauma — and presented it with something new, an Ace of Cups to match the Ace of Wands, the internal to match the external, working on clearing things from the outside in, which again would have caused them to become closer on a conscious level, and subsequently separate on a soul level. Very fucking rad.

Pretty much, it’s like he was going to do that whole filter thing for Jimin one-on-one on multiple layers of consciousness at once starting on a conscious level with Fire, with the Ace of Wands, and ending on the soul with the Ace of Cups. As the Ace of Cups is reversed, they didn’t make it to that point in this lifetime, they didn’t make it to the soul healing, but no matter what, they were tied together as souls, so Hoseok, in a sense, always had Jimin’s Fire energy, always had that light that would have ignited the Queen of Wands — which is interesting because the King of Wands is Hoseok’s designated card in my readings specifically for his soul fire energy nonsense, so again, they would have been counterparts on a conscious level after separating on a soul level and pretty much integrating fully into their bodies and meeting up there instead.

Deadass, I think that’s something that people don’t get or they forget when they enter the 3rd Density, and that is that there is no real separation, there’s no such thing. If you separate on one level, you unite on another. Jimin has a fear of separating and being alone, but the more they separate on a soul level, the closer they get on a conscious level, then when they separate consciously, as in die and leave the physical body, they’ll unite on a soul level again, but as individual souls that are not reliant on the others to function. To separate on one level is to unite on another, just how embracing Death on one level is to be reborn on another. It’s very simple, but it can be very scary to contemplate it on a conscious level, especially when so much is going on all at once.

Influences, lessons, or tools from this past life:

Mouse Spirit (“Tend to the small things”) | Canary Spirit (“Sing your own song”)

The tools or lessons that he has carried over from this past life are within the Mouse and the Canary. The Mouse Spirit is all about paying attention to fine details not only outside of yourself but within you as well. I mentioned in the original reading that one of the things that Jimin asked for when he left this lifetime was the ability to see into people, to understand them before he even spoke to them so that he wouldn’t have to be trapped by toxic people. This is one of those things he has to unlock, and as a Libra, it’s something that he WILL unlock as he matures more and comes into his power. This is the ability to see those fine details in other people and to pay attention to the “little things,” the subtle things, the intuition that will guide him to do so.

And then, of course, the Canary Spirit is about being your own person, being who you are, and really embodying your own spirit separate from everyone else. That was one of the things that he was meant to learn in this lifetime and it is something that he “learned through failure” — he learned the consequences of not doing it, so now, on a soul level, he knows he has to. It’s still something that needs to be unlocked, but interestingly enough, this does coincide with the Throat Chakra and open communication, especially with singing, all of which are matters of resistance or difficulties within Jimin specifically because of this past life. I mentioned before, maybe in the original reading or in a mini-reading, how that strangulation, in a sense, literally left a bruise on Jimin’s Throat Chakra, so there’s a difficulty in speaking openly or really coming to his own defense because of that. There can also be a lot of shyness, and of course, it can manifest physically (I know from experience, lol) as issues with the voice, the throat, the tongue, the ears (enlarged tonsils, stuttering, voice breaking, trouble hearing or paying attention to people).

I think, similar to Taehyung, the solo creative expression will really help Jimin, so the fact that he is working on solo music is top-notch and will definitely be something that helps him really come into his power — I mean, we all know he’s on another level when he performs on his own.

Goal/Outlook stemming from the past life:

The Tribe

This is leftover from multiple past lives as well as the soul trauma of simply wanting to find and maintain his “tribe,” his soul family, that collective group that he can still feel himself being tied to. This card, however, does feel much more grounded, so I do think this is more in line with the soul, or the Higher Self’s goal being to get all of those connections between the seven of them (and this would be up to Jimin as he is the heart and anchors everyone’s connections) completely integrated on a conscious level so that they can fully separate, like completely, on a soul level.

It’s like pulling “the tribe” or the soul body down into the individual physical bodies, which would cut the soul ties and create energetic ties that can be maintained between lifetimes but would not require “full assembly” in order to actually be used.

What needs to be remembered/kept in mind from this past life:

New Moon in Leo (“Confidence is your key to success”) | New Moon in Cancer (“You and your loved ones are safe”)

This is my favorite part of this spread as it’s something that is not necessarily related to the past life or the current incarnation, it is simply a message from the Higher Self towards what you need to keep in mind after having read through all of what is above. Obviously, this is for Jimin and he’s not going to read it, but this is actually something that he may really need to understand in spite of them being quite obvious.

There is a mix of Fire (Leo) and Water (Cancer) here and they do reflect the Ace of Wands and Ace of Cups as the New Moons symbolize the new beginnings, so it’s kind of call back to that and what those things were meant to represent for him then and how they can be recalled now. The New Moon in Leo has the note of “confidence is your key to success,” which vibes quite well with the Canary Spirit in terms of really gaining his power and creating something that is purely him and no one else. Then the note of the New Moon in Cancer is, “you and your loved ones are safe,” which is much more towards the subconscious and the soul, the Mouse Spirit, the intuition — he really does, on multiple levels, need to know that he and his friends are going to be okay when they separate. There’s still that fear of danger and fear stemming from that past life trauma that quite simply doesn’t matter anymore, and he really needs to affirm that with himself. Like, everyone is okay, there’s no more pain, there’s no more danger, this is literally it, this is the last go around for all of them, there’s not anything to worry about anymore. The worst of the process is over.

That's all I have for this one, thanks for reading!