Energy Check-Up for Namjoon

Hi, thanks for all the work you do 🙏 Namjoon has been looking so happy recently, it’s like he’s glowing! Can we get a quick read on him? 🥰
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

Everything I was getting here was based around work. With the Page of Pentacles, the 8 of Pentacles, and the Page of Wands there’s a lot of focus and drive towards a project which is either a solo project or it’s a future album for the group that he is currently working on alone, or getting ideas down for. Either way, it’s something further down the line that might not be seen for a while as shown by the 3 of Wands and the 8 of Swords, which is why it’s difficult to say if it’s solo work or something for the group.

I assume it’s something important because literally nothing else was there. There were no emotional “leaks” with his energy, no distractions, so energetically speaking he is very, very focused on whatever this project is.