How do strangers see Hoseok?

Hi! I think I remember you doing that “how ppl see a member when they met for the first time” for every BTS member except for Hoseok. Can you, please, do such reading for him as well? Thank you!
— anonymous @ tumblr
Can you do a how strangers see Hoseok reading? thank you!!
— anonymous @
Will you do a “How Strangers See…” reading for Hoseok next?
— anonymous @

The first two cards out show this interesting state of dualism as the initial impression of Hoseok can either be one of the Page of Wands or the King of Cups, a hot or cold kind of deal. The Page of Wands is this very eccentric energy, one I was seeing as these flashing and flying strings of neon light that formed into a scribbled face, one with a blank expression, before flickering and fizzling out entirely. The King of Cups is more subdued, more within himself, but observant and tentative to other people. 

It was interesting because at first, I was assuming these were two separate impressions based on two polar opposite moods that he might display depending on the situation, but every time I tried to focus in on the details of one, the other would kind of scoot its butt into my face. They are a pair, they exist in the same space in spite of being complete opposites. The next set of cards explained why.

Justice popped out alongside the reversed Ace of Pentacles, showing that the impression had more to do with the person observing Hoseok than it had to do with how Hoseok was actually behaving. Whether he’s coming off very hyper and flamboyant, or very quiet and serious, no matter what, depending on the person observing him, both of those states can be interpreted as either the Page of Wands or the King of Cups.

The best way I can think to explain it is that it’s happening through relatability. Some people can look at Hoseok and see him bouncing off the walls and think, “oh yeah, that’s the Page of Wands, that’s a balls-to-the-wall kind of guy.” While others who may also share that personality trait and maybe know and understand that people that get overly joyous are kind of overcompensating for some internal lows within themselves which they would then interpret as the King of Cups, as this subdued emotion, hidden emotions. The same thing goes around for when he’s more quiet and serious. The Page of Wands would show a quiet and serious Hoseok as a focused, perfection-oriented, even hot-headed person who’s leading the way, such as that scary-serious look he gets when he’s monitoring choreography. Other people can interpret that as someone who is very contemplative, sort of observing the world quietly from his own little watchtower, kind of distant and disconnected, but still open and caring like the King of Cups.

It matters more how the person observing him sees themselves than how they actually see him because, pretty much, they’re just bouncing their own image off of him in order to understand him. If that’s the case then, in general, you can kind of assume that Hoseok is NOT easy to understand, he’s not easy to read even when he’s projecting so much because people can see two completely opposite ends in one modality. 

It’s similar to what Taehyung does in the sense of masking himself to fit a certain situation, however, Hoseok is not specifically targeting anyone or anything, he’s not trying to show you what you want to see, he’s not really trying to show you anything. He’s just either ON or OFF — ON being his “HOPE!!” persona and OFF being just himself, relaxed and just sort of vibing. The reason people are seeing their own reflections is that he’s literally not giving you anything, he’s not trying to. He’s performing or living and how you or any stranger interprets that is based solely on how they see themselves.