How do Halsey and Yungblud connect?

I saw you were doing celeb readings on halsey and yungblud can you do one on their relationship together?
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

I really like their vibe together because when it comes to how they mix, they actually don’t. It’s like they come together in a way of mutual respect and understanding, but above everything else, they maintain their independent view and action within the 2 of Swords and the 2 of Wands. I feel like they both have a fascination with each other in terms of their minds and how they go about implementing what is in their minds, which I assume is why this kind of separation is maintained. Neither of them would ever try to change the way the other thinks or acts because they admire and are fascinated by it.

As for what they project towards each other, there’s this really interesting dynamic of nurturing a message, nurturing change as Yungblud has the Wheel of Fortune and Halsey has the Queen of Pentacles. I was seeing the pentacle that the Queen holds as the Wheel of Fortune, so it’s like she’s holding it and keeping it safe. It’s encouragement and support, as well as a lot of respect and understanding.

Even with how Halsey sees him as The Magician, there’s a display of her wanting to nurture that ideology specifically because she believes that is more than just an idea or a bunch of words. There’s something very solid there directed towards change and she wants to make sure, both as a friend and an artist, that he is able to put it out there as it is. Yungblud is seeing Halsey as The Sun and the Ace of Cups, so a huge, massive ray of light that I assume is not only there as an encouraging spark of inspiration but also a spotlight, helping him to get his work out to even more people. There is a huge significance to the Ace being a connection to creative energy.

Again, it’s like they really vibe with each other in their way of thinking but maintain their independent thought processes, so it’s like he’s seeing her as someone he can bounce ideas off of very easily, like a natural flow. It’s a very positive exchange there.