How do the members of BTS and Halsey see each other?

cant wait to see the “how they see.halsey” reading the how they see is one of my favorite reading from yours ❤️
— Anonymous @ Tumblr
Can you a do a relationship reading in namjoon and hasley I know you said that they might collab again in the future so I was interested in how that relationship is
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

This is a bit different from the regular How They See readings since I was doing multiple in one go, but they cover the same things just in a more general sense. 

Other reading: Energy Between Halsey & BTS


Namjoon x Halsey

They connect through The Moon, through the subconscious mind as well as high creative function. If you were to ask them why they like each other they’d either say, “I don’t know it just works, we just have a great time in the studio,” or they’d bring up creative similarities towards process and outlook. They are carrying that passion and drive, as well as the heightened confidence and sense of duty or purpose as equal opposites with Halsey’s Queen of Wands and Namjoon’s King of Wands.


Yoongi x Halsey

They connect through The Devil, more specifically through past issues centering around mental health and personal struggle. Not entirely sure if they actually discussed that or anything because Halsey’s Temperance and Yoongi’s Judgement oppose each other in terms of how they view themselves now in relation to those issues. It did make me laugh though because they blonde haired, red-winged angels on both cards are the same people with the same problems, but one puts them to good use while the other is still trying to lay them to rest. On a work and creative level they’re right there, they mirror each other, but I imagine Halsey more likely to reach out to him on a personal level — she’s a Libra btw.


Hoseok x Halsey

They connect through The Magician and this is putting them more in line with each other energetically than it is consciously. That’s not to say that they don’t get along or anything dumb like that, they just have a much more significant connection through imprinting. They have a similar set to Namjoon and Halsey, she even has her Queen of Wands again, but Hoseok has the Queen of Cups, so they’re separated and opposing each other. It has something to do with deeper transformation on a soul and energetic level. I think this is very prominent because this is happening right now for both of them. In order to connect with herself and progress she is moving outward, expressing deeper parts of herself to the public, while to do the same, Hoseok is moving inward, separating from the public or at least his public persona (on a mental level). So, that’s neat.


Jimin x Halsey

They connect through the 2 of Swords and I had a visual of this before I started pulling. It wasn’t that exact image but it was a similar sort of THING that would suggest easy understanding and communication because they’re both miniature Libras living in a big bad world. Obviously, it’s a bit more than that, but they have a similar set up here as Halsey and Yoongi where she has a higher standing because of the freedom she has to explore and express herself while Jimin is still on that dark sun/light sun malarky. Not really much to say there, it’s just a high and low Libra thing. Air sign shit, lol.


Jin x Halsey

The connect through The Hanged Man and this really had me on the fucking floor because it’s all about how they are both super ~alternative~ and such, like just bat shit off the wall kind of crazy, but the difference is that Halsey, through the Queen of Swords, presents this as a more intellectual and artistic expression while Jin, through The Empress, just fucking BE like that. Like he lets his freak flag fly with no real intention of it being anything other than himself whereas Halsey where’s her freak flag like a badge of honor and incorporates it into her art and image in a bit more of a strategic way. Iconic duo, watch out for them at the club.


Taehyung x Halsey

They connect through The Sun which is just coming through as this very confident, vibrant, and welcoming energy and the fact that they both got 3’s here — Halsey has the 3 of Cups and Taehyung has the 3 of Pentacles — there’s this super big ATTEMPT to speak to each other and be friends THROUGH other people which is kind of hilarious. Like both being super eager to talk to each other and get chummy but neither of them knows what the other is saying like 80% of the time so they have to have another person between them to translate, lol. Love it. Honestly, it may just be a LibraxCap thing because that super friendly vibe is what he has towards Jimin, lol.


Jungkook x Halsey

They connect through the 4 of Pentacles which was hitting hard as protection and maintenance of their craft and artistry, and how it is presented. There’s that feminine and masculine offset there similar to Halsey and Namjoon where Halsey has more fluidity and freedom and is able to put out more of what she wants through The Empress, while Kook’s is more rigid and strict, a bit more confined through The Emperor. Actually, it has similar vibes to his and Ariana Grande’s reading in that sense. Overall there’s just a similar work ethic and drive for presentation, but how the final product comes about is very different between the two based on circumstance and limitations.