Fire Signs - Nov. 2020

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Astrological Focus: Pisces

Major Theme: Prosperity

Projected Influence: Message In A Bottle

In the month of November, it will be important to pay attention to the sign of Pisces, both in your birth chart and in current transits. Right now, and for the rest of the month, the only planet that is in Pisces is Neptune, it’s ruler. Only between the 22nd and the 24th will Neptune be joined by the Moon in Pisces, coming into conjunction at 18° on the 23rd. It is good to keep in mind that Neptune is also in retrograde, casting a heavy fog throughout the sign for those who already find difficulty traversing the energy of Pisces, however, in this case, it would seem moving through this space is something meant for Fire Signs this month, so don’t let that worry you too much.

The aspect of deconstruction for the sake of reconstruction is what is coming through the most here with Pisces, along with the shedding of many layers in the consciousness that make it difficult to connect to higher awareness. Much like the image on the Pisces card, it’s this emergence of light, of Fire, in this dark, foggy, and mysterious place within your being. This will lead into Prosperity, which was coming off more as a matter of expansion and growth of the inner being. In my head, I was seeing it like someone cutting the plastic wrapping off of one of those compacted shipped mattresses and it rapidly expanding out into its actual shape. 

If you hold that image of the mattress, you can see that before it is able to come to its final form, its intended form, it has to escape many different layers of binding — first the box, then the tape, then the plastic, and then finally, it has to release itself from the rolled up or folded shape it was in order to fit in that box.

For the Prosperity card, two lines within this card’s description stood out to me in relation to what I had been seeing for it: 

The new energy is asking us to revisit and redefine how we want to perceive many human concepts to help us re-create a reality that reflects a new and more expanded consciousness. The way in which we perceive and experience our state of Prosperity is important to the creation of our new reality.
— Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, LON
The new energy invites us to reconsider our feelings of joy, love, compassion, and connection to self and others, in addition to the fulfillment of our more mundane and physical needs — all are part of our sense of Prosperity.
— Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, LON

This all seems to come back to that state of Pisces, the point of a beginning and an end, this sort of infinite loop that is difficult to pin down. It’s difficult to explain it honestly, but it’s really all coming down to this idea that a lot of you know your box, but have forgotten your mattress — or in better terms, you know your ego, but you’ve forgotten your soul. You’ve forgotten the true desires of the soul, the true awareness and wisdom of the soul, the potential of the soul, and there is this prompt to start peeling back the layers, to enter the realm of Pisces, the 12th House — again, focus on it in your birth chart to see how to navigate it better — in order to really reconnect to that, bring light to it, and start to integrate it again. There is a strong sense of rebirth with this as well, but it feels distant as if the process you begin here with this will eventually lead to an ego-death of sorts and a rebirth that will put you more in alignment with your soul on a conscious level. 

Opening up and connecting to this deeper space within yourself, this higher awareness does open the door for guidance and clarity, which came in with the Message In A Bottle card. This is one of my favorite cards because it really is so deeply connected to Water energy. It contains messages that can only come through when you are in flow with that Water, moving with the currents, steady with the waves, and not fighting against any of it. I feel like there’s a lot of fight in that plastic and that tape, in the tension of the mattress when it is folded up, so that’s something to be aware of as well. 

I really wish I could explain what this actually feels and looks like to me. It’s such an insanely vivid situation in which Water and Fire are being prompted to balance and I’ve talked about before how incredibly difficult it can be to balance Water and Fire together consciously within an individual. If there’s even a tiny bit too much Water, all of the Fire is dowsed and gone away, just a bit too much Fire and all of the Water has been evaporated. It can be a very unforgiving process when you try to put them in the same space, but when you actually do and you get it to work and you find that balance, it is some of the most crystal clear, sharp, silvery, glittery, cartoony kind of magic that I can think of. It is the merging of the Third Eye Chakra with the Sacral Chakra, the projection of the vision, and the will and physical projection to actually bring that vision to life.

In my mind, I keep going back to the Wands suit in Tarot, which is associated with Fire, and then to The Magician who holds the wand, a symbol of his power. They’re different wands, of course, technically one is a staff, but you know, work with what you got, I guess. Basically, I was seeing it as if a lot of you have been using your Fire as a torch that you hold out in front of you to light your way through a dark hallway at night on your way to the bathroom, or through the woods on a hunting trip, or under a car when you’re trying to fix it. It’s being used very practically, but in such small ways compared to what you could be doing. You’re not really seeing your full potential. 

Going back to the mattress thing again — comparing the mattress when it’s folded up and compacted, vacuum-sealed, inside the box versus when it is fully expanded and reinflated — you know the box, and therefore you know a smaller version of yourself. In November, with this prompt to focus on Pisces, with this prompt to peel back the layers and reconnect and revive the soul on a conscious level, you are coming to understand your true potential, the real use of your Fire, of your wand. 

Especially when it comes to creation and will, this seems very important. I was just thinking about the process of manifestation and how it moves from Water (inspiration) to Air (planning), to Fire (action), to Earth (final product/profit). Fire really is the most important part of that puzzle. If you take Water out you can still have a pretty standard, dry, mundane plan that can be executed with just Air and Fire. It will be very plain and not really capture people emotionally, but it’s something. And you can take Air out of the equation, taking Water directly to Fire, and get this crazy abstract, hyper-bizarre creation that you’d probably need to drop acid in order to understand, but it’s still a creation that can be brought to form. If you take Fire out, nothing is going to happen. 

Fire is the bridge from idea to physical form, it is the bridge from the internal world to the external world, it is creation itself. It is not just a spark or the gun that fires at the beginning of a race, it’s not just an initiator, it is the process in its entirety. That is what some of you really need to come to understand through the realm of Pisces, through the realm of the unseen, of the beginnings and ends, of life and death. It can be easy to assume that Fire Signs wouldn’t fit too well in the realm of Mutable Water, but once you get there you may be surprised to find that you’ve had a place at the dinner table this whole time.

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Message From Pisces: Page of Cups

Message From The New Moon in Scorpio (23°, Nov. 15): The World

Message From The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini (8°, Nov. 30): Ten of Swords

Everything here kind of works together in a sense if we look at these influences based on Pisces and the Moon alone. Pisces brings the message of the Page of Cups, an encouragement towards starting a new phase, working towards some kind of inner refresh while the New Moon in Scorpio brings about The World. The World is the last card in the major arcana, it is completion but completion brought about through harmony and balance, a story ending with no loose strings and no lingering questions. Both of these are very internal, deep, subconscious, and such, as you would expect Pisces and Scorpio to be.

However, at the end there, with the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, there is a more conscious level “execution” of certain perceptions of the self. The image on the card shows ten swords being plunged into an old computer, which made me think of the box that the mattress comes in — stabbing the box, killing the ego, killing off the self-imposed restrictions that you’ve applied to yourself. 

To be more specific, the 10 of Swords always displays the aftermath of some kind of destruction, something that is unavoidable and ultimately undeniable, so really, the shedding of the layers, or at the very least, the shedding of the box and the viewing of all the tape and plastic around the compressed mattress is probably in full swish by the New Moon with The World, and what is left after is the 10 of Swords. This opens you up to the reconstruction following the deconstruction. Interestingly enough, Swords are associated with Air and in the process of manifestation, Fire naturally follows, meaning that the next step following the Ten of Swords would be the Ace of Wands, a reform of Fire. 

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External Guidance: Owl Spirit — You see clearly now.

Internal Guidance: Mutable Moon — Nothing is yet set in stone. 

Again, these messages work together to paint a picture of reassurance and confirmation that the space of Pisces, the 12th House, Mutable Water is open for you to explore and utilize for the sake of personal understanding and progression in ways that it may not have been before. The external guidance for the Fire collective states that, “you see clearly now.” This really made me think of the image of Pisces again where the light starts to break the infinite fog and mystery of Pisces/12th House. The Owl itself is a being of higher awareness, both intuitive and intellectual understanding, so there’s this sense of literally being guided to those open doorways by external guidance on an individual level, like personal messengers swooping overhead to lead you to where you need to be.

The internal guidance, the Mutable Moon, “nothing is yet set in stone,” really gives me this vibe of the soul specifically stating that, yes, we hold more forms than just the box that you know. Or, the soul stating there is more to you than just the ego. As I mentioned, there can be a lot of fight and tension in the way that the mattress is folded, compressed, and bound in order to fit inside the box, and I feel like a lot of that fight can sometimes be projected towards the self. Fire Signs can sometimes hold themselves to very high standards, have very high expectations for themselves, and can really be very critical when they don’t fit those frames they’ve made for themselves. This is a reminder that Fire is just as fluid as Water, it’s just as free and capable of evolving and transforming a million times over.

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  • Vision (Sun in Pisces) // The Hanged Man

  • Eccentricity (Saturn in Aquarius) // 2 of Swords

  • Revenge (Mars in Scorpio) // Death + 8 of Wands + Queen of Wands

Following through with the influence of Pisces, you have the Vision there, which is the Sun in Pisces, supplemented by The Hanged Man, which is Pisces’ card. With the way I had this full spread laid out on my desk, Pisces, the Page of Cups, the Owl, Vision, and The Hanged Man were all laid out in a perfect row, top to bottom. Every section of this reading was being led by Pisces in some fashion which, again, really drives it home that this is something to pay close attention to in the month of November, especially through Scorpio Season. 

The first set with Vision and The Hanged Man, it is simply reiterating the aspect of bringing Fire, illumination, the Sun, into the realm of Pisces in order for you to observe what is there for you. The Hanged Man is the more conscious and physical reflection of this as the man is viewing the world from a different perspective, implied to be looking inward rather than outward, as light, illumination, clarity shines around his head. This is you in a suspended state consciously on some kind of inner journey with your torch through the realm of Pisces.

The middle set is interesting because it does present the divide between who’s going to remove the bindings and who isn’t. I think in one way or another, all Fire Signs will shed the box and see what is underneath, but not everyone will want to or be able to remove the tape and plastic right away. Eccentricity and the 2 of Swords both share a similar meaning in the realm of making decisions. Eccentricity, in relation to Saturn in Aquarius, is like a judgment call being made towards an action that will become a legacy, it won’t be undone. The 2 of Swords, however, again a conscious level projection, is simply choosing left or right, up or down, a very fifty-fifty kind of vibe, it’s a simple yes or no. On the surface, it won’t seem so serious, even to you as you are actually in the depths of it all, but that’s because this revolves around the inner being, the ego, and the soul. In relation to Air, this could be connected back to the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini as well, marking a definitive decision on how you will choose to proceed — not necessarily forever, but for an extended period of time.

Finally, the last set I would imagine is only for those of you that choose to continue on with the deeper soul progression and expansion. Revenge, Mars in Scorpio, presents an activation in the realm of evolution and radical, sometimes diabolical change. Rather than revenge specifically, it feels like a “making up for lost time,” kind of situation, where there is just this incredible urge to actually reach your full potential, make things happen, and charge ahead as you always do, but with you soul being the navigator rather than purely the ego. 

Down below that, on a conscious level, you have Death, which is Scorpio’s card, representing the willful and voluntary choice to proceed with a deep inner shift that will eventually reflect externally, rather than going for an involuntary external shift that would force an internal shift, which would bring about The Tower rather than Death. Death, the inner transformation stimulates, literally shoots energy through the 8 of Wands, towards the Queen of Wands. This feels more in line with someone who is aware of their power, both internally and externally, and is determined to do whatever they need to in order to reach their full potential and extend that drive to the people around them to do the same. The Queen of Wands expands herself but she does the same for the people of her kingdom, she leads a way of evolution and creation, of well-defined legacy. She carries both intellect and intuition, both femininity and masculinity in order to work with the world around her and get shit done.
