How do Irene and Jin see each other?

Can I please request for a how-they-see-each-other reading for red velvet’s Irene and bts’ Jin. They hosted an award show together. They seem to have an awkward but good chemistry like aware-but-not-quite-sure-how-to-act-in-front-of-each-other feel:)
— anonymous @

This caught me off guard because first you have Irene there coming off like she doesn’t know him at all with the 6 of Cups in reverse with the 4 of Cups, almost like she’s quite literally trying not to know him. It’s based in Cups, in Water, so it feels loose and emotional kind of like it feels weird to know him so she pretends that she doesn’t. I don’t really know what that means on her end though. They could have been very close at one point and then had a falling out, or they met once and it was weird… I don’t know. I’m not familiar with how they know each other personally, lol.

Jin, on the other hand, is coming off like he knows her all the way through to the soul and almost wants to put it on blast and let everyone know what he thinks of her. He sees her as The Star with The Fool, someone who is well-deserving of their status and gifted in many ways as if she holds the fated guidance of The Star. With The Fool, there’s a slight opposition to The Star. The Star here comes off very serious like someone who 100% follows their path and stays committed to their passions, while The Fool is off the path, off the rails, having fun, going against authority and social norm. He’s seeing two sides of her at once and holding both in very, very high regard as represented through the major arcana. 

Again, I’m not familiar with how they actually know each other or if they’ve publicly been friends or anything, but they do come off like they know each other very, very well, but there’s that weird thing where Irene is pretending not to know Jin… like energetically and subconsciously. She’s pushing that connection away and has something to do with the emotional state. Very strange, but very interesting.