Energy Check-Up for Kim Jongdae

Heya! Can you do a reading on Chen? Just wanna know how he’s doing. It must have not been easy to announce to the public that he’s getting married and having a child. Also how did SM and the members react to the news? Lastly, will he stay in EXO or will he settle down and focus on his family?
— anonymous @ tumblr

The energy that came up here was a bit tense and was coming through kind of broken. It’s not anything terrible or worrisome, it just seems to be focused on a lot of stress. For the overall energy that is currently surrounding him regarding this situation, two cards came out together but they were stuck to one another, perfectly lined up with the reversed 5 of Swords behind the 8 of Swords. With the focus on the suit of Swords, there is a focus on communication which, due to the “broken connection” with the energy, I am just assuming this is specifically related to the public announcement. 

Between the reversed 5 of Swords and the 8 of Swords, there is a conflicting perspective which — again I’m assuming — are directed towards his own view or feelings of the announcement itself. The reversed 5 of Swords specifically points to an end of a conflict, potentially putting an end to rumors if that was an issue before the announcement or an end to arguments that were taking place around the discussion of the announcement. I was getting something with this card about lying. I don’t know if it was pointing towards arguments about lying, he or someone else wanted to “lie” or keep it a secret, or if it’s more about a concern of having to lie to the public, having to hide things. The reversed 5 of Swords shows a release from that tension, but it was sitting behind the 8 of Swords, completely covered.

The 8 of Swords is about feeling trapped and restrained, a card I typically associate with overwhelming external input, external opinions that add a lot of tension or resistance to a situation. So, it’s like he got out of one tough spot and now he’s in a new one, but it’s bigger, there are literally more Swords, more thoughts, more words being thrown around about the matter. He was relieved of the pressure of the interpersonal discussions of the matter but once it was released to the public he now has to be concerned with the thoughts and opinions of strangers about him and his family. 

Just from my non-channeled-due-to-broken-and-stressed-energy perspective, I’d kind of assume that he didn’t want to announce it to the world. With that sense of feeling trapped in the public eye with this issue and the presence of the Knight of Pentacles which came up as this big bold-letter sign that said, RESPONSIBILITY, it just feels very pressurized all the way around. He’s just doing what he thinks is right or what he was told is right, but on a more personal level, I’d say he would have preferred to keep his private life private and not expose such a personal situation to the world.

I didn’t really look into how the other members reacted because… well, external opinion seems to be a sour spot for him right now so I just didn’t want to poke around for that kind of thing, but I did pull for current potentials, like what might be coming for him in the near future, what he might be dealing with or doing following this current state. 

For that he got the 7 of Wands which the keyword for this card explains it well enough — “competition, success, making it work, fighting for yourself, defensiveness.” This does seem to point to a bit of tension and struggle, the likes of which seem to affect his career. This aspect of “fighting for yourself” and “making it work” feels like trying to hold on to the current, or I suppose the previous state he had with his career, kind of trying to keep things normal and keep things running as smoothly as possible. This could also point to a struggle where all people want to talk about is his personal life and he would prefer to be focused on work while he’s WORKING, you know, so there’s kind of that battle to maintain the control and direction of certain aspects of his career.

This card was then supplemented by the reversed 6 of Cups which points to being stuck in the past, especially on an emotional level. Considering that strong need to keep things how they were before the announcement there could be a lot of stress involved that he wishes he didn’t have and therefore literally is anchoring himself into the previous state within his career and public image which he seems ready to kind of hold together with a lot of strong effort. 

It does kind of feel like he would be working against himself though and there’s this sort of weird instability to it which seem like he wouldn’t really be able to keep that fight up for a long time and it would come undone in one way or another and push him in a different direction.