Energy Check-Up for Jeon Jungkook

can you do a short reading on how jungkook is feeling right now? what is his life currently filled with & is he looking for anything? thanks ♡
— Anonymous @ tumblr

As always the Page of Wands came out for him as soon as I connected, except this time it slammed itself down on the table in reverse. It was then followed by the Page of Swords upright, and then the Ace of Cups, King of Wands, The Magician, and The Star all flew out together and landed in reverse. So, pretty much he’s still pretty much in that state that he was in with his December reading as well as his and Namjoon’s relationship reading. It’s disconnected but he’s in a state of transition towards connection and self-awareness. Literally, with all of those reversed cards, it’s like the lights to his “house” or his core are all turned off and everything is very directed towards the conscious levels and the physical space.

On a conscious level, things seem a bit mixed up and there’s pressure around trying to focus on one thing, or trying to grab one thing. It was kind of weird but I was seeing it like a person trying to squish flies in mid-air. There’s just a lot of distraction and annoying shit going on and it’s really difficult to just take one problem and solve it before moving onto another. It’s just a lot all at once. The 9 of Swords was more centered in the subconscious but that could be emotional or mental stress as well. It’s leading straight into the 8 of Cups, the High Priestess, and then The Lovers, which is literally that transition from the conscious awareness into a deeper connection through the subconscious or self-analysis.

Specifically speaking, the cups in the 8 of Cups, the ones he’s leaving behind in order to move on with his life and start a new journey, they are pretty much the flies that I was seeing the person swatting at. It’s stuff that he has to let go of so that he can move on. I imagine it has to do with the separation stuff both consciously and unconsciously. I’ve talked about it before in his Elemental Alignment reading and I think I touched on it in Jimin and Kook’s relationship reading, but he is a very sentimental person and he does seem to have a lot of difficulty with giving things up or accepting big changes especially if he thinks they can be avoided.

As always, it’s nothing to be concerned about. Just like everyone else, he’s being pushed into the right direction, following the others, so he’ll be able to figure things out on his own eventually.