Energy Check-Up for BTS

Hello, i just saw that you have your ask box open so i can’t help but want to ask. Can i ask you for an update for bts? With all things that happen these days and the release of the game (with internal controversion within the fandom itself). How was their dynamics nowadays? And i don’t know whether you already answer this or not, but can you read whether their decision to prolong their contract is actually beneficial for them or not? Do they regret it?
— Anonymous @ Tumblr

This was really, really weird but also really fucking cool as well. This set of cards all came out at once, kind of scattered all about of course, but when I looked at them I started hearing this song like really fucking clearly and there were lines that would play with each card, and they were all starting to intertwine in my head. I knew the song but I couldn’t remember what it was until I googled the lyrics and it was fucking New Perspective by Panic! At The Disco and I about shit. I literally was obsessed with that song back in the day, like non-stop loop on my ipod nano. Iconic.

The part that was playing in my head in relation to the cards was the bit towards the end, but honestly, going back and listening to it, reading the lyrics, and putting it all together with the cards and what I’ve been getting for BTS for the last few months with the integration process is pretty interesting.

This is what I was getting:

  • “Stop there and let me correct it,”  5 of Cups + 8 of Pentacles

  • “I want to live a life from a new perspective,”  Page of Swords

  • “You come along because I love your face, and I’ll admire your expensive tastes”  The Empress

  • “And who cares? Divine intervention, I want to be praised from a new perspective”  The Hanged Man

  • “But leaving now would be a good idea, so catch me up on getting out of here”  5 of Cups + The Fool

  • “It’s not fair, just let me perfect it”  6 of Swords + 8 of Pentacles

  • “Don’t want to live a life that is comprehensive”  The Hanged Man

  • “‘Cause seeing clear would be a bad idea”  The Hanged Man + 5 of Cups

  • “Now catch me up on getting out of here”  5 of Cups + The Fool

  • “So catch me up, I’m getting out of here”  The Fool

Lol, definitely listen to the song and read the lyrics because there’s more there to it that actually really fits with what’s happening in the group, and also the song is a fucking banger.

Audio + Lyrics