Energy around Stigma

hello! i was wondering if you could make a reading on taehyung’s song (stigma) and tell us what you get from it? if its something personal or just a story he created. ♡
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

Bits and pieces of him are in it, maybe more than he actually realizes. There’s this interesting thing where the 4 of Wands is coming off like his core, like his true core on a solid foundation, and it’s being sent through The Devil. The Devil is Taehyung’s card in my readings a lot of the time because it’s Capricorn’s card and also that’s just how I tend to see his core energy with how it is split and kind of contained within itself. The Devil, or the more stringent and restrictive aspects of himself are filtering the product of the 4 of Wands, turning it into this single pentacle, this one song that is solid on its own, but may feel detached from him for a lot of people, or even for himself.

The cloud in the Ace of Pentacles is The Devil. It’s almost like the curtains got blown up for a second and something slipped out. What it feels like is that he set out to “create a piece” and it was something that he had a vision for based on the prompt that went along with the storyline of the album, and he did that, but in the process he kind of turned the tap on and more than what he was intending to come out, came out. Like, to him the process may seem like it went straight from the 4 of Wands, his vision, his interpretation, his story, right into the Ace of Pentacles, but really, it passed through The Devil. There’s a lot of truth to the song but I obviously can’t speak on his behalf and say how closely, on a conscious level, he relates to it, but it does seem to come from a place that is much deeper than a lot of people might think.