How do Hyunjin and Felix connect?

How do these two 00s connect?
— anonymous @

They have an interesting connection, or at least Hyunjin’s side is interesting as he is perceiving Felix’s projected energy (9 of Pentacles, his Earthy Virgo energy) as his own, but is reflecting it at a higher state in the form of The High Priestess. Then to compensate that somehow, he’s projecting the reversed Hanged Man, reversed Pisces energy along with the Ace of Swords. If I had to put into simple terms, it’s like Pisces is looking at Virgo on the opposite side of the zodiac and mistaking it for its own reflection, but doesn’t feel like it’s its reflection… because it’s not. So, Pisces tries to fit the mold of what it sees in the “mirror” by keeping its thoughts together, grounding itself, staying in reality where Virgo is. It’s really weird, it’s like he’s TRYING VERY HARD to relate to Felix, but doesn’t realize that he’s doing it THAT MUCH.

On the other end, as I mentioned, Felix is projecting the 9 of Pentacles, very stable and independent energy, just kind of doing his own thing, and he sees Hyunjin as reversed Justice, reversed balance, so imbalance. As in, Virgo can see what Pisces is doing and is like, lol, what the fuck bruh??? It really comes off like Felix is trying to stay in his own lane and just focus on ~earthly matters~ and Hyunjin is over here doing all sorts of weird stuff in order to connect to him in a way that’s… not typical for them, I guess? I do keep seeing as literally happening between Pisces and Virgo, so maybe it’s just a matter of their core energy. 

I suppose that would make sense as the way they meet here energetically is through The Magician, which is a point of manifestation, which is an aspect of Pisces and Virgo combined, however, with the 8 of Swords there, it’s showing that both sides are blind to that potential. Currently, they wouldn’t actually balance with each other as Hyunjin is doing some kind of energy bending mind trick to come off like a Virgo while Felix is put off by it and pushing it away. They’d have to be within their own energies in order to do up the whole Magician thing.