Earth Signs - Nov. 2020

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Astrological Focus: First House

Major Theme: Root Chakra

Projected Influence: Serendipity

This is all quite interesting here as both the First House and the Root Chakra stand as the base of personal structures, they act as initiators in a lot of ways and anchor the individual to their own identity. I was very focused on the idea of something beginning here, something starting up on a solid foundation, but it is something that is coming in two parts, something that is working on the outside and the inside. The First House would be the outside while the Root Chakra would be the inside. 

It’s even more interesting that Serendipity, the card present to show how the two upper energies may present themselves to you, is described first in its book as, “opportunity aligned with readiness.” That struck me pretty dramatically because just at first glance, I really wasn’t seeing how this card fit in with the other two, and I suppose that’s kind of the point. Basically, this single key-phrase is describing what I was seeing with the first two, to begin with, this system of two working parts, one on the outside and one on the inside. The First House would be the outside opportunity and the Root Chakra would be the internal readiness to accept that opportunity. Both stem from you as an individual, but they are on different levels — the Root pertaining to the conscious mind and physical form while the First House, in relation to the Rising Sign, is connected to higher awareness and the Higher Self. 

Serendipity itself is all about synchronicity with higher influences, certain things falling into place and opportunities coming about, signs and messages of guidance popping up seemingly all being a great coincidence, but really there is a rhyme and reason to it all. There is something being initiated, or something is preparing to be built on top of a very sturdy foundation that you have been working on within yourself and within your life overall.

With the astrological focus being the First House, you can focus on this area in your chart for more guidance and understanding, and perhaps work with or meditate on your Rising Sign as well and see if that leads to any of those messages or bits of inspiration coming through for you.

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Message From The First House: Four of Cups

Message From The New Moon in Scorpio (23°, Nov. 15): The Devil + Six of Cups

Message From The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini (8°, Nov. 30): Ace of Swords

The message from the First House here is very much focused on patience and it comes off as a consolation of some kind, almost like this higher part of you, or higher part of the overall Earth collective is saying, “yes, I know it took a while, but it’s motion now, just look how tall this tree is going to grow.” This, of course, connects to the Root Chakra, the base, the literal roots of said tree, that foundation that has already been in place. Because there is a focus on the Rising Sign as well, I feel like a lot of you may come to understand or at least set in motion certain aspects of higher purpose, which will lead you down a path of expansion. In this sense, it’s like you’ve already consciously planted the seed, and the path that the sprout takes to break the surface of the soil is that higher path, the understanding of purpose, and from there it grows quite tall. In this image, it’s like once you get to a certain height, a certain level of awareness, that is when the branches start to fan out, start to expand rapidly, and start to grow fruit, creating a sense of abundance and fulfillment.

The Scorpio New Moon may bring quite an uprising of matters that need to be released for some of you, especially Tauruses as the New Moon will hold that opposition to your Sign. However, all of you may be up for this sense of being eroded by the Fixed Water of Scorpio, shedding layers of packed on dirt for the sake of revealing a truer form, or a much clearer perspective, which I think may have a lot to do with the Ace of Swords.

The Devil, which is Capricorn’s card, is about self-imposed bindings, certain habits, mindsets, perceptions that are bad for us, we know they are bad for us, but ultimately we find it very difficult to break them in spite of how much control we have over the situation. The Six of Cups connects to the past, traditionally it connects directly to childhood, so this may relate to certain conditioning or even trauma from childhood that has been left to dictate the overall functioning of your conscious awareness. There may be aspects of the Ego as well contributing to the layers of dirt, layers of protection, and control that were put in place to hide those issues. Scorpio, The Devil, and New Moons like this can definitely bring about new levels of self-awareness. If you have a Fire Sun, Moon, or Rising, I highly suggest looking at the Fire Signs reading for November as well as this aspect of peeling back layers was very significant there.

Just to take this a bit further, I do want to point out that the 4 of Cups in this deck is associated more so with patience, and in the description of this card the tree is mentioned for the slow but stable growth, but along with that another element is mentioned as well. The rocks and the water in the image are also described as symbols of patience as even though the water moves against them, they will not budge, however, over time, there is an understanding the eventually the water will erode away the rocks. I just thought that was a good layer to add to that to see how these influences are connected and what exactly the goal may be for the system as it moves through for the Earth collective.

And finally, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini presents the Ace of Swords and, as I mentioned, I do see this a being what is revealed through the process of the Fixed Water of Scorpio eroding away those layers of dirt. The Ace of Swords brings about a whole new perspective, a burst of clarity and understanding that then has the potential to contribute greatly to a new path forward, or an expansion of the current one based on the new levels of awareness present. The 4 of Cups, The Devil, and the 6 of Cups all dwell in the realm of the subconscious, of the emotions, connecting to Scorpio directly, while the Ace of Swords connects to observational logic and intellect, connecting to Gemini specifically. It’s a pretty nice and neat patter there, I think, especially when you consider that shift forward with the Sun going from Scorpio to Sagittarius, or the conscious focus going from the 8th House, the depths, to the 9th House of expansion and illumination. 

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External Guidance: Porcupine Spirit — Time for a beginner mind.

Internal Guidance: New Moon in Gemini — Communication is key.

The external guidance seems right on point with the aspects of the Ace of Swords, but also it does feel a bit like an encouraging message, nudging you to really jump into the process presented up there with the 4 of Cups, The Devil, and the 6 of Cups, holding a “beginner mind” as an enthusiasm towards self-exploration and self-understanding. This goes into the message of the inner guidance as well which points to communication, but specifically communication with the self, communication with the self on the other side of those rocks or layers of dirt, communication with the deeper part of your own subconscious, which Scorpio will gladly lead you to throughout Scorpio Season all together. 

It is good to keep in mind that with this kind of communication and this kind of personal development, you have to try very hard to stay mindful of how you actually approach yourself, how you look at yourself in that state. Judgment and criticism towards what you feel, how you feel it, and how you project it or display it will only serve to solidify those walls more or shove that sprouting seed deeper into the soil as a certain level of shame or insecurity can overpower the desire to heal and move past certain aspects presented by The Devil and the 6 of Cups. 

Remember to show yourself compassion and understanding, approach yourself as you would a child if necessary. You listen and you validate, and then you do what you can to heal and console that child until you know for sure they are able to get up, run off, and play with everyone else without any fear or worry.

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  • Harmony (Sun in Libra) // King of Pentacles

  • Authority (Mars in Capricorn) // 2 of Swords

  • Impulsiveness (Mars in Aries) // 10 of Wands

The first set here is really focused on the image as the King and the man in the image of Harmony are both lounging, relaxed, and surrounded by vines and fruits, showing a groundedness and sense of abundance or fulfillment. The King is meant to be a more conscious or physical projection of Harmony, and with that, I find their specific differences very interesting. The King is sat still, covered up all cozy in his clothes, surrounded by all of these greeneries. He has his eyes closed and this gives a feel of being in a state of meditation. This meditation puts his conscious awareness into the form of the man in the image of Harmony, who is naked, out in a more open space, very relaxed and comfortable. This gave me the vibe of the King being present in his inner world where he can be his truest form.

Along with that, we can pay close attention to what it is the man in Harmony is actually doing. He’s sat there with his vines and fruits, symbolically connected to the sprouting seed and the tree from earlier while communicating with these birds that flock all around him. In my mind, I was seeing these birds as being certain subconscious matters, heavy emotions, harsh truths of the self, all connecting back to The Devil specifically. At first glance, Harmony may assume these birds are coming along to peck all the fruit from his vines which would, one, take away his sense of security and abundance, two, take away his sense of pride or conservatism as those vibes are covering his nether bits, and three, potentially bring about very real harm and distress as, again, his nether bits are exposed down there under them vines so if birds start pecking at random, trying to get fruit, they may come back with a bit more than they expected. This, of course, in terms of emotional issues and subconscious matters relating to trauma can lead someone, especially by way of the ego, to completely avoid the birds, avoid those issues and repress them as deeply as possible in order to avoid that pain.

However, Harmony has been achieved in this image as the man holds out his hand and seems to communicate with the birds, inviting them into his space, discovering that they aren’t really there to take anything or cause any harm. They just exist in that space, the space that is an extension of his own awareness, a space he does in fact have complete control over. In that sense, he is then able to greet each bird individually, or move through different subconscious blocks one at a time, getting to know them deeply, processing them, and then either integrating them or releasing them and letting the matter go to the best of his ability. Without this fear or need to suppress certain aspects of the self, without all of those layers to work through, you can be sure that the seed will take root and the sprout will break the surface of the soil and grow into a fine tree.

The last two sets go together and they do follow the occurrences of Harmony and the King of Pentacles. Really, the King of Pentacles may be a state that is maintained throughout November, or at least the rest of Scorpio Season in order to give enough time, energy, and focus to the inner world, so the last two sets, especially with that Mars energy, that Fire energy potentially being triggered by the start of Sagittarius Season. Basically, these cards show potential paths but also serve as a bit of a warning to stay grounded and keep things in check, just to maintain a certain level of balance for yourself. 

Authority, which connects to Capricorn and feels like this sudden realization that you’ve essentially taken the power out of The Devil or recognized your control, your authority, and therefore you very quickly move into a decision-making process with the 2 of Swords. The image there is very significant as the woman is blindfolded, implying that some of you may act very quickly with some things, making decisions, especially ones with long-term effects, without fully sitting back and really looking at them. 

I feel like this might come through for some people who get this sudden confidence boost and want to avoid second-guessing themselves as much as possible — which is great, however, you are still Earth Signs, you still require certain levels of certainty and stability, which can only be acquired through patient, step-by-step movements forward. This is the same with Impulsiveness, which is associated with Aries, where the 10 of Wands shows too much work, too much physical action being taken towards certain changes or certain goals to the point that you, much like the 2 of Swords shows, blind yourself and lose track of the bigger picture, or the destination in the distance.

These things can still be worked with of course, but as I said, it is good to keep yourself grounded and to maintain that higher awareness, the view of the bigger picture, and to consider your steps before you take them. 
