Will EXO renew/terminate their contracts?

Strong rumors going around right now about some of EXO members didn’t want to renewing their contracts. Can you please look at EXO?
— Anonymous @ tumblr

There is a bit of mixed up energy around this, specifically towards contract renewals. There does seem to bea conversation around quitting or “not contributing” to the group or to the company, but there isn’t really any specifics towards who or how many members are seriously considering that. The thing is though that The High Priestess came out between the Knight of Wands and the Queen of Wands, all three reversed, and this points to this member, or members, considering quitting but they are not really able to see what would come after that, some of them don’t know what they would do if they left the group.

This could be a group thing as well. I can’t remember if it was EXO but I did a reading for a group sometime last year and there was something similar where the whole group was inching towards disbandment but there were roadblocks or some of them weren’t agreeing to it. It’s a similar kind of vibe. So, they could be discussing complete disbandment, but the whole group has to be on board, and since some of them don’t know what they would do after, it’s a bit mixed up.

A lot of the focus of The High Priestess is going towards the Queen of Pentacles and the 6 of Pentacles which is security and money. The 6 of Pentacles was much more about “resources.” I kept hearing “lost a lot there” over and over again with a visual of the wealthier man in the image of the 6 of Pentacles dropping the coins and it falling straight through the poor man’s hands. So, if some of them leave they could not only be blocked off from resources of the company, but any connections that they had through the company could go with that.

In some shitty situations, in order to keep artists locked down, companies can threaten to “make sure they never work in this town again” as the old saying goes. Pretty much that just means that the company will get other companies to blacklist that artist, same with promotional resources, distributors and all that. A loyal fanbase can definitely go a long way, but if you can’t even find a place to properly manufacture your music it’s a bit of a lost cause. I don’t necessarily think that that is what is going to happen, or that that is even something that’s been put out there, but that’s the vibe that’s coming from the idea of losing resources and security.

And then that all continues on through The Lovers, which is leading into Death, the King of Wands, The Sun, and then finally The Moon. It’s pretty much the idea of what they want to do. The Lovers is that soul guidance, some of them really want to go because there’s stuff that they want to do that they can’t do while in the group. So, Death is like cutting the chord, disbandment or contract termination, followed by the solo and independent King of Wands, who finds all that joy and happiness in The Sun, but then it is followed by the mystery and illusion of The Moon. Even if they complete their goal, they still don’t know what they would do after.

I think this is one of those things that I feel a lot of idols can go through. They’re under strict rules and governing for a good chunk of their lives while acting as trainees and then working idols, so once they get out of that and they have room to be in control, they wig out and end up just putting themselves back in the same situation elsewhere because their sense of independence is not all there. It’s a lot like going to boot camp and getting used to waking up at 6am and doing an intense exercise routine, and then when you go home there’s no one to wake you up and guide your routine so you don’t do it. At first, it’s great because you’re not being forced into anything, but then you’re sleep pattern gets fucked and you start to feel sick because you’re body and mind are all out of sync.

So, there’s a fear around a lot of things pertaining to the potential of disbandment or contract termination. There’s nothing here that makes it seem like a definite choice in either direction, but there is a lot of thought and consideration being put into it by them collectively.