Relationship Reading for Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung


Subject: Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung

Performed: November 29, 2018

Original Post Date: December 26, 2018

Spread: Relationships and Connections by BlueMoonPunch

Deck: The Linestrider Deck and the Rider-Waite Tarot

Time: 1 hour

Details: The Relationships & Connections reading is designed to showcase the romantic, platonic, or familial relationship between two people and put their connection into perspective by presenting what is gained and from the relationship as well as the highest potential of it.


So, this is kind of a thing, right?

The way these two come together energetically is very strange and that’s mostly due to Taehyung’s own disconnect from his soul and inner perception that opposes Yoongi’s deep soul connection and awareness. They both have very different mindsets and motives behind what they do, how they do it, and why.

In spite of this being the last relationship reading, I don’t think I can make it big and grand and special because the way they mix on a conscious level, the way they mix on an energetic and soul level wigs me out. It’s not comfortable, it feels weird, there are blocks up on Yoongi’s side to it while Taehyung is still trying to get in that energy. It’s all very spaced out and difficult for me to keep in line because it literally just turns into mud.

No, they don’t hate each other, no I’m not trying to make Taehyung look bad. It’s just that their energy doesn’t mix in a way where I can feel comfortable in it. It literally makes me angry and frustrated to be in that kind of energy where there’s one trying to barge in while another tries to shut them out on different layers. And it goes back and forth too, so I don’t even know what the fuck is up with that.

I’m just going to pull cards for them and see what comes up because I really, really don’t want to channel for them, lol.


So, this mess here covers the layer of their connection just like everyone else. 

As expected, on the surface level, in the most superficial way possible they can live well together and they can work well together. There’s this vibe of being able to co-exist at a distance, but due to everything else down below, there is room for frustration on both sides mostly through being misunderstood and not being able to understand the other. 

On the work side it’s more like they can get along because Yoongi specifically will entertain Taehyung’s ideas because he knows he has them, but a lot of the time he’ll still go in a different direction. Then with Justice being in place of Temperance in the living situations, it’s like they can only get along because there are rules in place, literal barriers that keep things from getting to a point where they could fight or get into an argument.

Down below on the far right, The Lovers are under the 3 of Swords showing that soul separation and the disconnect between the two due to conscious level differences and misunderstanding. This is then exaggerated even more through The Star as it sits under the 10 of Wands showing too much energy being carried by one person while the others are flowing with the shifts. 

You can see it as Taehyung as the man in the 10 of Wands who is being weighed down by what he has to carry with him, making him unable to receive that guidance and clarity from the soul or Higher Self.

Then on the other end, there is The Hermit sitting under the 9 of Swords showing a severely difficult process when it comes to going inward and connecting with the self due to things, such as trauma, making it difficult or impossible for the individual to do so. This would be an extension of Taehyung in the 10 of Wands, which connects to 9 of Swords through the 8 of Swords where he is blindfolded and trapped within his own mind.

All of that makes that soul connection difficult through the Lovers under the 3 of Swords between both of them.

So, in the most superficial level possible, they’re perfectly fine, they work great together. Then a bit further down there’s resistance on Yoongi’s side and desperation to connect on Taehyung’s. Further down than that, there’s a want on both sides for their souls to connect, but they can’t because, on an unconscious level, Taehyung and completely wrapped up in literally trying to suffocate his soul out of fear of rejection and criticism.

It’s all very dramatic and intense and that’s exactly why I wouldn’t want to channel for it, lol.

The Reading:


Energetic Contribution To The Relationship:

Yoongi: The High Priestess (rev.) | Taehyung: Six of Pentacles

This was a bit of a bummer because it’s literally like Taehyung is just begging Yoongi to help him because he knows he can, but then Yoongi is there literally just as lost as Taehyung specifically because, on his end, it’s like there’s nothing to connect to. Even when Taehyung gets better, there are still layers upon layers that Yoongi would have to dig through in order to actually get to the very inner soul, and it may just be that Yoongi can’t actually see that far in. 

He just sees or feels projected energy so he literally doesn’t know what Taehyung wants.

And of course, Taehyung doesn't know either.

The images of these cards are a great way to think about it. It’s a little mouse that’s begging the High Priestess for help, but obviously, the High Priestess can’t understand the mouse’s quiet little mouse language and the mouse itself doesn’t know how to even begin to describe what it needs.

This is also a great show of how Taehyung feels. It’s similar to what it was like for Taehyung in his and Jin's Relationship Reading where he felt very below him and like he wasn’t able to match up to what Jin was doing for him. 

Here he’s literally being presented as a beggar, and not just a beggar, but a beggar that isn’t even the same species as the one he is asking for help. That really, really rides on that self-perception thing where everything that is inside is so, so incredibly far off from what he actually chooses to show people, especially when there’s a camera on him.


How They See The Relationship:

Yoongi: The Star (rev.) | Five of Pentacles

Taehyung: Justice (rev.) | Five of Wands


So, with the reversed cards you have Yoongi seeing the relationship as disconnected on a soul level, no inner connection, and Taehyung seeing it as being disconnected on a conscious level. But then with the Fives, which both show conflict and tension, but to a lesser degree than what is being suggested with The Star and Justice, Taehyung is seeing the energetic disconnect while Yoongi is seeing a superficial disconnect.

Literally, they’re both on the same page, but of completely different books. 

They’re both aware of the conscious and inner disconnect, but they’re both prioritizing different sides and that may be why they still have difficulty figuring the other out. They’re both approaching each other with their backs turned pretty much, and, in a sense, you have one that can’t find the right words to explain what they’re feeling and the other is suddenly hard of hearing, so this whole situation just seems kind of hopeless when you look at it here.

But obviously, the most important thing here is the fact that they are both still approaching each other, they’re both still aware of the disconnects, and are still trying to find balance in order to connect. There’s just… a lot of obstacles there for them.

Also, keep in mind from Yoongi’s solo reading that his Higher Self, as it is integrating, is literally putting himself through hell trying to make sure everyone gets to where he is, so it’s not like Yoongi is going to drop the ball on it, and the pressure Taehyung is feeling is going to keep bringing him back to Yoongi no matter what.


Current State of Relationship: Three of Cups (rev.)

Well, obviously, with all that mess up above there’s no real expectation towards things being perfectly squeaky clean and in alignment or anything, so this isn’t surprising.

Not really much to add here, they’re just not vibing, but it’s definitely not a thing where they’re incapable of being nice to each other or anything. It’s like a thing where they’re both saying, “I like you, but I don’t understand you.”


Highest Potential: Six of Wands

See? This is what they’re working towards… or it’s what they will be working towards once they get things moving with Taehyung at some point in time.

Honestly, I wasn’t really seeing anything specific about this, nothing like them connecting in order to create or anything like that. It was more around them, together, just getting Taehyung up. That’s what the focus is on and like I said, Yoongi’s Higher Self is extremely focused on that so that air of victory is probably coming from Yoongi rather than Taehyung. Getting Taehyung to connect with the soul and shift with everyone else on a conscious level would be like the biggest obstacle to overcome in terms of the Soul Body integrating entirely.

Lots of mess, but at least they’re not trying to kill each other.

That’s all I have for this one, thanks for reading.
