Energy Check-Up for Jung Hoseok

I wanna know if Hoseok health? Is he OK and healthy??
— Anonymous @ tumblr

I got a visual right away as his energy was extremely open and seemed very eager for a connection specifically for this reading which had me a little like 👀 but you know, sure, I’m game. It was kind of weird because this visual was followed by a physical sensation as well. The visual was that of a transparent skull with a metal rod going through it at the temples, and on the end of the rod were these two balls that had like electric currents in them. The words “stimulation” and “resuscitation” came up with that. The image of the electrical currents in the balls was really fuzzy and I was about to make a note, literally say it out loud, that there was “static in the brain” and before I could I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and this little tingle go over the left side of my head and then down my neck. Very interesting.

But yeah, the resuscitation has to do with all that malarkey that happened prior to the soul body healing with Hoseok having his energy center in that body completely ripped apart which require Jimin and Yoongi’s energy in order for it to heal and balance out again. The first two cards out which were the Page of Wands and the reversed 9 of Pentacles was a direct thing about it being energetic, not physical, so it’s not something that is directly happening to him consciously. If you’ve read any of the readings involving him then you’ve seen that the King of Wands is like HIS CARD just as the Page of Wands is usually Kook’s card and the Queen of Swords is Jimin’s. Here it’s like the King died and then was revived or “reborn” as the Page. It’s completely fresh.

I was a bit confused by this because last time I checked, everything was perfectly fine in the body and his energy center was perfectly well and had even disconnected from Jimin and Yoongi’s energy lines, so what was he being “revived” or “reborn” from? Turns out Namjoon is doing some shit. I’ve talked about it before but Namjoon is in charge of conscious level shifts in the body while Yoongi is in charge of energetic shifts. Yoongi anchors in energy while Namjoon channels shit, a good little team those two. The cards on the left with The Empress, Page of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, The Hermit, Death, and The Sun are all stimulants (the metal rod with the electrodes on it) from Namjoon, specifically stuff having to do with the album, music, ideas for the album and music. Pretty much Namjoon has been talking a lot, lol.

This is stimulating Hoseok’s conscious awareness, most likely having him turn inward and is now starting to make inner connections. It’s still a slow process but his soul is literally “revived” or “reborn” because of it, so that’s pretty cool. I mean, considering what this coming album is supposed to be about, I suppose that all makes sense but it’s still very interesting to actually see it happening in that way.

So, yeah, he seems to be doing okay, nothing really major in the conscious space other than the whole energetic metal rod through the head thing. In terms of health, I don’t think he’s dealing too much with the cosmic shifts and all that. It used to cause him a lot of stress and physical pain, but I don’t think that’s a huge issue right now.